The Climate Change Cult

Your fantastical fiction that you are attempting to attribute to me does not speak well for your integrity.

You posted a rant about how we needed to be saved from an ice age that isn't anywhere near. My interpretation of that was on the mark.

Once again...any actual evidence to support that claim?
Why yes, I do.

Our interglacial is known as the Holocene. It's optimuim (warmest period) was about 8,000 years ago, and we have been in a cooling trend, ever since.

Greenland Ice Core Data


once again, for the hard of hearing. Nobody is denying the Earth goes through warming cycles. The issue with the current situation is the speed at which it is happening.
It's nothing unusual. The previous inter-glacial, the Eemian ran for about 17 thousand years. Our current inter-glacial is less than 12,000 years, and warmth, CO^2, Sea Levels and so forth are right where one would expect for this point in an inter-glacial.
Your fantastical fiction that you are attempting to attribute to me does not speak well for your integrity.

You posted a rant about how we needed to be saved from an ice age that isn't anywhere near. My interpretation of that was on the mark.

Once again...any actual evidence to support that claim?
Why yes, I do.

Our interglacial is known as the Holocene. It's optimuim (warmest period) was about 8,000 years ago, and we have been in a cooling trend, ever since.

Greenland Ice Core Data


once again, for the hard of hearing. Nobody is denying the Earth goes through warming cycles. The issue with the current situation is the speed at which it is happening.

And for the reading challenged, like you, today's warming is NOTHING compared to many minor changes we have seen in this Holocene period.

greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

This is why you all fail... you cant read and the graph shows very large and very rapid changes throughout the current interglacial.
Call me when you anti science loons stop using a hot day in Tulsa as proof.

No, the normal folk who know for a fact that climate change is happening due to humanity quote both extremes in temperature/weather as proof. It's you conservative whackos that don't.
We are tired of our meager earnings being stolen from us. This is nothing more then getting a global tax to give to nations we can't call shitholes. You all want socialism but you do not want to pay for it. Obamacare when enacted the Progs believed all the millennials would rush and purchase the insurance. They didn't. And people with families and not in privileged jobs got reamed. People who did not purchase it paid the penalty. Believe me, we are not even from that at all. And there will be a balance one way or the other.

Again, you demonstrate that you have never even attempted to look at the science, or check on the truthfulness of what you have been told. You accept whatever you are told so long as it is told to you by people who share your politics....accuracy and truthfulness apparently don't weigh into the equation with you.

You have your "evidence" torn to little pieces by someone using actual published science, and your response is to dodge, and then make the same unsupportable claims over and over again...all the while remaining completely unable to provide any actual science to support your belief...

Climate myths: Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming | New Scientist

You are answering published, peer reviewed science with a magazine article? Got any real science or is this about the limit of your comfort zone?

By all means, lets see the evidence that supports the claims made in that article...

Listen and learn..

Climate Science, Explained | Here's the Thing | WNYC Studios I listened...I didn’t hear them reference any actual science at all. I heard them express opinion after opinion without a bit of actual science to support them. this sort of thing what constitutes science and evidence in your mind? I posted a wheelbarrow full of peer reviewed, published science in rebuttal of your last audiovisual alarmist lollapalooza and you completely dodged it....not a word in rebuttal.....not a single piece of actual science aclling any of it into question...and then you post this as more evidence...

Forty plus minutes of self serving alarmism without the first reference to any science at all to support it...does that sort of thing actually impress you enough to convince you to be alarmed?

Feel free to point out any time marker within the whole thing that you think constitutes actual evidence and I will be happy to go back and listen again.

And since you dodged all the published, peer reviewed science I already provided, should I assume that you didn’t even bother to look at it or that you just have nothing to say about it?

Yet another person who has heard the term 'global warming' and is running with it, thinking (erroneously) that because it still snows that somehow man-induced climate change is being disproven.

The problem with you Deplorables is you think in soundbites instead of delving into matters.

pot meet kettle. Listen to yourself. I provided a bundle of published, peer reviewed science in rebuttal to your video sound byte...which you dodged only to put up another sound byte that was more devoid of actual science as the first.
Your fantastical fiction that you are attempting to attribute to me does not speak well for your integrity.

You posted a rant about how we needed to be saved from an ice age that isn't anywhere near. My interpretation of that was on the mark.

Once again...any actual evidence to support that claim?
Why yes, I do.

Our interglacial is known as the Holocene. It's optimuim (warmest period) was about 8,000 years ago, and we have been in a cooling trend, ever since.

Greenland Ice Core Data


once again, for the hard of hearing. Nobody is denying the Earth goes through warming cycles. The issue with the current situation is the speed at which it is happening.
What actual evidence do you have that the rate of change we are seeing is in any way unusual? The only proxy temperature reconstructions available that have the resolution necessary to make such a claim show exactly the opposite of what you are claiming.

lets see the proxy reconstruction upon which you are making your claim.
Call me when you anti science loons stop using a hot day in Tulsa as proof.

