The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...
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The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.
Real life "born and raised". And I'm absolutely lovin' it. Good luck with with your efforts at self empowerment. Maybe if you start enough threads... At the very least you'll start believing it... Though I doubt it.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.

Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

People used to bathe once a year, die all the time, own slaves, burn witches, and all kinds of stupid shit. And you’re here bitching that women don’t wear dresses and people have tattoos :rolleyes:
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.
Real life "born and raised". And I'm absolutely lovin' it. Good luck with with your efforts at self empowerment. Maybe if you start enough threads... At the very least you'll start believing it... Though I doubt it.

You seem to be the one with the problem of self empowerment.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.


OOOOOOOH, I called a white man a white man and that makes me a racist.
Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

People used to bathe once a year, die all the time, own slaves, burn witches, and all kinds of stupid shit. And you’re here bitching that women don’t wear dresses and people have tattoos :rolleyes:

Does the truth hurt your feelings? Why else would you lib fucks tell a boy that he really is a girl... to keep moving to the Marxist way.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
What extra right are those? Anything like affirmative action? LOL!
Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

People used to bathe once a year, die all the time, own slaves, burn witches, and all kinds of stupid shit. And you’re here bitching that women don’t wear dresses and people have tattoos :rolleyes:

Does the truth hurt your feelings? Why else would you lib fucks tell a boy that he really is a girl... to keep moving to the Marxist way.

People used to think lightning happened because Zeus was angry. If you want to go back to a time when humans were stupid as fuck, well... actually it looks like you’re leading the charge
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
What extra right are those? Anything like affirmative action? LOL!

Affirmative Action is not extra rights. You know what extra rights we are talking about. You are completely aware of US history . So lets not play stupid. I'm not going to play stupid with you and answer your dumb ass question.
Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

People used to bathe once a year, die all the time, own slaves, burn witches, and all kinds of stupid shit. And you’re here bitching that women don’t wear dresses and people have tattoos :rolleyes:

Does the truth hurt your feelings? Why else would you lib fucks tell a boy that he really is a girl... to keep moving to the Marxist way.

People used to think lightning happened because Zeus was angry. If you want to go back to a time when humans were stupid as fuck, well... actually it looks like you’re leading the charge

So keep moving towards the liberal goal? To the typical liberal voter in the video below? I know a liberal gets butt hurt when the truth about their agenda is exposed.

Science, and discovery march ever onward. To allow the fruits of our intellectual labors to rot, on the vine; would be the greatest self inflicted wound, we could ever inflict upon our descendants.
While there are many options on the table, today's culture has made taboo the pursuit of self improvement. This is a yoke we as a people must throw off. For as previously stated; science, and discovery march ever onward. The shape of the future, belongs to those who would dare craft the mold today.
This thought provoking video can allow us to glean a glimpse of a potential future. A future others are already pursuing. A future worthy of our own peoples pursuit. In this race called life; there are no ties. And there is no second place...

The Continuation, Of The Improvement, Of Our People
EUObserver´s Bitter Obituary of Globalism, Regression into “Tribalism”?? | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
The world has left the path of of globalisation and is taking the trail of tribalisation. The victory of Le Pen is just a start. Unfortunately, history has shown time and again that nothing good will come out of this.
1. Civilization used to listen to classical music which was a means to have greater mathematical skills through music. Now it is beating war drums of cRap and other musical dirt.
2. Civilization used to use proper English as this was a way to communicate your wants and needs, but today it is all about Ebonics, slurred speech and online, emotes, allowing the language to deteriorate like the music.
3. Civilization used to wear elaborate clothing, suits, tuxedos and other proper attire, but today, people wear their pants under their butts shown their dirty underwear, women barely wearing anything, flaunting their plastic bodies, so men can oogle them, then scream sex abuse when looked at.
4. Civilization used to not have body paints as only savage tribesmen would wear that war paint, but today, the war paint is being considered as works of art.
5. Civilization used to know the difference between a Man and a Women, today with the liberals, they have made it very unclear who is who...
This is all the part of the liberal agenda to get people to move away from civilization, for then Marxism can then become the norm.

How Marxism&Communism Destroys Our Civilization...2016-06-16 - expandourmind
“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

People used to bathe once a year, die all the time, own slaves, burn witches, and all kinds of stupid shit. And you’re here bitching that women don’t wear dresses and people have tattoos :rolleyes:

Does the truth hurt your feelings? Why else would you lib fucks tell a boy that he really is a girl... to keep moving to the Marxist way.

People used to think lightning happened because Zeus was angry. If you want to go back to a time when humans were stupid as fuck, well... actually it looks like you’re leading the charge

So keep moving towards the liberal goal? To the typical liberal voter in the video below? I know a liberal gets butt hurt when the truth about their agenda is exposed.

You already said your agenda is to make America stupid again. So dumb.
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
What extra right are those? Anything like affirmative action? LOL!

Affirmative Action is not extra rights. You know what extra rights we are talking about. You are completely aware of US history . So lets not play stupid. I'm not going to play stupid with you and answer your dumb ass question.
Yes, you are talking about affirmative action which blacks have and whites don't. Why don't you get something own your own without having whites give it to you?
The liberal agenda, and the rather unambitious quest for equality; is the detriment to anyone who engages in it; so long as even a single group seeks to elevate itself.

Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.


OOOOOOOH, I called a white man a white man and that makes me a racist.

Your constant categorizing, essentializing, and denigrating based on race makes you a racist - and a hypocrite.
Really dumb white dude, if you honestly examined how you whites got where you are, you'd really shut the fuck up. In this country there has not been one group given so many handouts and extra rights as whites. Without them, it's very possible that many whites here today would not be.
Everything we have; we earned, or took. Welcome to real life. It isnt fair, and it never will be. We are here. And what's done is done. Nothing you say, or do will ever change that. Ever...

I know all about real life, Real life tells us that we don't accept what was done. And it can be changed. So welcome to real life white man.


OOOOOOOH, I called a white man a white man and that makes me a racist.

Your constant categorizing, essentializing, and denigrating based on race makes you a racist - and a hypocrite.

I am a racist for being in a race and racism forum responding to whites making racist comments about blacks. You make no sense and you simply show how much of an idiot you are every time you try making this claim.

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