The Climate cult is coming after your pets


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Do you have a cat or dog? You may not have them for long, or if you do, you may have to pay carbon taxes on them


Because of their carbon paw prints. Such pets add carbon emissions to the environment.

It won't be enough to take your cars from you, and force you to buy expensive EV's if you are able to even afford them. It won't even be enough to raise the price of meat so most will be forced to become vegetarians or eat bugs. No, no, no, now they are coming after your pets

What is next? Will people start paying carbon taxes for having children? But if the abortion industry is ramped up while making having kids unaffordable via inflation, maybe democrats can wipe out all human life on earth, except for their own little families, but I think that is only common sense.
Every climate change cult fuck should cull themselves….problem solved.
There is a group called the Human Extinction project.

One woman in the group had an abortion just to reduce a carbon footprint.

But at the end of the day, they will keep themselves alive to try and kill others off, like the woman who murdered her child.
Seriously? Can insect protein be worse than the by-products and corn meal diet most pets receive?

But really I'm not going to be feeding my cats or dogs insects, they'll have to catch them on their own if they want to eat them.

Do you have a cat or dog? You may not have them for long, or if you do, you may have to pay carbon taxes on them


Because of their carbon paw prints. Such pets add carbon emissions to the environment.

It won't be enough to take your cars from you, and force you to buy expensive EV's if you are able to even afford them. It won't even be enough to raise the price of meat so most will be forced to become vegetarians or eat bugs. No, no, no, now they are coming after your pets

What is next? Will people start paying carbon taxes for having children? But if the abortion industry is ramped up while making having kids unaffordable via inflation, maybe democrats can wipe out all human life on earth, except for their own little families, but I think that is only common sense.
That is exactly what they want.
Many of the environmental groups attacking America are funded by putin. The democrats in these groups are simply useful idiots doing Putin's bidding.
There is a group called the Human Extinction project.

One woman in the group had an abortion just to reduce a carbon footprint.

But at the end of the day, they will keep themselves alive to try and kill others off, like the woman who murdered her child.

If they really cared about the planet, they would all kill themselves.

Lets go Climate Cult. Take one for the team.
Many of the environmental groups attacking America are funded by putin. The democrats in these groups are simply useful idiots doing Putin's bidding.

Also, notice how china is completely annihilating their forests, rivers, environments by extracting rare earth metals for EVs but nary a peep from the greta glowarmers and globalists.
Hopefully it won't be much longer before the whole climate change thing is over with.

Like anything else they rant and rave about something, soon as they go on too much people stop paying attention so then they just make it more and more ridiculous. Always trying to top themselves to get attention focused back on them.

They only know two ways to get attention.

1 keep getting more and more insane with their claims, always ratcheting things up.

2 use extreme language. No matter how unimportant or ridiculous something is right out of the gate they go straight to the most extreme language they can to describe everything. It's always the end of the known universe as we know it.

Do you have a cat or dog? You may not have them for long, or if you do, you may have to pay carbon taxes on them


Because of their carbon paw prints. Such pets add carbon emissions to the environment.

It won't be enough to take your cars from you, and force you to buy expensive EV's if you are able to even afford them. It won't even be enough to raise the price of meat so most will be forced to become vegetarians or eat bugs. No, no, no, now they are coming after your pets

What is next? Will people start paying carbon taxes for having children? But if the abortion industry is ramped up while making having kids unaffordable via inflation, maybe democrats can wipe out all human life on earth, except for their own little families, but I think that is only common sense.
Why do you people lie and try to spread panic and hysteria.? I know why-because truth is not on your side. Here is the actual CNN piece which is entirely reasonable in yerms of resposable pet ownership

Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints | CNN

Even the Blaze which is known to be a right wing propaganda mill that you people love does not say that anyone is suggesting that people give up their pets or be made to pay a carbon tax In fact it acknowledges the fact the the CNN article which was derived from an interview with a UCLA professor, just makes reasonable suggestions for reducing the carbon paw print. Insects and lab grown meat are the wave of the future and we should all be working to reduce waste

I will also say that depending upon how the study was conducted, the effects on the climate by pets may be overblown

Consider the fact that meat producing animals are not raised and slaughtered exclusivly for pet food. Pet food is a bi product of meat that is grown for human consumption. It is from the least desirable parts of the animal that would otherwise be wasted. It would be dumped in a land fill where it would rot and produce green house gasses anyway

In addition, the is no mention or comparison with the emissions that are produced by human consumption of meat. There is a lot of missing information here but it might well be that the net increase in emissions from pets is negligible
Why do you people lie and try to spread panic and hysteria.? I know why-because truth is not on your side. Here is the actual CNN piece which is entirely reasonable in yerms of resposable pet ownership

Why do you people lie and try to spread panic and hysteria.? I know why-because truth is not on your side. Here is the actual CNN piece which is entirely reasonable in yerms of resposable pet ownership

Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints | CNN

Even the Blaze which is known to be a right wing propaganda mill that you people love does not say that anyone is suggesting that people give up their pets or be made to pay a carbon tax In fact it acknowledges the fact the the CNN article which was derived from an interview with a UCLA professor, just makes reasonable suggestions for reducing the carbon paw print. Insects and lab grown meat are the wave of the future and we should all be working to reduce waste

I will also say that depending upon how the study was conducted, the effects on the climate by pets may be overblown

Consider the fact that meat producing animals are not raised and slaughtered exclusivly for pet food. Pet food is a bi product of meat that is grown for human consumption. It is from the least desirable parts of the animal that would otherwise be wasted. It would be dumped in a land fill where it would rot and produce green house gasses anyway

In addition, the is no mention or comparison with the emissions that are produced by human consumption of meat. There is a lot of missing information here but it might well be that the net increase in emissions from pets is negligible
"Our pets are part of the climate problem". :laughing0301: It doesn't get more gullible, folks.
Even the Blaze which is known to be a right wing propaganda mill that you people love does not say that anyone is suggesting that people give up their pets or be made to pay a carbon tax In fact it acknowledges the fact the the CNN article which was derived from an interview with a UCLA professor, just makes reasonable suggestions for reducing the carbon paw print. Insects and lab grown meat are the wave of the future and we should all be working to reduce waste

Go ahead and eat bugs, if that's what you're into.

The rest of us will continue to eat real food.

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