The delusional twitter bubble

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Who Do Members of Congress Follow on Twitter? -- Daily Intelligencer

Twitter has become such an integral medium for political communication that, according to our count, 97 percent of members of Congress now have an official Twitter presence. But Twitter is a two-way street — you spread your message, and you listen to what others have to say. ...

Topping the overall list of most followed accounts are four D.C.-based political news outlets, which, thanks to their bipartisan appeal, are followed by around 60 percent of members of congress. But taking a look at the top twenty accounts divided by party shows zero overlap beyond the Hill, Politico, Roll Call, and CSPAN: Although they like a few of the same publications, Democrats and Republicans tend to lack interest in ... each other. Also of note in the party breakdown: President Obama is only the eighth most-followed account among Democrats in Congress, which seems odd. On the Republican side, John Boehner, apparently the world's most interesting tweeter, is hogging two spots in the top ten.

Check out the graphic at the link.

Basically, it looks like they do the same thing we do - they listen to whatever reinforces their own agenda.
The robotic following/followers is kinda stupid. Who can follow thousands of people?

Twitter has become just a magnification of the mainstream media. The idea that it could be an instrument of change in countries like Egypt is laughable. Especially when gangs of techno-fascists can get people booted on a whim.

Twitter does have unobtrusive ads,...but that will probably change if it is bought out.

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