The Confederate Flag

Again? They weren't "stomped" the first time. There were more lives lost in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined. Now that's an amazing statement given that we fought two brutal world wars, but it's true. Had it not been for two crucial strategic battles, the South would have very likely won their independence. The first three years of the war, they kicked the North's ass all over the place.

Now if makes you feel better to be cocky and jut your chest out over what was a very narrow victory after the most brutal war this nation has ever seen, then so be it. Historians disagree.

Did you check that out with Gen Sherman?

If a general today did what Sherman did, you and every other liberal in the world would demand he be executed for war crimes. Sherman rode through the South and burned defenseless towns, killed the women, children and old folk. That took a lot of military prowess, didn't it?

A study of the actual battles shows the best strategic military mind was that of Robert E. Lee, a man who was opposed to slavery, incidentally.

If that was true Rob would not have lost.
Again? They weren't "stomped" the first time. There were more lives lost in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined. Now that's an amazing statement given that we fought two brutal world wars, but it's true. Had it not been for two crucial strategic battles, the South would have very likely won their independence. The first three years of the war, they kicked the North's ass all over the place.

Now if makes you feel better to be cocky and jut your chest out over what was a very narrow victory after the most brutal war this nation has ever seen, then so be it. Historians disagree.

Did you check that out with Gen Sherman?

If a general today did what Sherman did, you and every other liberal in the world would demand he be executed for war crimes. Sherman rode through the South and burned defenseless towns, killed the women, children and old folk. That took a lot of military prowess, didn't it?

A study of the actual battles shows the best strategic military mind was that of Robert E. Lee, a man who was opposed to slavery, incidentally.

Now you are complaining that you got stomped?
Did you check that out with Gen Sherman?

If a general today did what Sherman did, you and every other liberal in the world would demand he be executed for war crimes. Sherman rode through the South and burned defenseless towns, killed the women, children and old folk. That took a lot of military prowess, didn't it?

A study of the actual battles shows the best strategic military mind was that of Robert E. Lee, a man who was opposed to slavery, incidentally.

Now you are complaining that you got stomped?

It was especially heinous because they were humiliated.
Sorry bud. You guys lost. You got stomped. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. I can have sex with a white girl in Mississippi and all they can do is turn red with anger. Thats how we know they lost.

Sorry bud, there was no stomping. The fact you can have sex with white girls has nothing to do with the Civil War, if it did, you'd have been able to have sex with white girls from 1865-1964, and we both know what would have happened to you in Mississippi then. So if you'd like to credit the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for allowing you to have sex with white girls, that's fine. For me, the race of who I have sex with isn't that big of a deal. In fact, I hardly ever pay attention to race... learned that from Dr. King, by the way.

You should really try and educate yourself and overcome your bigotry, lots of good people fought and died for your right to be treated as an equal.

Sorry bud. They got stomped. After every war there is a transition period. The fact that I can legally have sex with a white woman in Mississippi tells me the South got stomped. Its not a big deal but it is a sign that the war achieved its aim. Humbling the south. I know good people died. I thank them. It looks as if I am more educated than you. You keep insisting despite the historical documents that the war was not over slavery. Either you are emotionally invested or dumb. Which one is it?

Why are you lying?

Here are my words:

Oh slavery was an issue guys, please don't think I am claiming otherwise. However, it was more of an economic issue than a civil rights issue. Let's not pretend the Union was fighting for equality of the negro, because I assure you, that was not the case. It took another century for that battle to be fought.

And again, your "freedom" to have sex with white women didn't happen for another century. This was largely due to the fact that white people absolved their racist guilt by pointing to the Civil War and emancipation of the slaves. Your ignorant ass is buying into that viewpoint, which is actually the catalyst for the racial divide we have in America today.

I'll share a story with you from my college days. As I said in the OP, my lineage is very mixed ethnically, I am a little bit of everything. Some people mistake me for black, others think I am Latino. In college, I dated a black girl, her father was a prominent judge in Tuscaloosa. His son was married to a white woman. He actually told his daughter she couldn't date me because I was "too white" for her. I have less "white" in me than anything else. The point of this story is, RACISM is still alive and well, only today, it is practiced by as many, if not more blacks than whites. People like yourself, who think race is important in who you're having sex with. People who think it's important to point that out constantly.
Gen Sherman and Sheridan burnt them to the ground. Their rail lines were torn up. Crops were destroyed. Slaves were freed. Ports blockaded. Confederate Army destroyed

Looks like a stomping to me

Easy to stomp someone who's army is up north. Sherman was unopposed, the army was not there. You didn't stomp another army, you stomped civilians. Again... had that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan, you'd be livid and demanding the monster be held accountable.

