The crux of the "Russian" nonsense


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
is that liberals in general and government dependent liberals in particular simply disdain personal responsibility
Hillary knew she had it in the bag and ran a lousy campaign , the libs knew she would win because the media and their feelings told them so
Fact was though Trump had a largely unknown appeal and aggressively campaigned to win rather than acting like he was entitled to be president and the election nothing more than a mere formality
So struck squarely right between the eyes with their loss the libs did what they do best-blame others. Lack of responsibility and blaming of outlandish other parties is so ingrained in the liberal psyche that there is no hope for a turn around
The time wasting infantilism of "the Russians stole it" will be a blight on history
Learn how to compete, rather than feeling entitled, and when your ass gets whopped you may be able to accept responsibility and have a better chance next time
Continuing to offer "it was stolen" is laughable and we are laughing as is most of the rest of the self sufficient, self sustaining world.
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This reminds me of Code Pink, who were absolutely foaming at the mouth about having troops in the Middle East when Bush was President, but were strangely sedate as soon as Obama took office. Are these people so deranged that they have lost all ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality? Apparently so.

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