CDZ The Competency Paradox


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?

Pretty sad we need to state the obvious, but yes, you've pretty much nailed it! Competent people are usually rather humble about it, those that flaunt their 'superiority' brashly beating others over the head as being (insert your favorite insult here), not often so much. At times it becomes almost comical that the more confused some people are about things the more adamant they become about their clarity.
It seems after a long hiatus I get back to usmb and it becomes toxic to engage. I have a lot to say and no one to say it to. Ergo keep your responses superficial and spend your time on more productive endeavors. Reasonable people don't need to put up with constant harassment and hackers so they keep quiet or move on.
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?
It's a combo narcissistic complex combined with fight or flight. You are correct that personal insults are the result of no answer, and, their narcissim won't allow them to take the flight option, so they just ramble until the other person just stops interacting with them
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov -

This is what it boils down to. A loud minority of ignorant people who are alienated because of their ignorance but still want to feel like they count in the society. They do, but they have a need to be seen on the same intellectual level as intelligent people. And as ignorant people cannot get there unless they get educated, they instead drag intelligence down and attempt to redefine it as 'opinion'. They put opinion on the same level as fact, that way their 'opinions' are just as relevant and valuable as facts. They aren't of course but this exercise makes ignorant people feel good about their ignorance.
We are about to get more of the same twitter and Facebook is closing a lot more boards and most of the folks from social media have been trained to hang up manners at the login.
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?
This sounds like somebody incompetent would say. Or somebody who thinks they're immune to incompetence would say. With the "big words" used, and the need to post something like this. If I were to put it into words, as a metaphor it sounds like someone, is trying to take on the biggest guy in the "proverbial room." That's what your post sounds like.
This sounds like somebody incompetent would say. Or somebody who thinks they're immune to incompetence would say. With the "big words" used, and the need to post something like this. If I were to put it into words, as a metaphor it sounds like someone, is trying to take on the biggest guy in the "proverbial room." That's what your post sounds like.

Thanks for proving my point. :)

P.S. Which "big words" were you having trouble with?
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?
I see that you are talking about yourself again. That's psychological projection

I refer to the case of "you're a poopy butt" vs. "I know you are but what am I?"

In kindergarten teacher Ms. Jones' landmark decision it was found that he who smelt it dealt it.
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This sounds like somebody incompetent would say. Or somebody who thinks they're immune to incompetence would say. With the "big words" used, and the need to post something like this. If I were to put it into words, as a metaphor it sounds like someone, is trying to take on the biggest guy in the "proverbial room." That's what your post sounds like.

Thanks for proving my point. :)

P.S. Which "big words" were you having trouble with?
Didn't have trouble with any, just giving an objective look. It's not so much the "big words" but the need to post something like this...ask yourself what you were trying to get too with that post...and then go ahed, I dare you, try to make the claim it wasn't self serving in any way. Ego inflating like someone with a napileanic complex would do. Really you're no better than the left, that you probably think your heads and shoulders above.
Well the op sounds like he is describing obama and newton seems to be describing the crew at CNN.

But newtons post is thought provoking in the sense that that he continues the liberal argument that any disagreement with the progressive agenda means you are ignorant. He also seems to posit that intelligence is not an innate trait but one that is only acquired by having a lot of book learning. I am sure under this criteria that the rioters at Berkeley, the students at evergreen college, and a host of other intolerant radicals are the most intelligent of all.

Any talk about intelligence, let's cut the charade and just label it what they mean, smart vs dumb, is a tar baby exercise. I have always judged smarts individually, not in group mode. This especially makes sense now when colleges are graduating educated idiots who can't find a job and who have moved in with mom and dad. Having enjoyed Asimov foundation trilogy as a young man, I believe Asimov would support global warming today but decry the state of education in this country. He was smart enough to realize we are turning out dunces and buffoons in our higher education mills. I am convinced he would also bemoan the heavy hand of govt. in our lives.

But some of the assumptions in newtons post will not stand on their own. Are we to assume there were no ignorant people who voted democratic. Small business people, probably the greatest concentration of smart people in the country overwhelmingly voted for trump. Are they just ignorant people trying to overcompensate.

