The Blood on Obama’s Hands


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011


The media should be telling the story of the blood on the hands of Barack Obama. They are not. What is this shocking story the media is not telling us?

The blood on Obama’s hands comes from the American troops in Afghanistan.

Obama’s policy for American troops in Afghanistan can be summarized as, “Let them be targets.”

Obama has American troops in Afghanistan dying or being maimed for no good purpose. He has no objectives here, other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

In the last eleven days, there have been nine attacks on American or NATO soldiers by Afghan soldiers or Taliban infiltrators posing as Afghan soldiers. These are the so-called insider attacks.

What has been the response of the Obama Regime to more Americans coming home in flag-draped coffins?

They are pressuring Afghanistan to do more “screening” of recruits. Gee, Afghanistan is a 7th Century nation. How are they going to screen people? There are no central records in Afghanistan. How are they going to screen? Unless there is a new way to start reading minds, screening in Afghanistan means nothing.

Makes you sick ,letting Americans die for what ? Other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.
So you agree we should get out of there?

No - he "agrees" that our troops should not be made targets so that Obama can appease the muslim radical maniacs. He "agrees" we should stay there and kick ass. He "agrees" we should engage before our troops are killed, because - well, it is a war.

How quickly you've forgotten 9/11 and the 3,000+ American's who died that day, uh? Typical liberal - politics over human life and fellow citizens.
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The media should be telling the story of the blood on the hands of Barack Obama. They are not. What is this shocking story the media is not telling us?

The blood on Obama’s hands comes from the American troops in Afghanistan.

Obama’s policy for American troops in Afghanistan can be summarized as, “Let them be targets.”

Obama has American troops in Afghanistan dying or being maimed for no good purpose. He has no objectives here, other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

In the last eleven days, there have been nine attacks on American or NATO soldiers by Afghan soldiers or Taliban infiltrators posing as Afghan soldiers. These are the so-called insider attacks.

What has been the response of the Obama Regime to more Americans coming home in flag-draped coffins?

They are pressuring Afghanistan to do more “screening” of recruits. Gee, Afghanistan is a 7th Century nation. How are they going to screen people? There are no central records in Afghanistan. How are they going to screen? Unless there is a new way to start reading minds, screening in Afghanistan means nothing.

Makes you sick ,letting Americans die for what ? Other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

Obama NEVER should have doubled down on Afghanistan by agreeing with McCain that a "surge" was needed after he got our troops out of Iraq. However, the actual combat missions on the ground are planned by our military leaders on the ground and NOT Obama himself, I hope....
So you agree we should get out of there?

No - he "agrees" that our troops should not be made targets so that Obama can appease the muslim radical maniacs. He "agrees" we should stay there and kick ass. He "agrees" we should engage before our troops are killed, because - well, it is a war.

How quickly you've forgotten 9/11 and the 3,000+ American's who died that day, uh? Typical liberal - politics over human life and fellow citizens.

This is the most off-topic and off-point response I have seen here in quite some time.

So what would be YOUR recommendation for our troops in Afghanistan?
The American people will not by your pap.

Republicans can beat Obama on the issues not your worthless propaganda.

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The media should be telling the story of the blood on the hands of Barack Obama. They are not. What is this shocking story the media is not telling us?

The blood on Obama’s hands comes from the American troops in Afghanistan.

Obama’s policy for American troops in Afghanistan can be summarized as, “Let them be targets.”

Obama has American troops in Afghanistan dying or being maimed for no good purpose. He has no objectives here, other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

In the last eleven days, there have been nine attacks on American or NATO soldiers by Afghan soldiers or Taliban infiltrators posing as Afghan soldiers. These are the so-called insider attacks.

What has been the response of the Obama Regime to more Americans coming home in flag-draped coffins?

They are pressuring Afghanistan to do more “screening” of recruits. Gee, Afghanistan is a 7th Century nation. How are they going to screen people? There are no central records in Afghanistan. How are they going to screen? Unless there is a new way to start reading minds, screening in Afghanistan means nothing.

Makes you sick ,letting Americans die for what ? Other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.
And? Did you have a problem with Bush for going there in the first place?

Simply put, Afghanistan is a complicated warzone and nothing is going to change that. There is really only 2 directions to go here: get out and let what happens happen.

This is an asinine concept. This is a war and we need to finish it.

OR we can continue and fight to stand that heap up. In this case, unless you have a SPECIFIC operating procedure that you disagree with, the President is doing nothing wrong there.

