The Democrat "Pot Vote"

Lowering the prison population due to overly harsh sentencing for pot possession will also help reduce government spending...that's something the GOP is usually all about.

oh yeah, and pot isn't hazardous to your health, it just has some minor side effects.

decriminalization does not equate with legalization and glorification.
driving stoned will do that to you too.

Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. So don't make stupid generalizations, especially ones based on anedotal experience.

talk about making stupid generalizations, you assume everyone who drinks gets behind the wheel drunk. you also assume everyone who drinks, gets drunk. anyone you know who mokes pot just because they like the taste?

plenty, but you tend to be wrong about everything anyways.
And you're for huge big honking government if you agree with the war on drugs.

There's a big difference between safe and sane law enforcement and Democrats/Obama in government promoting drug use for votes..

I suspect you're lost in a pot cloud and incapable of logical thought...:eusa_naughty:

Alcohol is far more damaging on the brain, particularly the developing teenage brain, than marijuana. There is no evidence marijuana damages brain tissue.

Study finds marijuana has no effect on teen brain tissue, unlike alcohol use | Circa News

If I had children, I would rather they smoke pot than drink.

you can feed your future children with watever you want, but that does not change the fact that THC is extremely toxic for young brains and induce psychosis and schizophrenia.
Adolescent brain maturation, the endogenous cannabinoid system and the neurobiology of cannabis-induced schizophrenia

not to even mention that one can drink alcohol and NOT be even in euphoria - which means no effect on brain at all but one can not use marijuana and not become "stoned" which means brain intoxication ALWAYS.

and if you want to screen your kids for a possible cerebellar stroke because of marijuana use - go ahead, the results are unpredicted:
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I know a lot of alkies. I wish one of my alkie friends had fallen asleep. Instead, he drove drunk and killed a mother and child. But that's an alky for you.

driving stoned will do that to you too.

Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. .

No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.
driving stoned will do that to you too.

Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. .

No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Ok lets cut the shit. If you take a sip you get buzzed - If you take a toke you get buzzed

If you drink heavy you will get drunk - If you smoke heavy you'll get stoned.

Please stop with this bullshit that people drink ONLY because they like the taste and they get NO BUZZ. Additionally stop the bullshit that whenever and how ever much someone smokes it always ends in being stoned out your gorde.

Both do the same things the only difference is how you perceive it
driving stoned will do that to you too.

Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. .

No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Whaaaat? Thats bullshit. Smoke a little,get slightly stoned. Drink a little,get slightly drunk.
As always ... it appears there is a wealth of misinformation out there.
Getting your information from "Reefer Madness" will do that to you.

As for intoxicants, alcohol has it's pro's and cons. So does pot.
One is not a bigger threat to society than the other.

In fact, since alcohol produces more aggression in many - pot is probably the lesser threat to society. (Eating a bunch of twinkies and chips really isn't as bad as beating your wife and kids now is it?)

And with both drugs you can find very high-functioning abusers and you can find "skid-row" types.

I do sort of wonder how the far right reconciles a war on pot with the ideal of less intrusive government?????
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Well one thing is for sure if you're in a jazz club one of those negros on the pot will attempt to take your white woman away from you and charm her with his exotic hip movements and slang. Ya dig?
You're a little light in the ideas department. Whats your plan? What do you believe?

I started the thread to get the discussion going. I don't have a plan, I'm just interested in reading over the responses and adding my 2 cents.

Of course you dont have an idea. Of course you are only interested in adding your 2 cents. Thats all you have.

My feeling is that in moderation and absolute concern for others safety pot, alcohol, prescriptions and mind manipulation drugs would be fine but that's rarely the case.

But only one is illegal

Okay.. be a putz.. I can have fun with that...:lol:

btw.. enjoy posting in the thread and you're welcome.
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It only seems hypocritical, they really do care about health and reefercusions....:razz:

The Republican anti-pot vote... It only seems hypocritical, they really do care about intrusive government and individual liberty.

Funny... when you consider that Democrats want the whole country bending over and spreading their cheeks, losing all privacy for government and Obamacare..:smoke:
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It only seems hypocritical, they really do care about health and reefercusions....:razz:

The Republican anti-pot vote... It only seems hypocritical, they really do care about intrusive government and individual liberty.

Funny... when you consider that Democrats want the whole country bending over and spreading their cheeks, losing all privacy for government and Obamacare..:smoke:

That's why Bush and the GOP started the NSA, PATRIOT act, and homeland security
With the New Year, Colorado became the first state to legalize recreational pot. Although Americans have warmed up to weed nationwide, legalization still generally polls better among voters who tend to support Democrats as opposed to Republicans. So pot proponents should light one up especially for the 117,000 voters who voted against Obama in 2012 but for recreational pot—despite Romney’s opposition. These voters account for at least half of the Colorado amendment’s victory margin. And interestingly, they appeared in particularly large numbers in rural counties, conservative districts, as the map illustrates.

In my county of Teller, we're so conservative--we don't even have Democrats running for elected office up here--they don't even try. Yet my county voted for and approved the legalization of marijuana.

Also NOTE--Colorado Springs--Home of Focus on the family and considered by many to be the church capital of the world voted to legalize Marijuana.

