The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

“The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then get elected and prove it." - P.J. O’rourke

Of course, Dems can do none of those things but that doesn't stop them from lying to procure the votes of idiots like ... you.
It's amazing how much better the forum looks when you filter out that dad2three guy.

You mean the forum looks better to YOU when you are not getting your ass kicked by D23. That's understandable.

What I don't quite get is why you assholes are never able to prove D23 WRONG.

And what I don't get is why D23 is never able to prove himself right. Go figure.
It's amazing how much better the forum looks when you filter out that dad2three guy.
You mean the forum looks better to YOU when you are not getting your ass kicked by D23. That's understandable.

What I don't quite get is why you assholes are never able to prove D23 WRONG.
He's been proven wrong many times but it doesn't even slow him down. Just like with you. The guy is still fixated on Bush and no economist is blaming Bush at this point so why don't you two get a room and knock yourselves out? After you get back from your burger flipper job, I mean.
He's been proven wrong many times but it doesn't even slow him down.

Never seen that done. And certainly not by you. But why don't you give it a real try. Take the info he has posted and take it apart, one topic at a time, post up your sourced information and PROVE that what he posts is wrong.

Shouldn't that be easy for at least ONE of you to do? I mean, if the info he posts is all that wrong and such.
"The Nazis justified putting Jews into gas ovens on the basis that it was for the greatest good for the greatest number."
I wish they stuck with conservatives/capitalist!

Of course, the Nazis, or National SOCIALISTS, were SOCIALISTS and today's SOCIALISTS would very much like to rebuild those ovens.
"Now, this is the point where you get to point out any GOP legislation from Republicans that is not targeted to the one percent"

Repub policies tend to favor those who are productive. Dem policies tend to favor those who prefer to feed at the gov't trough.
Ineptocracy _ (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
And you can't refute my post. Very, very, telling.

You're right, I can't refute your Jabberwocky.

Refuting 'Jabberwocky' is refuted with fact. Since you have no fact, I can see your point.

No. And see, this is where you goddamned idiots try to pass through your bullshit as if you have some kind of entitlement to have people swallow whatever you want to feed them. You're sitting here babbling bullshit that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You're completely incapable of a logically valid argument, or even understanding the fundamental concepts that you're trying to invoke.

Infrastructure is an ideal of socialism?!?! Yet equally sharing wealth has nothing to do with socialism!?!?!

There is nothing to refute, because what you are saying is nothing. It is less than nothing. It is jibberish.
The role of government is to allow the PURSUIT of happiness, not to guarantee that everyone will find it.

The role of government is to get out of the way of business and let the free market, supply and demand, and individual hard work drive success (or failure).

"just get the hell out of my way" John Galt to the government in Atlas Shrugged.

Prior to FDR the presumption of government was to produce the conditions for the "pursuit of happiness." FDR said, "why stop there, the federal government can produce happiness" ( understood as material well-being ) thus the New Deal, road to socialism and ruination of the principles the Founders spent much time on, in their famous U.S. Constitution, that is now almost up in flames. Obammy is fast closing it out, completely. We poor hard-working sucking taxpayers.

Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” Coolidge really said:

“...After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life. …

Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”
January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors

"We grudge no man a fortune which represents his own power and sagacity, when exercised with entire regard to the welfare of his fellows."

Teddy Roosevelt spoke impassionedly about great wealth, saying that it is "not even enough that it should have been gained without doing damage to the community. We should permit it to be gained only so long as the gaining represents benefit to the community.

"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father's has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."

From Jefferson's prospectus for his translation of Destutt de Tracy's Treatise on Political Economy, communicated to Joseph Milligan in a letter of April 6, 1816.

The text this quotation appears in has not yet been published by the Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, but you can see Jefferson's retained copy of the prospectus in the Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress, online at
Original here:
The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827
The business of a Democrat controlled government is to make it as hard as possible for a business in the private sector to succeed.
The purpose of a Democrat controlled government is to impose as many taxes as possible in order to force people to be dependent
on government thereby keeping Democrats in power.

What a shock it would be if the above sort of stupidity ever disappeared from USMB.
What a shock it would be if the above sort of stupidity ever disappeared from USMB.

Sometimes, for the sake of the country, I say a little prayer that a more intelligent, thoughtful Republican will magically appear on this message board.

After three years, I have decided that is like waiting for the return of Christ. Ain't happening anytime soon. If ever.
DeTocqueville said it this way.

Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?

Aldous Huxley saw it like this

The government of Brave New World retains control by making its citizens so happy and superficially fulfilled that they don’t care about their personal freedom. In Brave New World the consequences of state control are a loss of dignity, morals, values, and emotions—in short, a loss of humanity.
"The Nazis justified putting Jews into gas ovens on the basis that it was for the greatest good for the greatest number."
I wish they stuck with conservatives/capitalist!

Of course, the Nazis, or National SOCIALISTS, were SOCIALISTS and today's SOCIALISTS would very much like to rebuild those ovens.

German Nationalsozialismus, also called Nazism or Naziism, totalitarian movement led by Adolf Hitler as head of the Nazi Party in Germany. In its intense nationalism, mass appeal, and dictatorial rule, National Socialism shared many elements with Italian fascism. However, Nazism was far more extreme both in its ideas and in its practice. In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.

National Socialism political movement Germany Encyclopedia Britannica

Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

For several years, the right wing has been equating nazism, the left, and socialism. This is standard propaganda for Fox News and the Tea Party which both denounce Obama as a socialist and at the same time portray him visually with a Hitler mustache. Conservatives have also argued that Jared Loughner -- the shooter of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords -- was influenced by leftwing ideology because his reading list included both Das Kapital by Karl Marx and Hitler's Mein Kampf (without mentioning another book on his list, We the Living, by Ayn Rand).

...The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term "National Socialism," a self description of the Nazis. "National Socialism" includes the word "socialism", but it is just a word. Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.



Socialism - We're all in this boat together, we should help each other...

A noble idea that when enforced by gov't at gunpoint just doesn't work.

Yes, and we see the libertarian wonderland where again? The closest you Klowns have are Somalia or Russia, lol

The closest you socialist BOZOs have to your "Worker's Paradise" is Venezuela and Cuba. Yeah ... let's be like them.

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