The cascading Impeachment failure


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Two articles shows just how feeble the leftists (Liberals who abandoned the Classical democrat party) are when it comes to their silly, ever shifting attempts to skewer the President over bogus claims that are obviously non starters at a quick glance.

American Thinker

October 12, 2019

By Monica Showalter

Smackdown: Mickey Kaus exposes the Dems' shifting impeachment goalposts


For awhile there, the Democrats' grand impeachment show was about a presidential phone call to the president of Ukraine.

Then it was about an unspoken quid pro quo that didn't show up in the transcript. After that it was about a supposed series of whistleblowers. Then it was about something with Trump's personal lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. Then there were a couple other things I can't remember. Now it's about an ambassador.

Mickey Kaus noticed how bad it was getting on Twitter and called it out:


and this also from American Thinker,

October 10, 2019

By Gary Gindler

The Bluffpeachment


The current situation in Washington is, in the language of poker, a bluff. The Democrats are bluffing; they have only weak cards in their hand. They actually have nothing against Trump. That's all they have ever had.


The current hysteria of the Democrats regarding impeachment is unusual. Firstly, it is based on rumors. That is why, secondly, the Democrats still have not decided which law Trump has violated. Thirdly, there was no vote in the House of Representatives to initiate the impeachment procedure (more precisely, the House of Representatives, in which the majority belongs to the Democrats, in a 332-95 decision, chose not to bother with impeachment).


They have nothing to run on, just a series of stupid grasping at straws attacks is what they have, heck they already voted down an impeachment attempt once by an overwhelming NO vote

Their continual attacks on the President is becoming a blue print for treason charges since they are attacking him with no cause in doing so, yet an obvious attempt to remove him from office for POLITICAL reasons.

I am going to vote for Trump now, something I didn't plan to do a month ago. The treasonous leftists convinced me to change my mind on my vote. I hope many join me in the ballot box as a way to rebuke the leftist pukes.

Here is one more, exposing how stupid this Whisleblower crap is, from The Last Refuge:

If Accurate, The Impeachment Game is Over – Fake Whistleblower Lawyers Now Retreat From Testimonial Appearance…

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Trump is losing court challenges. Polls indicate rising support for both the impeachment inquiry and impeachment. The number of Republicans in Congress annoyed or critical of Trump grows every day. Partisan opinion articles in magazines or the blogosphere will not change reality.
Dem's have admitted they cannot beat Trump in a free and fair election in 2020 so they are trying to rig the election by impeaching him. They have been scheming to impeach the guy since the day he won in 2016. Its CLEAR if Democrats lose an election they will refuse to accept the will of the American people.
Two articles shows just how feeble the leftists (Liberals who abandoned the Classical democrat party) are when it comes to their silly, ever shifting attempts to skewer the President over bogus claims that are obviously non starters at a quick glance.

American Thinker

October 12, 2019

By Monica Showalter

Smackdown: Mickey Kaus exposes the Dems' shifting impeachment goalposts


For awhile there, the Democrats' grand impeachment show was about a presidential phone call to the president of Ukraine.

Then it was about an unspoken quid pro quo that didn't show up in the transcript. After that it was about a supposed series of whistleblowers. Then it was about something with Trump's personal lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. Then there were a couple other things I can't remember. Now it's about an ambassador.

Mickey Kaus noticed how bad it was getting on Twitter and called it out:


and this also from American Thinker,

October 10, 2019

By Gary Gindler

The Bluffpeachment


The current situation in Washington is, in the language of poker, a bluff. The Democrats are bluffing; they have only weak cards in their hand. They actually have nothing against Trump. That's all they have ever had.


The current hysteria of the Democrats regarding impeachment is unusual. Firstly, it is based on rumors. That is why, secondly, the Democrats still have not decided which law Trump has violated. Thirdly, there was no vote in the House of Representatives to initiate the impeachment procedure (more precisely, the House of Representatives, in which the majority belongs to the Democrats, in a 332-95 decision, chose not to bother with impeachment).


They have nothing to run on, just a series of stupid grasping at straws attacks is what they have, heck they already voted down an impeachment attempt once by an overwhelming NO vote

Their continual attacks on the President is becoming a blue print for treason charges since they are attacking him with no cause in doing so, yet an obvious attempt to remove him from office for POLITICAL reasons.

I am going to vote for Trump now, something I didn't plan to do a month ago. The treasonous leftists convinced me to change my mind on my vote. I hope many join me in the ballot box as a way to rebuke the leftist pukes.

