The Deafening Silence

Oil is now above $60 even after Trump opened ANWR & removed most regulations. Gold above $1300 & Bitcoin up 2000%. The coming inflation tax is far worse for workers & poor than income tax. It's very good for the wealthy owners hiking prices on everything. Failure to pay your bills & keep borrowing during good times will end badly.
Deficit Inflation Tax Cut Killing US Dollar
Deficit Inflation Tax Cut Killing US Dollar
/----/ How Libtards defended Obozo's weak dollar
The weakening dollar will allow U.S. automakers to export at a financial advantage. The dollar has been falling relative to other currencies, making buying imports more expensive in the U.S. On the other hand, it also means U.S. exports are more competitive around the world. Aug 14, 2011
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.
Who created Social Security? The Dumbocrats. Who created welfare? The Dumbocrats. Who created Medicare? The Dumbocrats. Who created Medicaid? The Dumbocrats. Who created Obamacare? The Dumbocrats.

Just out of curiosity G-string, what do you want the Republicans to do with the shit-sandwich the Dumbocrats have handed the American people? Raise taxes to 90%?

Not only that, but if you weren’t so ignorant of your own government, you would know that we are currently operating on Barack Insane Obama’s final budget (the outgoing president much submit the budget for the year before the incoming president is sworn in, dumb ass).

The fact is - President Trump has slashed spending in his first budget (just ask the UN). Hang in there G-string - once we explain all of this to you, you’ll realize how stupid you sound.

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