The Contrast is stark, the ideological contrast is almost palpable... Where we headed, What say U?

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Mar 2, 2018


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What boding does the Billy Bush tape being dropped to no avail (on 2016 election eve) foretell for the efficacy of Mueller's 'Russiagate' narative? Will people vote their 'pocketbooks' or take a dubiously contrived "virtuous" stand on some abortion of moral high ground... This chick's voting for Nationalism & Prosperity for we the citizens of the US NOT; globalism citizens of the world~!
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Well, this is the kind of contrast we have, as seen through the eyes of the wings.

It's completely one-sided and intellectually lazy, of course, but this is what they see.

I'd guess we'll continue down this road, and maybe we'll end up with some weird sort of political apartheid.

This is a choice we're making. We just no longer have the capacity to understand the other side and work together.
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the first one is dead on, socialists can clearly bribe voters with opm all day long.

don't think for a moment that trump is playing ball with the globalists. His impact for positive change will be just enough to keep us going.
Well, this is the kind of contrast we have as seen through the eyes of the wings.

It's completely one-sided and intellectually lazy, of course, but this is what they see.

I'd guess we'll continue down this road, and maybe we'll end up with some weird sort of political apartheid.

This is a choice we're making. We just no longer have the capacity to understand the other side and work together.
"working together", "crossing the isle"... platitudinous 'polititalk' that is skin deep, sounds nice but is absurd (DNC is no longer in the mold of Joe Lieberman / Manchin). When my ideological tenets run diametrically opposite of Warren, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders etc. etc. THERE IS NO COMMON GROUND. Destroy the rot, root it out, cast it into irrelevancy; that is the only viable course forward. Believe me that is what the progressive opposition is trying to do to my capitalistic, God - Guns & Constitutional textualism ilk...
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Well, this is the kind of contrast we have as seen through the eyes of the wings.

It's completely one-sided and intellectually lazy, of course, but this is what they see.

I'd guess we'll continue down this road, and maybe we'll end up with some weird sort of political apartheid.

This is a choice we're making. We just no longer have the capacity to understand the other side and work together.
"working together", "crossing the isle"... platitudinous 'polititalk' that is skin deep, sounds nice but is absurd. When my ideological tenets run diametrically opposite of Warren, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders etc. etc. THERE IS NO COMMON GROUND. Destroy the rot, root it out, cast it into irrelevancy; that is the only viable course forward. Believe me that is what the progressive opposition is trying to do to my capitalistic, God - Guns & Constitutional ilk...

Finding "common ground" often requires us to give in a bit, to be willing to win some and lose some, to live and let live. To recognize that our way may not always be the only way. And perhaps most importantly, collaborate to find all new ideas and approaches.

What truly scares me, for my kids' sake, is a theory I saw a while back that appears to be true: It has been so long since we communicated and functioned as normal adults that we have literally lost the skill to do so. Evidently it's "use it or lose it", and that appears to be what has happened.
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