The Centers for Disease Control hid data that confirmed Defensive gun use the United States...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have the story of the politicalization of the Centers for Disease control......and why they were ordered to stop using research to push gun control.....

CDC Study Confirmed Kleck's 2.5 Million Defensive Gun Use Statistic...So They Hid the Data - The Truth About Guns

Maybe it had something to do with behavior like this:

(I)n the 1990s, the CDC itself did look into one of the more controversial questions in gun social science: How often do innocent Americans use guns in self-defense, and how does that compare to the harms guns can cause in the hands of violent criminals?

Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck conducted the most thorough previously known survey data on the question in the 1990s. His study, which has been harshly disputed in pro-gun-control quarters, indicated that there were more than 2.2 million such defensive uses of guns (DGUs) in America a year.

Now Kleck has unearthed some lost CDC survey data on the question. The CDC essentially confirmed Kleck’s results. But Kleck didn’t know about that until now, because the CDC never reported what it found.


Kleck figures if you do the adjustment upward he thinks necessary for those who had DGU incidents without personally owning a gun in the home at the time of the survey, and then the adjustment downward he thinks necessary because CDC didn’t do detailed follow-ups to confirm the nature of the incident, you get 1.24 percent, a close match to his own 1.326 percent figure.

He concludes that the small different between his estimate and the CDC’s “can be attributed to declining rates of violent crime, which accounts for most DGUs. With fewer occasions for self-defense in the form of violent victimizations, one would expect fewer DGUs.”

In other words, the CDC dug into the question of how often Americans defend themselves using firearms. And they did an impressive job of it, in Kleck’s opinion. The only problem with their findings was that they confirmed Kleck’s results.

Why is that a bad thing? Because based on his research, Kleck found that the number of defensive gun uses in the US was somewhere between 2.1 and 2.5 million per year, a huge multiple over the number of crimes involving firearms. Not the lower (though still significant number of 500,000) total that the CDC had claimed.

For those who wonder exactly how purely scientific CDC researchers are likely to be about issues of gun violence that implicate policy, Kleck notes that “CDC never reported the results of those surveys, does not report on their website any estimates of DGU frequency, and does not even acknowledge that they ever asked about the topic in any of their surveys.”

The paper where Dr. Kleck exposes this hiding of data...

What Do CDC’s Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

Gary Kleck
Florida State University College of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Date Written: February 14, 2018

In 1996, 1997, and 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted large-scale national surveys asking about defensive gun use (DGU). They never released the findings, or even acknowledged they had studied the topic. I obtained the unpublished raw data and computed the prevalence of DGU. CDC’s findings indicated that an average of 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense in each of the years from 1996 through 1998 – almost exactly confirming the estimate for 1992 of Kleck and Gertz (1995). Possible reasons for CDC’s suppression of these findings are discussed.

Keywords: Defensive Gun Use, Surveys, CDC update the list of studies that show Americans use guns to stop violent attacks in the millions each year....

including the now revealed CDC Research....

From the link on Kleck's new study...

Those polls, Kleck writes,

are high-quality telephone surveys of enormous probability samples of U.S. adults, asking about a wide range of health-related topics.

Those that addressed DGU asked more people about this topic than any other surveys conducted before or since. For example, the 1996 survey asked the DGU question of 5,484 people.

The next-largest number questioned about DGU was 4,977 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), and sample sizes were much smaller in all the rest of surveys on the topic (Kleck 20
At any rate, Kleck downloaded the datasets for those three years and found that the "weighted percent who reported a DGU...was 1.3% in 1996, 0.9% in 1997, 1.0% in 1998, and 1.07% in all three surveys combined."

Kleck figures if you do the adjustment upward he thinks necessary for those who had DGU incidents without personally owning a gun in the home at the time of the survey, and then the adjustment downward he thinks necessary because CDC didn't do detailed follow-ups to confirm the nature of the incident, you get 1.24 percent, a close match to his own 1.326 percent figure.

The final adjusted prevalence of 1.24% therefore implies that in an average year during 1996–1998, 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense.

This estimate, based on an enormous sample of 12,870 cases (unweighted) in a nationally representative sample, strongly confirms the 2.5 million past-12-months estimate obtained Kleck and Gertz (1995)....CDC's results, then, imply that guns were used defensively by victims about 3.6 times as often as they were used offensively by criminals.

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 2.46 million ( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
From Dr. Kleck's paper....