Enough, let's do the intelligent thing and talk about facts. For the last eight years we had the self proclaimed smartest man in the room running the show. He brought the whole faculty lounge into govt. he turned out to be a serial liar. The intellectuals running the govt doubled our debt in 8 years, made the gap between rich and the rest of us wider, worsened race relations, made the world a more dangerous place, decreased the standing of the us in the world, allowed unfettered immigration, turned our culture on its head, and successfully diminished America while promoting globalism, and last but not least destroyed the functioning health care system in this country.

We had the "intelligent" people running the country for the last eight years, and on balance we are in a more tenuous position. The problem newton is that these intelligent people are so cocksure of their superiority and righteousness that they have no idea of their shortcomings. Intelligence seems to be in the eye of the beholder.
Well the op sounds like he is describing obama and newton seems to be describing the crew at CNN.

But newtons post is thought provoking in the sense that that he continues the liberal argument that any disagreement with the progressive agenda means you are ignorant. He also seems to posit that intelligence is not an innate trait but one that is only acquired by having a lot of book learning. I am sure under this criteria that the rioters at Berkeley, the students at evergreen college, and a host of other intolerant radicals are the most intelligent of all.

Any talk about intelligence, let's cut the charade and just label it what they mean, smart vs dumb, is a tar baby exercise. I have always judged smarts individually, not in group mode. This especially makes sense now when colleges are graduating educated idiots who can't find a job and who have moved in with mom and dad. Having enjoyed Asimov foundation trilogy as a young man, I believe Asimov would support global warming today but decry the state of education in this country. He was smart enough to realize we are turning out dunces and buffoons in our higher education mills. I am convinced he would also bemoan the heavy hand of govt. in our lives.

But some of the assumptions in newtons post will not stand on their own. Are we to assume there were no ignorant people who voted democratic. Small business people, probably the greatest concentration of smart people in the country overwhelmingly voted for trump. Are they just ignorant people trying to overcompensate.

Enough, let's do the intelligent thing and talk about facts. For the last eight years we had the self proclaimed smartest man in the room running the show. He brought the whole faculty lounge into govt. he turned out to be a serial liar. The intellectuals running the govt doubled our debt in 8 years, made the gap between rich and the rest of us wider, worsened race relations, made the world a more dangerous place, decreased the standing of the us in the world, allowed unfettered immigration, turned our culture on its head, and successfully diminished America while promoting globalism, and last but not least destroyed the functioning health care system in this country.

We had the "intelligent" people running the country for the last eight years, and on balance we are in a more tenuous position. The problem newton is that these intelligent people are so cocksure of their superiority and righteousness that they have no idea of their shortcomings. Intelligence seems to be in the eye of the beholder.
One of the best posts on here I've seen in a long time. If we ignore the warnings of the old and wise and those who have actually been there before, we will make the mistakes they know not to make. The ones who've done it themselves are not at all dumb... that's what the left doesn't get. The other half of the equation is we shouldn't make the same mistakes as those before us. There is an easy way to combine these that both sides don't want. The problem, is the sides, we have gotten too involved in defending our "sides", instead of defending what they actually believe.
Several studies have found an inverse relationship between their actual and self-perceived competency. This is demonstrated by USMB posters who resort to personal insults and other irrelevancies rather than logical application of facts. They think they are more clever than everyone else, but in reality they are profoundly ignorant.

Clever retorts, anyone?

It's interesting that you don't cite or link to any specific study, or any specific example.

Also, to make a point like this, any reasonable person would realized that the example should be as FAR REMOVED as possible to avoid emotional investment that would interfere with objective perception and discussion.

Instead by the SECOND sentence you are getting personal, and finish up with an insult.

Ironically, your failure to present well supported facts in a "logical application", raises the strong possibility that you might be overestimating YOUR own competency.
It's interesting that you don't cite or link to any speciic study, or any specific example.

Also, to make a point like this, any reasonable person would realized that the example should be as FAR REMOVED as possible to avoid emotional investment that would interfere with objective perception and discussion.

Instead by the SECOND sentence you are getting personal, and finish up with an insult.

Ironically, your failure to present well supported facts in a "logical application", raises the strong possibility that you might be overestimating YOUR own competency.

1. Incompetent People Really Have No Clue, Studies Find / They're blind to own failings, others' skills

2. Do you have an "emotional investment" in this issue? I don't.

3. So decrying the use of personal insults is, itself, a personal insult?

4. But challenging my personal competency is not?

Thanks for trying.

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