SO as we can see from the below map--the legalization of marijuana in this state had a lot to do with conservatives voting to legalize it. In fact, it was much more popular (vote wise) than the reelection of Barack Obama--as Marijuana and the legalization of it actually got a lot more votes that Obama did.

So NO--Marijuana is not just a democrat pot thing.


Click on the above link to see the interactive map of which county voted AGAINST Obama but approved legalizing marijuana. It will SURPRISE you.
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There's a big difference between safe and sane law enforcement and Democrats/Obama in government promoting drug use for votes..

I suspect you're lost in a pot cloud and incapable of logical thought...:eusa_naughty:

Alcohol is far more damaging on the brain, particularly the developing teenage brain, than marijuana. There is no evidence marijuana damages brain tissue.

Study finds marijuana has no effect on teen brain tissue, unlike alcohol use | Circa News

If I had children, I would rather they smoke pot than drink.

When you pay enough, any result is possible, it pays the bills..

How do you feel about the actual smoke itself, the results and the psychological dependence, habitual use and the basic "stupid" are an obvious problem.

In the younger years I tried it out but alas it effected my motivation and opportunities for advancement.

Sounds like you are a pretty weak person if it effected you in such a way.
Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. .

No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Ok lets cut the shit. If you take a sip you get buzzed - If you take a toke you get buzzed

Not true. Might not even get a feeling of buzz - depends on the amount and strength of "sip" and your body mass.
If you drink heavy you will get drunk - If you smoke heavy you'll get stoned.

no, if you simply smoke - you get stoned. you get stone anytime your smoke - and that is the fundamental difference with the buzz.
Please stop with this bullshit that people drink ONLY because they like the taste and they get NO BUZZ. Additionally stop the bullshit that whenever and how ever much someone smokes it always ends in being stoned out your gorde.

Both do the same things the only difference is how you perceive it

please stop you bullshit that alcohol equals pot, because it does not. POT GETS YOU INTOXICATED EVERY TIME YOU SMOKE, ALCOHOL DEPENDS ON A DOZE and you can drink and not get ANY buzz.
Yes it will, which is why I keep saying whatever you have to say about people who smoke pot applies equally to people who drink alcohol. .

No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Whaaaat? Thats bullshit. Smoke a little,get slightly stoned. Drink a little,get slightly drunk.

not true. every time you smoke - you get stoned, because you do not have the dosage on your joint and it differs by strength with a tendency to be much stronger today than it was 30 years ago.

you can have up to 100 ml of alcohol and not even feel the euphoric state.

that is the exact problem with pot - it affects your reasoning abilities every time you smoke.

Unless it can be TITRATED, there is no comparison to alcohol whatsoever.
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The Republican anti-pot vote... It only seems hypocritical, they really do care about intrusive government and individual liberty.

Funny... when you consider that Democrats want the whole country bending over and spreading their cheeks, losing all privacy for government and Obamacare..:smoke:

That's why Bush and the GOP started the NSA, PATRIOT act, and homeland security

The regret is that Democrats and the Obama regime has taken full advantage and expanded operations against the American people and especially political rivals while rank and file Democrats stand by and revel in it.

Now, let's talk hypocrisy and short & long term memory loss...:lol:
No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Ok lets cut the shit. If you take a sip you get buzzed - If you take a toke you get buzzed

Not true. Might not even get a feeling of buzz - depends on the amount and strength of "sip" and your body mass.
If you drink heavy you will get drunk - If you smoke heavy you'll get stoned.

no, if you simply smoke - you get stoned. you get stone anytime your smoke - and that is the fundamental difference with the buzz.
Please stop with this bullshit that people drink ONLY because they like the taste and they get NO BUZZ. Additionally stop the bullshit that whenever and how ever much someone smokes it always ends in being stoned out your gorde.

Both do the same things the only difference is how you perceive it

please stop you bullshit that alcohol equals pot, because it does not. POT GETS YOU INTOXICATED EVERY TIME YOU SMOKE, ALCOHOL DEPENDS ON A DOZE and you can drink and not get ANY buzz.

Smoked a lot of pot have you? And what exactly is a doze.
So you're telling me if I take one hit of pot I'll be just as stoned as if I were to smoke a whole joint?
Damn I've wasted a lot of money over the years......
No, it does not. People can drink alcohol and not get drunk or even get into the state of euphoria, but if you smoke pot - you always get stoned.

That is a fundamental difference.

Ok lets cut the shit. If you take a sip you get buzzed - If you take a toke you get buzzed

Not true. Might not even get a feeling of buzz - depends on the amount and strength of "sip" and your body mass.
If you drink heavy you will get drunk - If you smoke heavy you'll get stoned.

no, if you simply smoke - you get stoned. you get stone anytime your smoke - and that is the fundamental difference with the buzz.
Please stop with this bullshit that people drink ONLY because they like the taste and they get NO BUZZ. Additionally stop the bullshit that whenever and how ever much someone smokes it always ends in being stoned out your gorde.

Both do the same things the only difference is how you perceive it

please stop you bullshit that alcohol equals pot, because it does not. POT GETS YOU INTOXICATED EVERY TIME YOU SMOKE, ALCOHOL DEPENDS ON A DOZE and you can drink and not get ANY buzz. you're saying it's impossible to take a small enough dose of pot to not get totally stoned? You're explanation is...frankly...ridiculous.

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