The corruption of the Obamacare mandate


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
They're talking like the healthcare mandate is gone for good.(and we have Trump to thank for it.)

I hope so, but it's like a horror film, no matter how many times they kill it , it keeps coming back.

The Obamacare mandate was perhaps the most corrupt change of our generation.

It forced every working citizen to buy health insurance, allowed companies and the government to give insurance, eventually, for free, to some people of their choosing, and allowed companies to decide what, if anything, you get for your money.

The Democrats always tell people they help the poor and fight the rich, but they forced through legislation that gave "the rich" a black check for public money.

Justice Roberts, who was supposed to be a conservative, said..

>>>>>>>The Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. (Correct) Section 5000A [of the Internal Revenue Code] would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.(Wrong)>>>>>>

With that opinion, Justice Roberts thinks the Federal government has the right to tax you unless you can prove you purchased chewing gum.

The aspect that Justice Roberts never considered is the government doesn't have the power to force people to buy goods and services from private businesses.

That, in itself , is the opposite of liberty.

the Obamacare mandate is actually fascist.

Another point, not discussed, is the fact the mandate should have never been brought to a federal level because it wasn't popular with a vast majority portion of the public.

It was lawmakers, working for the health insurance companies, FORCING their will on the public.

The whole thing was bizaare from the beginning.

Justice Roberts originally opposed the mandate, but suddenly changed his position , like he was paid off or something.

The other conservative judges stopped talking to him, because he refused to listen.

Another odd thing about this corrupt action, they say that Roberts wrote both the concurrence opinion and dissent opinion.

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