The Cappucino Corral

Cappucino Corral

Curious name. Cappucino conjures up Italy, and corral, Texas.

Welcome, glad you like the name.

Folks, I am still alive. Lots of work in the real world, plus, there are some real problems in USMB, so I'm simply staying away. Life is too short for so much crazy shit. There are more important things to do, like work and growing kids up and having a love life and such.

As soon as USMB stops being Stormfront-Lite, I may return. Maybe.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmastide.

Cappucino Corral

Curious name. Cappucino conjures up Italy, and corral, Texas.

Welcome, glad you like the name.

Folks, I am still alive. Lots of work in the real world, plus, there are some real problems in USMB, so I'm simply staying away. Life is too short for so much crazy shit. There are more important things to do, like work and growing kids up and having a love life and such.

As soon as USMB stops being Stormfront-Lite, I may return. Maybe.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmastide.

Beautiful image.

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