Now do you want to show me an actual BATTLE in the war where the North "stomped" the South? Or are you going to continue holding up this example of genocide and atrocity as your trophy?
Sorry bud, there was no stomping. The fact you can have sex with white girls has nothing to do with the Civil War, if it did, you'd have been able to have sex with white girls from 1865-1964, and we both know what would have happened to you in Mississippi then. So if you'd like to credit the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for allowing you to have sex with white girls, that's fine. For me, the race of who I have sex with isn't that big of a deal. In fact, I hardly ever pay attention to race... learned that from Dr. King, by the way.

You should really try and educate yourself and overcome your bigotry, lots of good people fought and died for your right to be treated as an equal.

Sorry bud. They got stomped. After every war there is a transition period. The fact that I can legally have sex with a white woman in Mississippi tells me the South got stomped. Its not a big deal but it is a sign that the war achieved its aim. Humbling the south. I know good people died. I thank them. It looks as if I am more educated than you. You keep insisting despite the historical documents that the war was not over slavery. Either you are emotionally invested or dumb. Which one is it?

Why are you lying?

Here are my words:

Oh slavery was an issue guys, please don't think I am claiming otherwise. However, it was more of an economic issue than a civil rights issue. Let's not pretend the Union was fighting for equality of the negro, because I assure you, that was not the case. It took another century for that battle to be fought.

And again, your "freedom" to have sex with white women didn't happen for another century. This was largely due to the fact that white people absolved their racist guilt by pointing to the Civil War and emancipation of the slaves. Your ignorant ass is buying into that viewpoint, which is actually the catalyst for the racial divide we have in America today.

I'll share a story with you from my college days. As I said in the OP, my lineage is very mixed ethnically, I am a little bit of everything. Some people mistake me for black, others think I am Latino. In college, I dated a black girl, her father was a prominent judge in Tuscaloosa. His son was married to a white woman. He actually told his daughter she couldn't date me because I was "too white" for her. I have less "white" in me than anything else. The point of this story is, RACISM is still alive and well, only today, it is practiced by as many, if not more blacks than whites. People like yourself, who think race is important in who you're having sex with. People who think it's important to point that out constantly.

I'm not lying. You are just back pedaling. :lol:

So we see by his very words, the issue of the war was not slavery but the preservation of the Union.

The freedom to have sex with white women has been going on for way longer than a century. That has always happened. The Civil War stomping just made it legal. Race is important because I love different people. It would be boring if everyone was the same.

Your story is dumb. You should have kept it to yourself. Thanks for making my point. Your traitor flag is a symbolism of that racism. That why it should be spat upon and burned then put out by being pissed on.
Gen Sherman and Sheridan burnt them to the ground. Their rail lines were torn up. Crops were destroyed. Slaves were freed. Ports blockaded. Confederate Army destroyed

Looks like a stomping to me

Easy to stomp someone who's army is up north. Sherman was unopposed, the army was not there. You didn't stomp another army, you stomped civilians. Again... had that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan, you'd be livid and demanding the monster be held accountable.

Now do you want to show me an actual BATTLE in the war where the North "stomped" the South? Or are you going to continue holding up this example of genocide and atrocity as your trophy?

The southern traitors were thoroughly stomped and their army was incapable of stopping it

Battles are merely attempts to keep the other side from seizing your territory or to destroy their fighting ability. The south was incapable of doing either. The south was only able to seize northern territory temporarily. Meanwhile, the North spent the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops, blockading ports.......

In other words.......STOMPING the south
The PC police seem to be gaining momentum with this issue of late. I see more and more commentary about it on the Internet and hear people commenting from time to time on television. So I decided maybe it's time to open a thread on the topic and deliver my personal views on the matter.

Let me begin by saying, I have done some pretty extensive research into my genealogy, as my family name is very rare and unusual. Before the Internet and boundless resources to discover this kind of information, we mostly relied on elder family members to tell us about our past. My grandmother used to say we were "Black Dutch" and for years, I had no idea what that meant or what it was. As it turns out, the term "Black Dutch" can mean almost anything. It is a 'catch-all' identifier that has been used by several mixed cultural groups through the years.