Here is one more, exposing how stupid this Whisleblower crap is, from The Last Refuge:

If Accurate, The Impeachment Game is Over – Fake Whistleblower Lawyers Now Retreat From Testimonial Appearance…
The only cascading failure I see is Trump's defense of the indefensible.
Trump is losing court challenges. Polls indicate rising support for both the impeachment inquiry and impeachment. The number of Republicans in Congress annoyed or critical of Trump grows every day. Partisan opinion articles in magazines or the blogosphere will not change reality.

Your polls are fake news. Go ahead DO IT vote to impeach him it will be the end of your party in 2020. The backlash against Dems will be historic at the polls. You people really are dumb holy shit.
Dem's have admitted they cannot beat Trump in a free and fair election in 2020 so they are trying to rig the election by impeaching him. They have been scheming to impeach the guy since the day he won in 2016. Its CLEAR if Democrats lose an election they will refuse to accept the will of the American people.
No one has "admitted" anything of the sort.
Trump is losing court challenges. Polls indicate rising support for both the impeachment inquiry and impeachment. The number of Republicans in Congress annoyed or critical of Trump grows every day. Partisan opinion articles in magazines or the blogosphere will not change reality.
just like the Mueller polls and the 2016 election poll???!!!???
Dem's have admitted they cannot beat Trump in a free and fair election in 2020 so they are trying to rig the election by impeaching him. They have been scheming to impeach the guy since the day he won in 2016. Its CLEAR if Democrats lose an election they will refuse to accept the will of the American people.
No one has "admitted" anything of the sort.

Their actions PROVE otherwise.
just like the Mueller polls

Mueller confirmed Trump's guilt. We were right on all counts there. Multiple Trump associates in jail for Russian collusion. Trump knew about it and lied about it, and obstructed justice. He would have been indicted, if a president wasn't immune to being indicted while in office.

and the 2016 election poll???!!!???

Which were perfect. The ones showing a Clinton win were taken before Comey deliberately threw the election to Trump. Leaving that fact out is lying by omission. But then, you're a Trump cultist, so lying is expected.
just like the Mueller polls

Mueller confirmed Trump's guilt. We were right on all counts there. Multiple Trump associates in jail for Russian collusion. Trump knew about it and lied about it, and obstructed justice. He would have been indicted, if a president wasn't immune to being indicted while in office.

and the 2016 election poll???!!!???

Which were perfect. The ones showing a Clinton win were taken before Comey deliberately threw the election to Trump. Leaving that fact out is lying by omission. But then, you're a Trump cultist, so lying is expected.
no evidence Trump did any of that --sorry are dreaming again
no evidence Trump did any of that --sorry are dreaming again

Not according to Mueller. Were you paying attention at all?

Trump may not have ordered it, but he knew about it, at least after the fact.

He lied about it and tried to hide it.

He obstructed justice.

He would have been indicted, if he was not the president. Mueller practically begged the Dems to impeach him.

Just how deep in your cult bubble are you?
no evidence Trump did any of that --sorry are dreaming again

Not according to Mueller. Were you paying attention at all?

Trump may not have ordered it, but he knew about it, at least after the fact.

He lied about it and tried to hide it.

He obstructed justice.

He would have been indicted, if he was not the president. Mueller practically begged the Dems to impeach him.

Just how deep in your cult bubble are you?
Aren't you drinking a little early this morning???
Two articles shows just how feeble the leftists (Liberals who abandoned the Classical democrat party) are when it comes to their silly, ever shifting attempts to skewer the President over bogus claims that are obviously non starters at a quick glance.

American Thinker

October 12, 2019

By Monica Showalter

Smackdown: Mickey Kaus exposes the Dems' shifting impeachment goalposts


For awhile there, the Democrats' grand impeachment show was about a presidential phone call to the president of Ukraine.

Then it was about an unspoken quid pro quo that didn't show up in the transcript. After that it was about a supposed series of whistleblowers. Then it was about something with Trump's personal lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. Then there were a couple other things I can't remember. Now it's about an ambassador.

Mickey Kaus noticed how bad it was getting on Twitter and called it out:


and this also from American Thinker,

October 10, 2019

By Gary Gindler

The Bluffpeachment


The current situation in Washington is, in the language of poker, a bluff. The Democrats are bluffing; they have only weak cards in their hand. They actually have nothing against Trump. That's all they have ever had.


The current hysteria of the Democrats regarding impeachment is unusual. Firstly, it is based on rumors. That is why, secondly, the Democrats still have not decided which law Trump has violated. Thirdly, there was no vote in the House of Representatives to initiate the impeachment procedure (more precisely, the House of Representatives, in which the majority belongs to the Democrats, in a 332-95 decision, chose not to bother with impeachment).


They have nothing to run on, just a series of stupid grasping at straws attacks is what they have, heck they already voted down an impeachment attempt once by an overwhelming NO vote

Their continual attacks on the President is becoming a blue print for treason charges since they are attacking him with no cause in doing so, yet an obvious attempt to remove him from office for POLITICAL reasons.