It is less widely known that CDC itself conducted surveys in which huge nationally representative samples of the U.S. adult population were asked about DGU, as part of their Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). CDC never reported the results of those surveys, does not report on their website any estimates of DGU frequency, and does not even acknowledge that they ever asked about the topic in any of their surveys.

Once I found the key question in the questionnaire for one year’s BRFSS, I searched through the questionnaires for all the other years, from 1984 through 2016, and found the DGU question had been asked in the 1996, 1997, and 1998 surveys.

CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Surveys

The BRFSS surveys are high-quality telephone surveys of enormous probability samples of U.S. adults, asking about a wide range of health-related topics. Those that addressed DGU asked more people about this topic than any other surveys conducted before or since. For example, the 1996 survey asked the DGU question of 5,484 people. The next-largest number questioned about DGU was 4,977 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), and sample sizes were much smaller in all the rest of surveys on the topic (Kleck 2001).

The wording of the DGU question in the BRFSS surveys was also excellent, addressing many problems with the wording of the DGU questions used in other surveys.

The exact wording was:

“During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?”

Respondents had previously been instructed not to report firearm uses associated with an occupation that “requires and authorizes you to use a firearm.”

Thus, the question excluded uses by police and others with firearm-related jobs. Further, the question appropriately excluded uses against animals (“…another person…”), asked about a specific, recent recall period (“during the last 12 months”), covered uses by any type of firearm (not just handguns), covered uses regardless of where they occurred (not just uses in the home), and explicitly told respondents that they should report uses even if they did not fire a gun. In sum, the surveys used an excellent, carefully worded DGU question, in contrast to the wordings used in so many other surveys (Kleck 2001).
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Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.

Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Not the number I am going with...that is the number that the Centers For Disease Control found when they actually studied defensive gun use .... you know..... the Centers for Disease Control...the organization that you asshats keep demanding be allowed to do gun research.... and now you find out that the gun research they actually did, shows that you are wrong, the anti gun movement is wrong, and that Americans use their guns on a likely average yearly basis of 2,400,000 times a year....

How do you like your CDC gun research doofus...

(They were never prevented from doing gun research)
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Not the number I am going with...that is the number that the Centers For Disease Control found when they actually studied defensive gun use .... you know..... the Centers for Disease Control...the organization that you asshats keep demanding be allowed to do gun research.... and now you find out that the gun research they actually did, shows that you are wrong, the anti gun movement is wrong, and that Americans use their guns on a likely average yearly basis of 2,400,000 times a year....

How do you like your CDC gun research doofus...

(They were never prevented from doing gun research)

What makes you think anyone believes what you have presented here?
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Not the number I am going with...that is the number that the Centers For Disease Control found when they actually studied defensive gun use .... you know..... the Centers for Disease Control...the organization that you asshats keep demanding be allowed to do gun research.... and now you find out that the gun research they actually did, shows that you are wrong, the anti gun movement is wrong, and that Americans use their guns on a likely average yearly basis of 2,400,000 times a year....

How do you like your CDC gun research doofus...

(They were never prevented from doing gun research)

What makes you think anyone believes what you have presented here?

Moron...they don't have to believe me...they can go to the links and see for are such a doofus... the links will get you right to the actual CDC research......where they confirm their finding that Americans use their guns 2,400,000 times a year to stop violent criminals who are constantly let loose by democrats...
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.
Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The rose bowl seats 92,000 and change. He expects you to believe that everyone you see below has defended themselves with a gun in the last year….
Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 5.36.29 PM.png

Wait there’s more…

Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 5.36.29 PM.png

Still more
View attachment 189315

View attachment 189315

Everyone you see in every one of the pictures equals 2.3 million folks (92,000 X 25)

This is the type of mis-information the gun nuts embrace and run with. Think about that whenever they suggest that someone is trying to take your guns away by suggesting we don’t allow people to have 30 round clips/magazines or suggest that the mentally ill shouldn’t be able to purchase mini arsenals.

Notice the date on the calendar—1968….

Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 5.41.20 PM.png
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Not the number I am going with...that is the number that the Centers For Disease Control found when they actually studied defensive gun use .... you know..... the Centers for Disease Control...the organization that you asshats keep demanding be allowed to do gun research.... and now you find out that the gun research they actually did, shows that you are wrong, the anti gun movement is wrong, and that Americans use their guns on a likely average yearly basis of 2,400,000 times a year....

How do you like your CDC gun research doofus...

(They were never prevented from doing gun research)

What makes you think anyone believes what you have presented here?

Moron...they don't have to believe me...they can go to the links and see for are such a doofus... the links will get you right to the actual CDC research......where they confirm their finding that Americans use their guns 2,400,000 times a year to stop violent criminals who are constantly let loose by democrats...

