The biggest winner of the 2020 election is China


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Many US politicians have benefited immensely from Chinese interactions.
The correct term is 'Sold Out" the USA for personal gain.

Tucker Carlson points out a few examples in this story.....
Tucker Carlson: US leaders have sold out America to China
Many of America’s most influential leaders have betrayed their country for pay, Tucker Carlson said in a scathing segment.

Tucker Carlson: US leaders have sold out America to China

In fact, it is well known that the current President elect has close ties to China. Dangerously close.

In this WashingtonTimes editorial it is explained......
Biden favors China appeasement
Biden favors China appeasement

Hunter Bidens stunning gains from the Chinese are well known.
With his father firmly in control of the US Presidency, China stands to all but own the US Presidency.

The United States is facing an unprecedented compromise of it's entire political system, and China is poised to be the great winner.

We also know that China has an exceptionally aggressive policy of world domination.
It's One belt, One Road program see China as the sole director of world economics and political influence.
That it could so easily conquer America is startling evidence.

China has brazenly shown it's determination to exert control.
During the Obama administration, The US was forced to take a backseat role in global politics.
The Obama administration openly apologized for America and thus swung the door wide open for truly aggressive states like China and Iran to flourish.
North Korea and Iran gained massive leaps forward to their nuclear programs under Obama.

The culmination of China's apparently successful program for domination is the successful placement of Joe Biden at the helm
of the US. With such influence, China is all but totally free to dictate the direction the US will move, what policies it will be allowed to adopt
and what financial advantages the US will be able to give to China.

We know this will be successful because every day we learn that more and more US politicians gladly submit to China for personal gain.
Here is but one example where US governors sent Billions to China in exchange for nothing

Money laundering: Governors Newsom and Kemp paid over $1B to Chinese company for COVID-19 supplies that never arrived
Money laundering: Governors Newsom and Kemp paid over $1B to Chinese company for COVID-19 supplies that never arrived | CLG News

With so many American politicians clamoring to appease China for personal gain, the USA is in dire straits.
It is likely that many of the US's most guarded secrets will be subversively shared with China under a Biden Administrations.

We will never know of the servers ordered to be left on and firewalls dropped behind the scenes and in exchange for a payday for one or two.

Actions directly damaging to the USA will be covered up and protected.

All of this sets the stage for a massive leap in Chinese global domination. The United States was the only real challenge to China, and with that
obstacle conquered, China can quickly and effectively advance it's One Belt One Road program.

It is not at all unreasonable to acknowledge that in the near future (very near) China could institute surveillance programs on American soil.
China has the worlds most advanced state surveillance network, largely built with chips and technology from Intel and US companies.
China has also embarked on a sinister plan to map the DNA of the worlds entire population. Some are deeply concerned on the reasons for this.

Sinister speculation over China's 'bioweapons' plan
Sinister speculation over China's 'bioweapons' plan

The Chinese Communist Regime has always been known to disregard human rights and be the worlds leading executioner.
With so many in positions of power in the USA handing over their power to the CCP, it's only a matter of time.

China was likely at least partially behind the fraud that handed China Biden the election in 2020 via hacking of Dominion Servers
It may be that China totally guided the 2020 US election.
They are leading experts in Digital Warfare having successfully stolen US top secrets for decades.

Joe Biden once joked about China helping him become president
Joe Biden once joked about China helping him become president
There is truth in Jest sometimes.

The bottom line is that US citizens are in the greatest danger of losing their freedom and their nation now than at any time in history.
Nearly half the US population ignorantly believes we would be "better off" if Communist China was placed at the helm of the USA.
And those millions work hard every day to help China do just that. Disarming Americans is a final keystone to remove the last
problem areas for China.

And is why Biden (at his own website) has clearly posted his plan to disarm Americans.
If you believe it will not happen you are fooling yourself. Biden will appoint Beto O'Rourke "Gun Safety Czar" soon
When that happens, confiscation will begin. And China will be free to take the controls.

Many US politicians have benefited immensely from Chinese interactions.
The correct term is 'Sold Out" the USA for personal gain.

Tucker Carlson points out a few examples in this story.....
Tucker Carlson: US leaders have sold out America to China
Many of America’s most influential leaders have betrayed their country for pay, Tucker Carlson said in a scathing segment.

Tucker Carlson: US leaders have sold out America to China

In fact, it is well known that the current President elect has close ties to China. Dangerously close.

In this WashingtonTimes editorial it is explained......
Biden favors China appeasement
Biden favors China appeasement

Hunter Bidens stunning gains from the Chinese are well known.
With his father firmly in control of the US Presidency, China stands to all but own the US Presidency.

The United States is facing an unprecedented compromise of it's entire political system, and China is poised to be the great winner.

We also know that China has an exceptionally aggressive policy of world domination.
It's One belt, One Road program see China as the sole director of world economics and political influence.
That it could so easily conquer America is startling evidence.