Interestingly enough, my ancestors were actually the original "Black Dutch" and they came from German peasantry living in the Black Forest from almost Biblical times. Seems some King, I think it was Otto II, wanted to exterminate all the poor people in society, as a means to raise the culture to a higher level. In order to escape persecution, many peasants in Germany fled into the Black Forest, and thus began the legacy of the Black Dutch. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was also used by Jamaicans, Haitians, people of mixed Caribbean descent, and also by some Native Americans who married Europeans.

Much of my ancestry was hidden for many years out of fear of persecution. After years of research online through and other sources, my sister and I have pieced together the colorful quilt of our personal lineage. I am largely Native American, with two great grandparents who were full blooded Cherokee and Choctaw. I have the German peasant Black Dutch, along with African, Creole and Asian ancestry as well. Now, the thread topic is not about my background, but I just wanted to stipulate this from the start, so as to avoid any misunderstanding as to my intentions or persuasions when it comes to the topic. For all intents and purposes, I am a Mutt. I'm probably less "white European" than anything, and what little bit I have in me is peasant class.

I've grown up in Alabama, the Heart of Dixie. All my life, I have seen the Confederate Flag. I have at least two ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War, fighting for the Confederacy. I've read countless books on the war, watched hours of documentaries, heard several lectures and I'm constantly digging for new information because it's a subject that has always interested me. I will say two things here, first... it is troubling to me how much 'disinformation' has been taught regarding the Civil War, and two... it is despicable how racist supremacist groups hijacked the battle flag of the Confederacy and made it into a symbol of hate. But even more disturbing to me is how uneducated people have bought into the image and view the flag as something offensive.

Regardless of whether some are offended by the flag, it is a part of American history and our past. I've never understood the mindset that seeks to ban the flag or remove it from view in public. Is this supposed to erase something or correct anything? Couldn't we just as easily make the same argument that we should pretend the Civil War never happened and we never had slavery in America? What about images of Dr. King, the police using firehoses in Birmingham, Bull Connor, George Wallace... why not erase them from memory as well?

There are many things in our past to be ashamed of. The fact that our founding fathers weren't compelled to end slavery at the onset of this nation and it's constitution is probably first and foremost to me, but also, the way Italian and Irish immigrants were treated, the way Asian immigrants were treated, the way many Latino immigrants are still being treated. To me, the battle flag of the Confederacy is kind of a trivial thing to get your panties in a wad about. Especially when it comes to the point about banning it and removing it from public view.

Why not instead, use it as a learning tool? Recognizing the significance in both the Southern and Northern viewpoints surrounding the Civil War and why it was fought? Acknowledging that we don't have a right to not be offended by something? Understanding that tolerance is accepting something that may bother you? Finally, realizing that hiding away our symbols of the past in a dark closet is never going to change our history.

I fly the flag here on occasions as it's part of my family heritage. And yes, I'm proud of it. Yes, the North won the war but all the South ask now is to be left the cluck alone.

It's a beautiful flag indeed




It was great when I pissed on it in Georgia.

And fuck yours too. Fair enough?
If the south "rises again" they will be stomped again.

Simple as that.

Again? They weren't "stomped" the first time. There were more lives lost in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined. Now that's an amazing statement given that we fought two brutal world wars, but it's true. Had it not been for two crucial strategic battles, the South would have very likely won their independence. The first three years of the war, they kicked the North's ass all over the place.

Now if makes you feel better to be cocky and jut your chest out over what was a very narrow victory after the most brutal war this nation has ever seen, then so be it. Historians disagree.

They were stomped the first time. And obviously the north didn't kill enough traitors and weren't as brutal as they should have been.

The south should have been completely flattened. There should have been southerners impaled and left to languish on the roads. Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee should have been drawn and quartered, publicly. Their heads should have been put on posts until flyblown. The very mention of the Civil War should strike terror in the hearts of southerners. It's to bad that wasn't done. Reconstruction was a huge mistake.
Gen Sherman and Sheridan burnt them to the ground. Their rail lines were torn up. Crops were destroyed. Slaves were freed. Ports blockaded. Confederate Army destroyed

Looks like a stomping to me

Easy to stomp someone who's army is up north. Sherman was unopposed, the army was not there. You didn't stomp another army, you stomped civilians. Again... had that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan, you'd be livid and demanding the monster be held accountable.