Cite a specific problem or you look like a hack.
I had a problem with Bush pulling spec op troops and helicopter units for the Iraqi invasion.

That bit of Bushie baloney doomed our effort in Afghanistan and is forcing Obama to end the war next year.

Our window for victory ended long, long ago.
I had a problem with Bush pulling spec op troops and helicopter units for the Iraqi invasion.

That bit of Bushie baloney doomed our effort in Afghanistan and is forcing Obama to end the war next year.

Our window for victory ended long, long ago.

There never was a window for victory. Never.
The American people will not by your pap.

Republicans can beat Obama on the issues not your worthless propaganda.

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View attachment 20782

The media should be telling the story of the blood on the hands of Barack Obama. They are not. What is this shocking story the media is not telling us?

The blood on Obama’s hands comes from the American troops in Afghanistan.

Obama’s policy for American troops in Afghanistan can be summarized as, “Let them be targets.”

Obama has American troops in Afghanistan dying or being maimed for no good purpose. He has no objectives here, other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

In the last eleven days, there have been nine attacks on American or NATO soldiers by Afghan soldiers or Taliban infiltrators posing as Afghan soldiers. These are the so-called insider attacks.

What has been the response of the Obama Regime to more Americans coming home in flag-draped coffins?

They are pressuring Afghanistan to do more “screening” of recruits. Gee, Afghanistan is a 7th Century nation. How are they going to screen people? There are no central records in Afghanistan. How are they going to screen? Unless there is a new way to start reading minds, screening in Afghanistan means nothing.

Makes you sick ,letting Americans die for what ? Other than not to lose Afghanistan before the election so it will not be blamed on him.

Starkey, when are you going to drop faking being a RINO?

Jee-whilacors, drop thebullshit and just admit that your a troll and will vote Dem like yo always have, OK? It is more honest.

Not that you give a fig about honesty.
I had a problem with Bush pulling spec op troops and helicopter units for the Iraqi invasion.

That bit of Bushie baloney doomed our effort in Afghanistan and is forcing Obama to end the war next year.

Our window for victory ended long, long ago.

There never was a window for victory. Never.

Define what you mean by victory in Afghanistan? When they all live like Westerners do? When we completely exterminate al Qaeda? the Taliban?

IMO we already won when we nocked the Taliban from power and killed two thirds of the al Qaeda leadership over ten years.

Staying there is only setting ourselves up for disaster and we should now go home and let those people live how they like under any kind of government that they prefer.

We will never make westerners out of them so why waste American blood trying to do so?
And? Did you have a problem with Bush for going there in the first place?

Simply put, Afghanistan is a complicated warzone and nothing is going to change that. There is really only 2 directions to go here: get out and let what happens happen.

This is an asinine concept. This is a war and we need to finish it.

OR we can continue and fight to stand that heap up. In this case, unless you have a SPECIFIC operating procedure that you disagree with, the President is doing nothing wrong there.

Cite a specific problem or you look like a hack.

What criteria do you use to determine when it is finished?

I dont see what else we can reasonably hope to accomplish be remaining there.
By all means, let's get the heck out of there

If it ain't stable after ten years, it never will be

Pull out NOW
Jes, JB, there was, and the fact you did not know it reveals what you do know about this subject: sound bytes that mean nothing.
I had a problem with Bush pulling spec op troops and helicopter units for the Iraqi invasion.

That bit of Bushie baloney doomed our effort in Afghanistan and is forcing Obama to end the war next year.

Our window for victory ended long, long ago.

There never was a window for victory. Never.

Define what you mean by victory in Afghanistan? When they all live like Westerners do? When we completely exterminate al Qaeda? the Taliban?

IMO we already won when we nocked the Taliban from power and killed two thirds of the al Qaeda leadership over ten years.

Staying there is only setting ourselves up for disaster and we should now go home and let those people live how they like under any kind of government that they prefer.

We will never make westerners out of them so why waste American blood trying to do so?
I find it convenient that the Media saw no need for their daily count of dead US troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan while Obama was President. They did that daily when Bush was. Will this wretched policy return once Romney enters office? I suspect it will.
I find it convenient that the Media saw no need for their daily count of dead US troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan while Obama was President. They did that daily when Bush was. Will this wretched policy return once Romney enters office? I suspect it will.

We will never find out will we?
I find it convenient that the Media saw no need for their daily count of dead US troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan while Obama was President. They did that daily when Bush was. Will this wretched policy return once Romney enters office? I suspect it will.

I see the lists of dead soldiers every day, I quess you miss them?

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