China has brazenly shown it's determination to exert control.
During the Obama administration, The US was forced to take a backseat role in global politics.
The Obama administration openly apologized for America and thus swung the door wide open for truly aggressive states like China and Iran to flourish.
North Korea and Iran gained massive leaps forward to their nuclear programs under Obama.

The culmination of China's apparently successful program for domination is the successful placement of Joe Biden at the helm
of the US. With such influence, China is all but totally free to dictate the direction the US will move, what policies it will be allowed to adopt
and what financial advantages the US will be able to give to China.

We know this will be successful because every day we learn that more and more US politicians gladly submit to China for personal gain.
Here is but one example where US governors sent Billions to China in exchange for nothing

Money laundering: Governors Newsom and Kemp paid over $1B to Chinese company for COVID-19 supplies that never arrived
Money laundering: Governors Newsom and Kemp paid over $1B to Chinese company for COVID-19 supplies that never arrived | CLG News

With so many American politicians clamoring to appease China for personal gain, the USA is in dire straits.
It is likely that many of the US's most guarded secrets will be subversively shared with China under a Biden Administrations.

We will never know of the servers ordered to be left on and firewalls dropped behind the scenes and in exchange for a payday for one or two.

Actions directly damaging to the USA will be covered up and protected.

All of this sets the stage for a massive leap in Chinese global domination. The United States was the only real challenge to China, and with that
obstacle conquered, China can quickly and effectively advance it's One Belt One Road program.

It is not at all unreasonable to acknowledge that in the near future (very near) China could institute surveillance programs on American soil.
China has the worlds most advanced state surveillance network, largely built with chips and technology from Intel and US companies.
China has also embarked on a sinister plan to map the DNA of the worlds entire population. Some are deeply concerned on the reasons for this.

Sinister speculation over China's 'bioweapons' plan
Sinister speculation over China's 'bioweapons' plan

The Chinese Communist Regime has always been known to disregard human rights and be the worlds leading executioner.
With so many in positions of power in the USA handing over their power to the CCP, it's only a matter of time.

China was likely at least partially behind the fraud that handed China Biden the election in 2020 via hacking of Dominion Servers
It may be that China totally guided the 2020 US election.
They are leading experts in Digital Warfare having successfully stolen US top secrets for decades.

Joe Biden once joked about China helping him become president
Joe Biden once joked about China helping him become president
There is truth in Jest sometimes.

The bottom line is that US citizens are in the greatest danger of losing their freedom and their nation now than at any time in history.
Nearly half the US population ignorantly believes we would be "better off" if Communist China was placed at the helm of the USA.
And those millions work hard every day to help China do just that. Disarming Americans is a final keystone to remove the last
problem areas for China.

And is why Biden (at his own website) has clearly posted his plan to disarm Americans.
If you believe it will not happen you are fooling yourself. Biden will appoint Beto O'Rourke "Gun Safety Czar" soon
When that happens, confiscation will begin. And China will be free to take the controls.

Hunter Biden got a check for a billion and a half when he went to Red China with his old man.

Obama's brother is a Red Chinese citizen.

Yes, Chairman Xi is pleased as punch.
This is some really crazy over the top propaganda, China is a problem, help by not buying their stuff.
This is some really crazy over the top propaganda, China is a problem, help by not buying their stuff.
That can not happen at this point without some suffering by us. The Russia hoax was a diversion for the real issue. China and the sell outs who sealed our grim future.
Instead of investigating the claims about Hunter Biden’s Chinese connections, NBC News suppressed the report and attacked the messenger. They carried water for the Biden campaign, and other media outlets followed suit. The American public was largely unaware of this information as Election Day approached, which had an obvious effect on the outcome. Any credible news outlet would at least ask the question: Is anything in this report true? If so, how dangerous is that for America? Instead, a major media company, with an agenda to advance, set out to destroy a researcher and discredit an explosive report that questioned the shady dealings of a major party’s presidential candidate and his family.
Who benefits from that hit piece from NBC News? The Biden-Harris ticket, and the Chinese Communist Party.
Xi’s gotta have it. Earlier: Did Hunter Biden Help Facilitate NBCUniversal’s Beijing Theme Park?
Portions of Hunter Biden’s hard drive have now been shared with TAC. On the drive is an email from president of Rosemont Seneca Eric Schwerin, a company co-founded by Hunter and John Kerry’s stepson, saying that Chinese state-owned enterprise CITIC was hoping they would make introductions with Universal employees and propose the Beijing theme park.
“They’d like an introduction to Universal (Comcast) as they’d like to open a Universal Studios China theme park outside of Beijing,” Schwerin writes. “As I said, that one should be easy via Melissa Mayfield/David Cohen [two Comcast executives].”

And Fake News NBC knows how to circle the wagons at election time: Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw Defend Dan Rather Who Sees Effort to “Smear” Him.

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