Now do you want to show me an actual BATTLE in the war where the North "stomped" the South? Or are you going to continue holding up this example of genocide and atrocity as your trophy?

The southern traitors were thoroughly stomped and their army was incapable of stopping it

Battles are merely attempts to keep the other side from seizing your territory or to destroy their fighting ability. The south was incapable of doing either. The south was only able to seize northern territory temporarily. Meanwhile, the North spent the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops, blockading ports.......

In other words.......STOMPING the south

They weren't stomped, their army wasn't there to stop Sherman's march. Go read about the history if your ignorant of it. The South was not in the war to seize northern territory, they were fighting for their independence from the North not to conquer them. The North did not spend the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops or blockading ports. That's some mighty bold revisionist history and shows a complete ignorance of the particulars regarding the war.

It's apparent that you're just popping off your smart ass mouth about something you know little about. It's not bothering me in the least, I am actually a little embarrassed for you. To think that in 2014, we actually have idiots like you who view this war as some kind of a fucking sporting event where your "team" was victorious in a "stomping" of their opponent. You can go total up all the wars that have ever been fought by the United States, and the casualties pale in comparison. Far, far from a "stomping" in that regard. It took 4 years before the North had finally worn the South down and an epic two battles ultimately determined the outcome. More people died in those two battles alone than in most entire wars America has fought.
Easy to stomp someone who's army is up north. Sherman was unopposed, the army was not there. You didn't stomp another army, you stomped civilians. Again... had that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan, you'd be livid and demanding the monster be held accountable.

Now do you want to show me an actual BATTLE in the war where the North "stomped" the South? Or are you going to continue holding up this example of genocide and atrocity as your trophy?

The southern traitors were thoroughly stomped and their army was incapable of stopping it

Battles are merely attempts to keep the other side from seizing your territory or to destroy their fighting ability. The south was incapable of doing either. The south was only able to seize northern territory temporarily. Meanwhile, the North spent the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops, blockading ports.......

In other words.......STOMPING the south

They weren't stomped, their army wasn't there to stop Sherman's march. Go read about the history if your ignorant of it. The South was not in the war to seize northern territory, they were fighting for their independence from the North not to conquer them. The North did not spend the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops or blockading ports. That's some mighty bold revisionist history and shows a complete ignorance of the particulars regarding the war.

It's apparent that you're just popping off your smart ass mouth about something you know little about. It's not bothering me in the least, I am actually a little embarrassed for you. To think that in 2014, we actually have idiots like you who view this war as some kind of a fucking sporting event where your "team" was victorious in a "stomping" of their opponent. You can go total up all the wars that have ever been fought by the United States, and the casualties pale in comparison. Far, far from a "stomping" in that regard. It took 4 years before the North had finally worn the South down and an epic two battles ultimately determined the outcome. More people died in those two battles alone than in most entire wars America has fought.


But it is you who needs to review your history. Gen Sherman was opposed by Confederate General Joseph E Johnson as well as Gen Nathan Bedford Forrest as he marched through the south stomping them

And yes.......The North did spend the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops or blockading ports.
Easy to stomp someone who's army is up north. Sherman was unopposed, the army was not there. You didn't stomp another army, you stomped civilians. Again... had that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan, you'd be livid and demanding the monster be held accountable.

Now do you want to show me an actual BATTLE in the war where the North "stomped" the South? Or are you going to continue holding up this example of genocide and atrocity as your trophy?

The southern traitors were thoroughly stomped and their army was incapable of stopping it

Battles are merely attempts to keep the other side from seizing your territory or to destroy their fighting ability. The south was incapable of doing either. The south was only able to seize northern territory temporarily. Meanwhile, the North spent the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops, blockading ports.......

In other words.......STOMPING the south

They weren't stomped, their army wasn't there to stop Sherman's march. Go read about the history if your ignorant of it. The South was not in the war to seize northern territory, they were fighting for their independence from the North not to conquer them. The North did not spend the entire war occupying southern territory, freeing slaves, burning crops or blockading ports. That's some mighty bold revisionist history and shows a complete ignorance of the particulars regarding the war.

