The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

the :bsflag: in this post is so wide and deep i doubt a battleship could plow and blast it's way thru it, everything i read from the liberfool and demoscums is so much fucking :bsflag: it makes me cringe with fear that they want America to fail or become just another third world shithole country, their logic is on par with a group of preschoolers wanting to play outside during the recent blizzard. :up:

Open your eyes! Third World Shit-holes have on thing in common; NO MIDDLE CLASS. Republicans and corporate America are doing a GREAT JOB of making that happen! And you're helping them!

Don't all you liberal turds claim that socialism created the middle class in this country? Why doesn't that work in Venezuela or Cuba?

You mean PROGRESSIVE policies? Yes

Why haven't your "progressive policies" created a middle class in Venezuela or Cuba?

The 3rd world nations? Why hasn't capitalism? lol
The Annenberg foundation is ultra liberal

Because they promote people? Education? What would be the opposite?

They funded a project run by William Ayers, for one thing. What does that tell you?

ANOTHER lie. Shocking

Is there a connection between and Barack Obama or Bill Ayers?

None, aside from benefiting at different times from the charity of the late publisher Walter Annenberg. We are a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and get funding from the Annenberg Foundation, created by Walter Annenberg in 1989. Ayers was one of three Chicago educators who applied for a grant from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995, which was one of 5,200 grants the foundation made during its first 15 years. That $49 million grant, plus additional funds raised locally, funded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which sought to improve Chicago public schools. Obama was selected by Chicago officials (not Ayers) to chair the board set up to administer Annenberg Challenge funds, and he headed it until 1999. came into being in late 2003. For other details see our Oct. 10, 2008, article about Obama and Ayers, which includes a sidebar: “ and the ‘Annenberg Challenge.’ “

In other words, true. Any organization that would want Ayers anywhere near a school has to be indistinguishable from communist.
most Republicans regardless of class represent the idea of freedom as did Aristotle Cicero Lock Jefferson and Friedman

The greatest economic boon for the middle class was 1956 under pro-Union Republicans. What happened since?
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.
The Annenberg foundation is ultra liberal

Because they promote people? Education? What would be the opposite?

They funded a project run by William Ayers, for one thing. What does that tell you?

ANOTHER lie. Shocking

Is there a connection between and Barack Obama or Bill Ayers?

None, aside from benefiting at different times from the charity of the late publisher Walter Annenberg. We are a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and get funding from the Annenberg Foundation, created by Walter Annenberg in 1989. Ayers was one of three Chicago educators who applied for a grant from the Annenberg Foundation in 1995, which was one of 5,200 grants the foundation made during its first 15 years. That $49 million grant, plus additional funds raised locally, funded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which sought to improve Chicago public schools. Obama was selected by Chicago officials (not Ayers) to chair the board set up to administer Annenberg Challenge funds, and he headed it until 1999. came into being in late 2003. For other details see our Oct. 10, 2008, article about Obama and Ayers, which includes a sidebar: “ and the ‘Annenberg Challenge.’ “

In other words, true. Any organization that would want Ayers anywhere near a school has to be indistinguishable from communist.

Keep lying Bubba

"None, aside from benefiting at different times from the charity of the late publisher Walter Annenberg."
I've exposed you as a liar....

That's like having sex with my ex-wife; EVERYONE has done that.... :D

and your response is to make up another lie???

It's the one thing shitflinger is really good at, you wouldn't want to deny him that, would you?


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.

most Republicans regardless of class represent the idea of freedom as did Aristotle Cicero Lock Jefferson and Friedman

The greatest economic boon for the middle class was 1956 under pro-Union Republicans. What happened since?
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.

90% of Europe/Asia rebuilt by 1955 and 100% by 1960.


the :bsflag: in this post is so wide and deep i doubt a battleship could plow and blast it's way thru it, everything i read from the liberfool and demoscums is so much fucking :bsflag: it makes me cringe with fear that they want America to fail or become just another third world shithole country, their logic is on par with a group of preschoolers wanting to play outside during the recent blizzard. :up:

Open your eyes! Third World Shit-holes have on thing in common; NO MIDDLE CLASS. Republicans and corporate America are doing a GREAT JOB of making that happen! And you're helping them!

Don't all you liberal turds claim that socialism created the middle class in this country? Why doesn't that work in Venezuela or Cuba?

You mean PROGRESSIVE policies? Yes

Why haven't your "progressive policies" created a middle class in Venezuela or Cuba?

The 3rd world nations? Why hasn't capitalism? lol

They don't have Capitalism in Venezuela or Cuba.
And yet we're all smarter than you by a factor of at least ten.

