The Conquest - an 80's dream car

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

I went to the Texas State Fair in the late 80's, and they had a car show going on in one of the plaza buildings........and they had this exact model sitting there. Looking all sexy and sleek. I wanted it SO bad. But, as with most overseas cars, there was NO leg room an NO head room for me, being 6'-4". My knees were literally IN the console panel, and that was with the seat ALL the way back, and the top of my skull was pressing against the roof.

So, once again.......defeated by the 5 foots and unders.

I mean, I like trucks and SUVs and all that......mainly cause I can fit in them.........but I've always wanted a sports car, but have never fit in any of them.

Went to a car show where they had a Lambo on display you could sit in. I looked at it, and thought "I might get in it, but they'll have to take the damn thing apart to get me out". So I didn't even try.

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