It's apparent that you're just popping off your smart ass mouth about something you know little about. It's not bothering me in the least, I am actually a little embarrassed for you. To think that in 2014, we actually have idiots like you who view this war as some kind of a fucking sporting event where your "team" was victorious in a "stomping" of their opponent. You can go total up all the wars that have ever been fought by the United States, and the casualties pale in comparison. Far, far from a "stomping" in that regard. It took 4 years before the North had finally worn the South down and an epic two battles ultimately determined the outcome. More people died in those two battles alone than in most entire wars America has fought.

Yeah the south got their asses stomped. No amount of revision is going to change that.

Thats yet another reason why that flag should be burned and people flying it shot for treason.
To the point of your OP. The confederate flag is a reminder of that period for Black people and the flag of the traitors for others. I don't see any redeeming qualities except to use it to wipe toilets with. The south will never rise again so flying the flag is tantamount to treason if you want to look at it objectively even without the slavery issue.

You've missed the point of the OP entirely. Where did I ever indicate "the south will rise again?" That is a mantra espoused by racists who hijacked the flag to promote white supremacy. As rightwinger points out in the illustration above, the flag became a symbol used by the KKK in the 1940s.

I've also not argued the flag has "redeeming qualities." It is a part of our history and I think it's important that it is preserved in that context. Regardless of what you think it symbolizes, it was the battle flag that many Southern ancestors died under, and it should have a place of reverence for that alone, in my opinion. If you are offended by it, that's your problem and probably speaks to your ignorance and personal bigotry more than anything else.

Your treason argument is noted, but save for a couple of crucial battles in the American Revolution, one might make the same argument for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The South declared independence, they didn't commit treason. Treason is when you actively try to overthrow your government and that's not what the South did.

You say it's a reminder to blacks of that time, but as someone who has slave ancestors, I personally WANT that reminder to be there. I think we need to be reminded, and to me, it's not any different than images of Dr. King marching from Selma to Montgomery or Birmingham police using fire hoses on crowds of blacks protesting. Those images are reminders as well, and it's important that we remember. Erasing those images out of this notion of "it's offensive" is a slap in the face to the reality of what happened. Why don't we stop teaching kids about the Japanese internment during WWII or the Trail of Tears?

The flag is a symbol of which it's meaning has been altered and perverted through the years. You've decided to be offended by the false symbolism instead of what the flag originally stood for. By some bizarre twisting of history and reality, you've projected the perversion onto the symbol itself, instead of respecting the original integrity. Removing the flag does nothing to change the history or rectify the symbolism you have conjured up.
To the point of your OP. The confederate flag is a reminder of that period for Black people and the flag of the traitors for others. I don't see any redeeming qualities except to use it to wipe toilets with. The south will never rise again so flying the flag is tantamount to treason if you want to look at it objectively even without the slavery issue.

You've missed the point of the OP entirely. Where did I ever indicate "the south will rise again?" That is a mantra espoused by racists who hijacked the flag to promote white supremacy. As rightwinger points out in the illustration above, the flag became a symbol used by the KKK in the 1940s.

I've also not argued the flag has "redeeming qualities." It is a part of our history and I think it's important that it is preserved in that context. Regardless of what you think it symbolizes, it was the battle flag that many Southern ancestors died under, and it should have a place of reverence for that alone, in my opinion. If you are offended by it, that's your problem and probably speaks to your ignorance and personal bigotry more than anything else.

Your treason argument is noted, but save for a couple of crucial battles in the American Revolution, one might make the same argument for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The South declared independence, they didn't commit treason. Treason is when you actively try to overthrow your government and that's not what the South did.

You say it's a reminder to blacks of that time, but as someone who has slave ancestors, I personally WANT that reminder to be there. I think we need to be reminded, and to me, it's not any different than images of Dr. King marching from Selma to Montgomery or Birmingham police using fire hoses on crowds of blacks protesting. Those images are reminders as well, and it's important that we remember. Erasing those images out of this notion of "it's offensive" is a slap in the face to the reality of what happened. Why don't we stop teaching kids about the Japanese internment during WWII or the Trail of Tears?

The flag is a symbol of which it's meaning has been altered and perverted through the years. You've decided to be offended by the false symbolism instead of what the flag originally stood for. By some bizarre twisting of history and reality, you've projected the perversion onto the symbol itself, instead of respecting the original integrity. Removing the flag does nothing to change the history or rectify the symbolism you have conjured up.