Let's see. Who pays for the streetlight?

The developer who built your subdivision had the street lights put in, numskull.

Because of 'free markets' or Gov't requiring it? lol

You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

YES, most that's the last thing they install. Ever go to BK developments and the infrastructure left to install, but houses still sold? lol
most Republicans regardless of class represent the idea of freedom as did Aristotle Cicero Lock Jefferson and Friedman

The greatest economic boon for the middle class was 1956 under pro-Union Republicans. What happened since?
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.

90% of Europe/Asia rebuilt by 1955 and 100% by 1960.



What an ignoramus. Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan were all still wallowing in poverty in 1960.

What "American funds" are you referring to?
Open your eyes! Third World Shit-holes have on thing in common; NO MIDDLE CLASS. Republicans and corporate America are doing a GREAT JOB of making that happen! And you're helping them!

Don't all you liberal turds claim that socialism created the middle class in this country? Why doesn't that work in Venezuela or Cuba?

You mean PROGRESSIVE policies? Yes

Why haven't your "progressive policies" created a middle class in Venezuela or Cuba?

The 3rd world nations? Why hasn't capitalism? lol

They don't have Capitalism in Venezuela or Cuba.

Right I forgot IF they sell anything it's strictly bartering, lol
And yet we're all smarter than you by a factor of at least ten.

Let's see. Who pays for the streetlight?

The developer who built your subdivision had the street lights put in, numskull.

Because of 'free markets' or Gov't requiring it? lol

You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

YES, most that's the last thing they install. Ever go to BK developments and the infrastructure left to install, but houses still sold? lol

It's the last thing they install? That's your argument? Actually, streets, sidewalks and street lights are the first thing they install, before any houses are built.

You don't know shit from Shinola.
Don't all you liberal turds claim that socialism created the middle class in this country? Why doesn't that work in Venezuela or Cuba?

You mean PROGRESSIVE policies? Yes

Why haven't your "progressive policies" created a middle class in Venezuela or Cuba?

The 3rd world nations? Why hasn't capitalism? lol

They don't have Capitalism in Venezuela or Cuba.

Right I forgot IF they sell anything it's strictly bartering, lol

Huh? If they have a currency that means they are capitalist? Really?
most Republicans regardless of class represent the idea of freedom as did Aristotle Cicero Lock Jefferson and Friedman

The greatest economic boon for the middle class was 1956 under pro-Union Republicans. What happened since?
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.

90% of Europe/Asia rebuilt by 1955 and 100% by 1960.



What an ignoramus. Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan were all still wallowing in poverty in 1960.

What "American funds" are you referring to?

You mean thanks to them being 3rd world areas to begin with, NOTHING to do with the war? lol

Marshall Plan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You mean PROGRESSIVE policies? Yes

Why haven't your "progressive policies" created a middle class in Venezuela or Cuba?

The 3rd world nations? Why hasn't capitalism? lol

They don't have Capitalism in Venezuela or Cuba.

Right I forgot IF they sell anything it's strictly bartering, lol

Huh? If they have a currency that means they are capitalist? Really?

You SERIOUSLY trying to say Venezuela isn't capitalist? lol
About what? I'm not ashamed of charging people and I don't pretend to be something I'm not on the internet.

Sad. You don't even know why. Let me help.

You've voted wrong most if not all of your life. You've screwed yourself, your Children and Grandchildren. Unless you want to die with that legacy, you need to make a change.
Let's see. Who pays for the streetlight?

The developer who built your subdivision had the street lights put in, numskull.

Because of 'free markets' or Gov't requiring it? lol

You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

YES, most that's the last thing they install. Ever go to BK developments and the infrastructure left to install, but houses still sold? lol

It's the last thing they install? That's your argument? Actually, streets, sidewalks and street lights are the first thing they install, before any houses are built.

You don't know shit from Shinola.

Nope, generally the last. They don't want heavy equipment fucking it up. 30+ years in the trades Bubba

Curbs, gutters and underground utilities yes,
most Republicans regardless of class represent the idea of freedom as did Aristotle Cicero Lock Jefferson and Friedman

The greatest economic boon for the middle class was 1956 under pro-Union Republicans. What happened since?
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.

90% of Europe/Asia rebuilt by 1955 and 100% by 1960.



What an ignoramus. Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan were all still wallowing in poverty in 1960.

What "American funds" are you referring to?

You mean thanks to them being 3rd world areas to begin with, NOTHING to do with the war? lol

Marshall Plan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You said they were rebuilt by 1955. Now you seem to saying exactly the opposite. Which is it? Where they rebuilt or not?

FYI, the entire world was third world to begin with.

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