The Democrat Party need to be destroyed before it destroys America

Agree that the Democrat party of today must be destroyed. They don't represent the average citizen. They're deliberately trying to turn the United States into a socialist society. A political party is supposed to represent the people, not force an agenda on them.

They have become the party of the lazy, stupid and ignorant.

Just look at that agenda that the Loony Tunes pout out last week bitching about cows farting, recommend you drink your own urine, give welfare to those shitheads that are unwilling to work and grounding all airplanes in the world.

Every one of the filthy ass Democrats running for President in 2020 endorsed that lunacy.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much.
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Clever manipulation.

Making us choose between two distasteful agendas.

Two Confederate flags as your avatar is a clear symbol of your mindset.

And we know how detrimental the Dems are.

I put a pox on both your and their houses.

LOL! You are confused.

The Confederate flags were the symbol of the Democrats you nitwit.
Southern Democrats but not the Union Democrats.
*Members of the Democrat Party are lazy, stupid and ignorant, but cunning and powerful enough to destroy America.*

You schizoids are hilarious. :lol:
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Clever manipulation.

Making us choose between two distasteful agendas.

Two Confederate flags as your avatar is a clear symbol of your mindset.

And we know how detrimental the Dems are.

I put a pox on both your and their houses.

LOL! You are confused.

The Confederate flags were the symbol of the Democrats you nitwit.
Until the 1960s dumb sh!t. When conservatives took over the Republican Party and Democrats became the Liberal party.
This is the problem with Republicans and their lack of education. They don’t even know recent history.
Republicans carry the Confederate symbol. And we know Lincoln was no Confederate.
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Clever manipulation.

Making us choose between two distasteful agendas.

Two Confederate flags as your avatar is a clear symbol of your mindset.

And we know how detrimental the Dems are.

I put a pox on both your and their houses.

LOL! You are confused.

The Confederate flags were the symbol of the Democrats you nitwit.
Until the 1960s dumb sh!t. When conservatives took over the Republican Party and Democrats became the Liberal party.
This is the problem with Republicans and their lack of education. They don’t even know recent history.
Republicans carry the Confederate symbol. And we know Lincoln was no Confederate.

Your view of it is as an outsider and an enemy of America.
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Clever manipulation.

Making us between two distasteful agendas.

Two Confederate flags as your avatar is a clear symbol of your mindset.

And we know how detrimental the Dems are.

I put a pox on both your and their houses.

Clever way to avoid a logical debate...if I were you I’d engage and refute the claims made in the OP.

Sure, but you're a whiny little tunt. The claims made in the OP are dumb enough to refute themselves.
King Robert to Ned Stark:

"There's a war coming Ned. I don't know when. I don't know who we'll be fighting. But its coming"
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Clever manipulation.

Making us choose between two distasteful agendas.

Two Confederate flags as your avatar is a clear symbol of your mindset.

And we know how detrimental the Dems are.

I put a pox on both your and their houses.

LOL! You are confused.

The Confederate flags were the symbol of the Democrats you nitwit.
Until the 1960s dumb sh!t. When conservatives took over the Republican Party and Democrats became the Liberal party.
This is the problem with Republicans and their lack of education. They don’t even know recent history.
Republicans carry the Confederate symbol. And we know Lincoln was no Confederate.

Your view of it is as an outsider and an enemy of America.
Perhaps you forgot about Southern Strategy?
There are confederate flag waving republicans winning primaries.

Where are the confederate flag waving democrats?
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
This is a great article outlining the danger that the filthy Democrat Party poses to this country now.

The Democrats use to be a big tent party with a moderate and even a conservative branch. Nowadays it is a coalition of all the greedy asshole scumbags in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks, Illegals, Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Union Thugs, Abortionists, Moon Bats, Queers, Welfare Queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

The Democratic Party Needs To Be Destroyed Before It Destroys The Country

There are no areas in which liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, or whatever they want to call themselves this week, are working for the betterment of American citizens or to advance the cause of individual liberty. Their entire existence appears to be just the opposite. That’s why they must be destroyed.

Nancy Pelosi’s city is overrun with feces and used hypodermic needles as illegal aliens flood her state. She doesn’t see disaster, or even a problem, she sees what she’d like to bring everywhere.

To that end, Democrats are moving to destroy the ideas that make up America; everything that makes the United States worth defending.
Democrats preach tolerance while celebrating the hatred of Israel. They award themselves the mantle of “champions of women” while one of their own is credibly accused of rape. They actively cheer legalizing infanticide, then deny the did it. They decry racism while backing off calls for the resignations of 2 statewide officials with a history of painting themselves in blackface.
Everything Democrats are is a lie, everything the advocate for is cover for those lies. And everything they are pushing is the antithesis of what made this country the beacon of liberty for the world.
But stopping them isn’t an option; they can’t be stopped. They’re like the Terminator – they will not stop. They can only be vanquished, destroyed. And destroyed they must be.

Too late, we all just sat around and watched it happen. Bipartisanly.
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
It's a capitalist shithole. Never really saw the difference. Because there isn't one. Shithole = shithole.
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
It's a capitalist shithole. Never really saw the difference. Because there isn't one. Shithole = shithole.
They keep forgetting that capitalism failed in 1929.
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
It's a capitalist shithole. Never really saw the difference. Because there isn't one. Shithole = shithole.
They keep forgetting that capitalism failed in 1929.
And again and again, it's very cyclical like that. Did it again in 2007-08. So we turned to socialism and the public bailed capitalism out again.
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
It's a capitalist shithole. Never really saw the difference. Because there isn't one. Shithole = shithole.
They keep forgetting that capitalism failed in 1929.
And again and again, it's very cyclical like that. Did it again in 2007-08. So we turned to socialism and the public bailed capitalism out again.
But socialism is bad m'kay.
To destroy the democratic party would require the destruction of democracy.

Or America just coming to its senses and telling the extreme Far Left asshole to go cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump did that at the SOTU address when he said that America will never be a Socialist shithole. All the Democrats were pissed because that is what they want more than life itself. For America to be a Socialist shithole so they can get more free stuff.
oh yea fox news really nailed her

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