I didnt miss the point of the OP. Its plain you were whining about the PC movement against the loser flag. I never claimed you said the south will rise again. I just let you know unequivocally that it never would.

Yes its a part of US history. Put it in a museum next to the Benedict Arnold display. Treasonous losers don't get to dictate what honor the loser flag should have to anyone but themselves. You may think its something cool. I dont. On that we will have to agree to disagree.

Personally I dont need to be reminded by seeing someone proudly display it. If I wanted to see it I could look it up on line. Its very different from seeing Black people marching for their rights. One is for the betterment of mankind the other is for retarding the progress of mankind. Big, huge, gigantic difference.

Thats pretty much BS. The Nazi symbol is originally a symbol of good luck. I dont wear a shirt with it because I understand it offends people. No skin off my nose because after its said and done me not displaying the symbol doesn't hurt me at all. People that display symbolism that knowingly offends others are merely less evolved as humans.
To the point of your OP. The confederate flag is a reminder of that period for Black people and the flag of the traitors for others. I don't see any redeeming qualities except to use it to wipe toilets with. The south will never rise again so flying the flag is tantamount to treason if you want to look at it objectively even without the slavery issue.

You've missed the point of the OP entirely. Where did I ever indicate "the south will rise again?" That is a mantra espoused by racists who hijacked the flag to promote white supremacy. As rightwinger points out in the illustration above, the flag became a symbol used by the KKK in the 1940s.

I've also not argued the flag has "redeeming qualities." It is a part of our history and I think it's important that it is preserved in that context. Regardless of what you think it symbolizes, it was the battle flag that many Southern ancestors died under, and it should have a place of reverence for that alone, in my opinion. If you are offended by it, that's your problem and probably speaks to your ignorance and personal bigotry more than anything else.

Your treason argument is noted, but save for a couple of crucial battles in the American Revolution, one might make the same argument for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The South declared independence, they didn't commit treason. Treason is when you actively try to overthrow your government and that's not what the South did.

You say it's a reminder to blacks of that time, but as someone who has slave ancestors, I personally WANT that reminder to be there. I think we need to be reminded, and to me, it's not any different than images of Dr. King marching from Selma to Montgomery or Birmingham police using fire hoses on crowds of blacks protesting. Those images are reminders as well, and it's important that we remember. Erasing those images out of this notion of "it's offensive" is a slap in the face to the reality of what happened. Why don't we stop teaching kids about the Japanese internment during WWII or the Trail of Tears?

The flag is a symbol of which it's meaning has been altered and perverted through the years. You've decided to be offended by the false symbolism instead of what the flag originally stood for. By some bizarre twisting of history and reality, you've projected the perversion onto the symbol itself, instead of respecting the original integrity. Removing the flag does nothing to change the history or rectify the symbolism you have conjured up.

I didnt miss the point of the OP. Its plain you were whining about the PC movement against the loser flag. I never claimed you said the south will rise again. I just let you know unequivocally that it never would.

Yes its a part of US history. Put it in a museum next to the Benedict Arnold display. Treasonous losers don't get to dictate what honor the loser flag should have to anyone but themselves. You may think its something cool. I dont. On that we will have to agree to disagree.

Personally I dont need to be reminded by seeing someone proudly display it. If I wanted to see it I could look it up on line. Its very different from seeing Black people marching for their rights. One is for the betterment of mankind the other is for retarding the progress of mankind. Big, huge, gigantic difference.

Thats pretty much BS. The Nazi symbol is originally a symbol of good luck. I dont wear a shirt with it because I understand it offends people. No skin off my nose because after its said and done me not displaying the symbol doesn't hurt me at all. People that display symbolism that knowingly offends others are merely less evolved as humans.

They need to get over the loss of their beloved "symbol"

The fact is they did not embrace the flag until the Civil Rights movement. Then they insisted that it be plastered everywhere

Notice the Georgia state flag

They did not include the Confederate flag until 1956. A way to say fuck you to the Civil Rights movement
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Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Georgia the Confederate battle flag was reintroduced in 1956, just two years after the Supreme Court decision Brown v Board of Education. It was considered by many to be a protest against school desegregation.[31] It was also raised at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) during protests against integration of schools.[32]

Along with the U.S. flag and the South Carolina state flag, the Confederate flag had been displayed atop the South Carolina statehouse dome since 1962.

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