No, the normal folk who know for a fact that climate change is happening due to humanity quote both extremes in temperature/weather as proof. It's you conservative whackos that don't.

So are “normal folk” by your definition people who “know” things for a “fact” based on no actual evidence? Twice now you have provided what passes for evidence in your mind and there hasn’t been a bit of actual evidence in either of them. So without evidence exactly how do “normal folk” know this for a fact?
Your fantastical fiction that you are attempting to attribute to me does not speak well for your integrity.

You posted a rant about how we needed to be saved from an ice age that isn't anywhere near. My interpretation of that was on the mark.

Once again...any actual evidence to support that claim?
Why yes, I do.

Our interglacial is known as the Holocene. It's optimuim (warmest period) was about 8,000 years ago, and we have been in a cooling trend, ever since.

Greenland Ice Core Data


once again, for the hard of hearing. Nobody is denying the Earth goes through warming cycles. The issue with the current situation is the speed at which it is happening.

And for the reading challenged, like you, today's warming is NOTHING compared to many minor changes we have seen in this Holocene period.

View attachment 281823

This is why you all fail... you cant read and the graph shows very large and very rapid changes throughout the current interglacial.
An interglacial running out of gas.
Call me when you anti science loons stop using a hot day in Tulsa as proof.

But only your side uses the dishonest "Look at this local weather!" cherrypicking fallacy. That's because only your side has to use it. The global data supports us, hence we don't need to use your favorite dishonest fallacy, so we don't.

Sucks to be you, cultist. Fallacy, fraud and scams are all you've ever had, and all you ever will have.
Call me when you anti science loons stop using a hot day in Tulsa as proof.

But only your side uses the dishonest "Look at this local weather!" cherrypicking fallacy. That's because only your side has to use it. The global data supports us, hence we don't need to use your favorite dishonest fallacy, so we don't.

Sucks to be you, cultist. Fallacy, fraud and scams are all you've ever had, and all you ever will have.
Earth remains in the grips of a 542 million year cooling trend:

An interglacial running out of gas.

Don't worry. When your icy armageddon fails to arrive, as it always does, you can just push the predicted date of doomsday a back a few more years. That's what end-timer cults always do, so deniers have been doing it for the past 40 years.
A 350,000 year trend is easily documented.


The yellow is the interglacial, what happens when it ends is repeatedly shown. You are the one claiming that this 350,000 year cycle is broken.

Support your claim!
The yellow is the interglacial, what happens when it ends is repeatedly shown. You are the one claiming that this 350,000 year cycle is broken.

The issue of how long interglacials last with human intervention is irrelevant, since humans have intervened.

Support your claim!

You're claiming humans haven't intervened? Interesting.

Without any human intervention, this interglacial was expected to last 50,000 more years, to due exceptionally weak orbital forcing on this cycle.

Adding CO2 pushes that out to 500,000 years, at least according to a paper approved by WUWT.

Good news! Elevated CO2 may extend interglacial, prevent next ice age
You're claiming humans haven't intervened? Interesting.

Without any human intervention, this interglacial was expected to last 50,000 more years, to due exceptionally weak orbital forcing on this cycle.

Apparently you really can't read. The papery says that "Today's comparatively warm climate has been the exception more than the rule during the last 500,000 years or more." which is true of any ice age...interglacial periods are the brief warming periods within an ice age.

then they go on to say that " with or without human perturbations, the current warm climate may last another 50,000 years.[/quote]

So they are saying that the claimed warming is indistinguishable from natural variability...

Adding CO2 pushes that out to 500,000 years, at least according to a paper approved by WUWT.

Right...more dishonesty from the hairball...IF CO2 had a long residence time in the atmosphere (which it doesn't) and if 3X more CO2 were present in the atmosphere (which it isn't) and if CO2 actually caused warming which is far from is all bullshit all the time from you hairball...
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.

Threads that imply that nearly the entire global scientific community is comprised of incompetents, liars, or both, and which implies a vast conspiracy among them, belong in the conspiracy theory section.

If the board is going to have these separate sections in the first place, then this should be enforced.
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.

Threads that imply that nearly the entire global scientific community is comprised of incompetents, liars, or both, and which implies a vast conspiracy among them, belong in the conspiracy theory section.

If the board is going to have these separate sections in the first place, then this should be enforced.

Lets see some actual peer reviewed, published science from the scientific community that supports your beliefs...lets see a single peer reviewed published paper in which the warming that we are supposed to be causing with our so called greenhouse gasses has been empirically measured, quantified and blamed on those so called greenhouse gasses. We both know that you won't be producing any such paper...and that being the case, if they haven't even measured and quantified the warming we are supposed to be causing, what exactly have they done?
Lets see some actual peer reviewed, published science from the scientific community that supports your beliefs..
Nah, im not your mommy. You can flail away. completely unsurprising is that? Alas, it is you who is flailing...I can support my position with actual peer reviewed, published on the other hand have never even read a peer reviewed, published paper and can produce none to support your are restricted to all logical fallacy all the time...

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