I am going to vote for Trump now, something I didn't plan to do a month ago. The treasonous leftists convinced me to change my mind on my vote. I hope many join me in the ballot box as a way to rebuke the leftist pukes.

Here is one more, exposing how stupid this Whisleblower crap is, from The Last Refuge:

If Accurate, The Impeachment Game is Over – Fake Whistleblower Lawyers Now Retreat From Testimonial Appearance…
Which classical Democratic party? The one that was established by Jackson, the split one in the Civil War or the Franklin era ? Liberals are in both parties so trying to force a a particular ideology into a shell is not going to work. As far as yer nomenclature abuse that the echo chamber has taught you all Democrats are not socialist just as all Republican are not conservative... Currently the president is not a conservative nor a liberal which blows yer analogy all to hell. Our current president is a sophist and a narcissistic liar...Hmm just like the majority of politicians in both parties and they are out for personal gain or glory, not for the good of the nation.
Aren't you drinking a little early this morning???

Running so early? I suppose it's for the best, that the Trump cultists here now don't even pretend they can debate. It's not like they ever could. Saves time if they just run immediately.

And don't worry. You're a Trump cultist. Nobody expected intellectually honesty from you, so you're not disappointing anyone.
no evidence Trump did any of that --sorry are dreaming again

Not according to Mueller. Were you paying attention at all?

Trump may not have ordered it, but he knew about it, at least after the fact.

He lied about it and tried to hide it.

He obstructed justice.

He would have been indicted, if he was not the president. Mueller practically begged the Dems to impeach him.

Just how deep in your cult bubble are you?
sure he did-sure
Two articles shows just how feeble the leftists (Liberals who abandoned the Classical democrat party) are when it comes to their silly, ever shifting attempts to skewer the President over bogus claims that are obviously non starters at a quick glance.

American Thinker

October 12, 2019

By Monica Showalter

Smackdown: Mickey Kaus exposes the Dems' shifting impeachment goalposts


For awhile there, the Democrats' grand impeachment show was about a presidential phone call to the president of Ukraine.

Then it was about an unspoken quid pro quo that didn't show up in the transcript. After that it was about a supposed series of whistleblowers. Then it was about something with Trump's personal lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani. Then there were a couple other things I can't remember. Now it's about an ambassador.

Mickey Kaus noticed how bad it was getting on Twitter and called it out:


and this also from American Thinker,

October 10, 2019

By Gary Gindler

The Bluffpeachment


The current situation in Washington is, in the language of poker, a bluff. The Democrats are bluffing; they have only weak cards in their hand. They actually have nothing against Trump. That's all they have ever had.


The current hysteria of the Democrats regarding impeachment is unusual. Firstly, it is based on rumors. That is why, secondly, the Democrats still have not decided which law Trump has violated. Thirdly, there was no vote in the House of Representatives to initiate the impeachment procedure (more precisely, the House of Representatives, in which the majority belongs to the Democrats, in a 332-95 decision, chose not to bother with impeachment).


They have nothing to run on, just a series of stupid grasping at straws attacks is what they have, heck they already voted down an impeachment attempt once by an overwhelming NO vote

Their continual attacks on the President is becoming a blue print for treason charges since they are attacking him with no cause in doing so, yet an obvious attempt to remove him from office for POLITICAL reasons.

I am going to vote for Trump now, something I didn't plan to do a month ago. The treasonous leftists convinced me to change my mind on my vote. I hope many join me in the ballot box as a way to rebuke the leftist pukes.

Here is one more, exposing how stupid this Whisleblower crap is, from The Last Refuge:

If Accurate, The Impeachment Game is Over – Fake Whistleblower Lawyers Now Retreat From Testimonial Appearance…

The Democrats should quit while they're behind.

I see that Konradv, mamooth, and moonglow, have nothing to say about the content of post one.

They are into their early stages of denial and deflection, hoping to get people to forget about the devastating expose of post one, showing that leftists are running on bullcrap in their increasingly obvious treasonous attacks on a lawfully elected President.

This "impeachment inquiry" is slowly destroying the leftist party, and they seem unaware of it, must be their increasing levels of insanity......

I see that Konradv, mamooth, and moonglow, have nothing to say about the content of post one.
Why? It was already pointed out that it was senseless idiot propaganda, designed to spin up the Trumptards. It worked. You don't have to address each Trumptard Unibomber Manifesto line by line to refute it. You just point out that it's kooky.

If you think it's so awesome, why don't you summarize it for us? That would demonstrate you've read it and understand it.

Oh, that's right. As usual, you don't even know what your own propaganda pieces say. You were told to BELIEVE and parrot, and you obeyed.

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