The Democratic Party - The Party of Election Fraud, Cheaters, & Race-Baiters


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Year, Another Election, Another Election Fraud / Cheating Scandal Put On Display By DEMOCRATS...

In 2016, Hillary Clinton set a new record for Election Frau & Cheating by a Presidential candidate as she was caught rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, violating election and campaign finance laws, hiring thugs to beat up opponent supporters at her opponent's rallies, and even illegally colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the election.

This year, 2018, the Democrats again did not even try to hide their illegal attempts to steal elections.

And ... as usual ... When the get caught doing so they either blame others, a.c. use others of dpi g what they were caught doing, or - one of their most favorite tactics - they call those pointing out their crimes a 'RACIST':

Broward election boss says racism may be behind clamor against her

"Snipes, who has come under heavy criticism over her handling of the Florida recount after the contentious midterm elections earlier this month, told The Guardian that she believes protesters camped outside the Broward recount center could be there out of hatred of her skin color.

Though she declined to elaborate during her brief interview, when asked if race played a factor, she answered: “Probably. Probably.”

Snipes, who has a history of election missteps, has been under the microscope ever since Florida ordered a statewide recount last Saturday."

Snipes has been caught committing election fraud and breaking election laws in 2002, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2016, and now again in 2018.

The 'RACIST protesors' she claimed camped outside the Browsed County Re-Count Center because the for of her skin were actually citizens who were calling for State and a federal officials to step in, secure the ballots, and prevent S ipes from breaking MORE laws and illegally altering the election than she already had.

“There is no question that Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes failed to comply with Florida law on multiple counts, undermining Floridians’ confidence in our electoral process. Supervisor Snipes should be removed from her office following the recounts.”

And like every other crime, dirty trick, cheating attempt, and false allegation, their attempt to steal the elections in Florida blew up in their faces ...

Charlie Kirk: Democrats come out the big losers in Florida’s election mess

Democrats gave a new, proven, well-earned nickname:

Dem's collude with Mexico to undermine our elections. Give sanctuary to millions of illegals who kill Americans. Dem's try to rig elections and lie pretending to be Trump supporters to get elected. There is no greater threat to our country.

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