Please. Think. You must be able to think.
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.
Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The rose bowl seats 92,000 and change. He expects you to believe that everyone you see below has defended themselves with a gun in the last year….
View attachment 189317

Wait there’s more…

View attachment 189318

Still more
View attachment 189315

View attachment 189315

Everyone you see in every one of the pictures equals 2.3 million folks (92,000 X 25)

This is the type of mis-information the gun nuts embrace and run with. Think about that whenever they suggest that someone is trying to take your guns away by suggesting we don’t allow people to have 30 round clips/magazines or suggest that the mentally ill shouldn’t be able to purchase mini arsenals.

Notice the date on the calendar—1968….

View attachment 189319

Keeping in mind that all you anti gunners have been belly aching about the CDC doing anti gun research, we now learn they actually did do gun research and when it didn't fit what they wanted to find...they hid it and didn't report it.....

And keeping in mind this is the 3rd big research project done by 2 different democrat, anti gun Presidents and their minions in the government......and it shows exactly what we keep saying about Americans using guns for self defense....

The CDC did the survey each year from 1996-98.......and they came up with 2.4 million.... the CDC that you want to do your anti gun research.......and now you don't want to admit it......

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 2.46 million each year ( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.
Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Yet only one or two ever make the news.

Put that into perspective…..

The rose bowl seats 92,000 and change. He expects you to believe that everyone you see below has defended themselves with a gun in the last year….
View attachment 189317

Wait there’s more…

View attachment 189318

Still more
View attachment 189315

View attachment 189315

Everyone you see in every one of the pictures equals 2.3 million folks (92,000 X 25)

This is the type of mis-information the gun nuts embrace and run with. Think about that whenever they suggest that someone is trying to take your guns away by suggesting we don’t allow people to have 30 round clips/magazines or suggest that the mentally ill shouldn’t be able to purchase mini arsenals.

Notice the date on the calendar—1968….

View attachment 189319

This is the type of mis-information the gun nuts embrace and run with.

Hey....dumb ass...... it was the CDC that did the research from 1996-1998 and they found 2,400,000 times a year.....under the Presidency of bill clinton as they tried to prove Dr. Kleck's research wrong.......

Tell me which part of NRA is in the letters CDC, you doofus....
I know the Obama administration had also ordered a study and suppressed it, due to the results.
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Looked at another way, that is a crime stopped by defensive firearm use once every 11 minutes per state. In other words, you can tell Hogg that those 17 lives lost at his school in Florida, they were made back in 3.1 hours with proper, defensive use of firearms.
Excellent job! Thanks.

However, you won't convince a SINGLE Dictator boot licking, Authoritarian loving Prog or Liberat based on good research and facts.

To them, every human needs to be under the complete control of an authority....a government figure that knows better. Hence the reason they so admire North Korean Dictators and call Nicolas Maduro a "hero" even as the death toll rises and the country's economy plummets into desperation.

They also know that Dictators and Authoritarian regimes don't flourish where the population has guns and can fight back.

Therefore, they must do everything and anything...AT ALL COSTS....even sacrificing children lives....(which they most certainly do by ignoring the REAL threats to childrens lives and instead focus on things that only prevent the rise of their authoritarian figure.) Nothing else matters to them. Not liberty...not life.
Their inner craving to create a society that is controlled and dictated to overrides any possibility for rational, logical reasoning.

Of course guns are a "very small" problem since they are accessible by Progs and Liberals who commit 99% of gun violence and can't seem to control themselves....and they usually lack any religious moral compass to guide them so they have no remorse or hesitation to take a life.
Fortunately, it's usually their own of one of their own kind.

( can't get them to admit it because it blows their agenda)

My best advice is that if you ever allow them to disarm you, you've allowed them to rape you and strip away your rights to be a free human being.
Of course, as always....the imbeciles think that's "funny". It's not funny..... it's a serious illness is what it is.

Thanks again for your research.

The best part....they can't refute the defensive gun use information any more........... The CDC, the organization they bitched about not doing gun research...did gun research...... and found defensive gun use at 2,400,000 times a year...make sure to stuff that data point down their throats everytime they post about gun control...

2,400,000 times per year? Is that the number you are going with?

That is 6,575 times per day.


Looked at another way, that is a crime stopped by defensive firearm use once every 11 minutes per state. In other words, you can tell Hogg that those 17 lives lost at his school in Florida, they were made back in 3.1 hours with proper, defensive use of firearms.

Of course they were. That's totally possible.

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