The Deep State

Oh brother. No president can fire the deep state. JFK tried and you know what they did to him.

Trump is an expert at Firing
The MAGA DEEP STATE answers only to Mara Lago. They are committed to the Orange Despot.
They have a secret handshake and everything
It's probably a weird kind of comfort to think there is a some secret force running everything behind the scenes. The reality is even more frightening. Everyone is looking out for number one and making it up as they go along. There's no one running this crazy train. The switchmen are asleep and we are all shoveling coal into the firebox as fast as we can.
MAGA DEEP STATE Secret Handshake

The Left has gotten in bed with the deep state. The corporate media has convinced many left leaning Americans the deep state doesn’t exist, even though the evidence of it’s existence is overwhelming. Sad. Very sad.

That the US is run by a Deep State was a staple of left-wing scholarship for decades. Though he didn't use the term, Eisenhower warned of it in his last speech.

Yet overnight, corporate media convinced the liberal-left that it was a deranged conspiracy invented by Sean Hannity. - Glenn Greenwald

Who is the "deep state"?
Deep state is POSPOTUS JoeXi benfits from drug trafficking through Gwadar Port. JoeXi’s CIA handlers planned it that way.
How does the military fit into the Deep State? Only asking because they're the ones that I least trust.

Trump thought that as CIC, they'd follow his orders, and they did right up to LaFayette Square, and that's where the military and Donald Trump parted company. Milley realized he was being used and took his ball and went home. He would not order American troops to attack the American people.
It's probably a weird kind of comfort to think there is a some secret force running everything behind the scenes. The reality is even more frightening. Everyone is looking out for number one and making it up as they go along. There's no one running this crazy train. The switchmen are asleep and we are all shoveling coal into the firebox as fast as we can.
Dope. Because of the Constitution and the NORMS of this nation...this crazy train keeps running pretty damn well.

REPUBLICANS however do not believe in those norms

Trump is an expert at Firing
The MAGA DEEP STATE answers only to Mara Lago. They are committed to the Orange Despot.
They have a secret handshake and everything
It can't be because according to you and your fellow LibBots Trump doesn't really have money.
You trust the military the least?

You're charging too much.

I've found plenty of good media sources following what the bureaucrats are up to. Industry and trade websites are my favorite places to research items of interest.
With the Pentagon, not so much. At least that's been my experience.
The military industrial complex and all the ultra rich assholes that go to Davos every year.

So, a lot of these military industrial complex dudes are right wingers, love a nice war. Love cheaper labor etc etc.
You are looking at it the wrong way. You imagine it as a single mind controlling a thousand different hands. Imagine it the other way around and the world makes a lot more sense. A thousand little minds trying to control one big clumsy hand.

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