The BDS movement taken to it's logical conclusion.

Ha ha ha I linked to actual embassy websites, ambassadors, and unbiased financial websites including from those countries that are expanding trade with Israel.

Keep digging and wanking.

Notice they can't list one single concrete accomplishment for BDS, other that braying "the BDS is crushing Israel" like wild donkeys.
Yes, you posted propaganda. I posted what the Israeli Minister of Finance stated. You seem to think you are better prepared to discuss the impact of BDS on Israel than the Finance Minister. I doubt anyone else feels that way.

" European pension funds have withdrawn investments; some large corporations have cancelled contracts; and the American secretary of state, John Kerry, rarely misses a chance to warn Israel that efforts to “delegitimise” and boycott it will increase if its government spurns his efforts to conclude a two-state settlement of its conflict with the Palestinians. Israel, says Yair Lapid, Israel’s finance minister, is approaching the same “tipping point” where South Africa found itself in opposition to the rest of the world in the dying days of apartheid. “Let’s not kid ourselves,” he told a conference of security boffins recently in Tel Aviv. “The world listens to us less and less.”

BDS has begun to grab the attention of some of the world’s largest financial institutions. PGGM, a big Dutch pension fund, has liquidated its holdings in five Israeli banks (though the Netherlands’ largest has affirmed its investments). Norway’s finance ministry has announced that it is excluding Africa Israel Investments and its subsidiary, Danya Cebus, a big building firm, from a government pension fund.

The campaign is drawing support from beyond northern Europe. Romania has forbidden its citizens from working for companies in the West Bank. More churches are backing BDS. An American academic association is boycotting Israeli lecturers."
A message from BDS and its supporters:

"Israel is getting crushed! The boycott is working!"

Agreed, I keep hearing a lot of bluff and bluster but no concrete evidence that the IBS campaign is actually having any effect.

Personally the moment I heard about it, I immediately began seeking out Israeli products. And I met others doing the same thing. ;--)
So, let's refresh their memories once again:

BDS Successes just pile up!

Ambassador Mihaylov: Leading Israeli ICT companies have chosen Bulgaria


As the first part of our exclusive report series about Israel, please welcome an interview with Bulgarian Ambassador to Israel H.E. Dimitar Mihaylov, sharing his thoughts about the investments, a joint paths, challenges and opportunities for Bulgaria and Israel.

Ambassador Dimitar Mihaylov is the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the State of Israel. He has a PhD in Islamic history from Bulgaria's Sofia University and received his master's in Arabic language and literature from Syria's Damascus University. He has served in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bulgaria for more than 20 years.

Mr Ambassador, first of all, how would you characterize Israel's relationship with Bulgaria in five words?

1) Close, and based on common values; 2) distinguished by mutual trust and confidence on both political and people-to-people's level; 3) based on genuine friendship – with the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews as outstanding example of solidarity and tolerance; 4) sharing a common vision for democratic and sustainable future of our two adjacent regions; 5) strategic in many fields of economic, scientific and security dimensions.

Israel seems to be redefining itsself in many ways. What is the new face it intends to show to the world?

Israel lives in a turbulent ocean of dynamic, radical, and, sometimes, tectonic changes. Internationally, Israel faces multiple challenges related to the Middle East Peace Process, the effects of the so called "Arab Spring" and reverberations of these and other topical issues in the system of the United Nations with its various bodies. Regionally: there is a constant threat of being attacked or entrapped in local conflicts by non-state regional actors with an ever-growing radical trends (IS is just an appropriate example); Internally: Israel is working hard to keep the democratic and socially just character of the state in a problematic and troublesome neighborhood. The Declaration of Independence of 1948 defined the newly born Israel as "based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel" and a state based on"complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex". On the other hand, Israel has shown to the world the miracle of the

"Start-up nation" with all its innovations and technical break-throughs, as explained by Dan Senor and Saul Singer in their eponymous book. Israel is a unique state with history that goes back as deep as 3 000 years and vision for the future that expands far much ahead.
BDS Successes in Ukraine!

Ukraine President Poroshenko on state visit to Israel 22 Dec 2015

Ukraine President Poroshenko on state visit to Israel

President Rivlin: Today, Ukraine and Israel enjoy wonderful progress and cooperation - in education, medicine, culture, and in economics, where our trade has grown from strength to strength. President Poroshenko: Ukraine stands with the State of Israel.

(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

President Reuven and First Lady Nechama Rivlin on Tuesday morning (22 December 2015), hosted at the President's Residence an official welcoming ceremony for President Petro and Frist Lady Maryna Poroshenko of Ukraine, who were on a state visit to Israel. The Presidents stood together for the national anthems, inspected an honor guard of the Israel Defense Forces, and delivered brief media statements before going on to hold a working bilateral meeting.

In his remarks, President Rivlin noted, "In the Ukraine, we remember a long history, a history of one thousand years of Jewish life in the cities and towns of the Ukraine; in Kiev, in Odesa, in Lvov - and even in the imagination of the great Shalom Aleichem, in the little town of Anatevka. Life that was almost totally wiped out by the Nazis who wanted to destroy Jewish life, and the Jewish people. We also know however, that from these great, beautiful cities came the seeds of hope who rebuilt Jewish independence."
A Budding Love Affair Between Israel and Latin America

A Budding Love Affair Between Israel and Latin America

The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez once tried to insult his country’s next-door neighbor Colombia by calling it the “Israel of Latin America.” But the Colombian president said he found the comparison an honor. “I admire the Israelis,” said President Juan Manuel Santos, characterizing the misfired epithet as a “compliment.”

Santos made his comments last summer, when he had traveled to Israel to sign a bilateral free trade agreement. The visit, as one might expect, brought a flurry of mutually admiring remarks among the countries’ leaders. But what might have seemed as a one-off burst of flattery has continued to expand.

Relations between Latin America and Israel are starting to look like a budding love affair.
Israel has no “right to exist” as a “Jewish state” any more than South Africa had the “right to exist” as an apartheid state. Israel has the same rights as any other government. Impunity for land theft, ethnic cleansing and war crimes is not one of those rights.
Yes, and that's because you guys say so and BDS has really put pressure on Israel, right?

Message brought to you by BDS and other assorted Jew hating scum.
Jew hating scum like the Israeli Minister of Finance. LOL

"Yair Lapid, Israel’s finance minister, is approaching the same “tipping point” where South Africa found itself
in opposition to the rest of the world in the dying days of apartheid. “Let’s not kid ourselves,” he told a conference of security boffins recently in Tel Aviv. “The world listens to us less and less.”
Actual facts contract that. BDS is just bluster. The article is outdated, invading Muslim savages focused on putting pressure on Europe, and now Europe has become more concerned with the same Muslim savages. Instead Israel's relationships with other countries around the world has flourished. You see, there aren't Muslim savages in every country in the world to pull this BDS bullshit. With the rise of worries over Islamic terrorist animals killing Europeans, BDS is taking its last breaths.

Another message from BDS spokesperson: "The sky is falling! Its over for Israel!"

Actual facts contract that. BDS is just bluster. The article is outdated, Muslim savages focused on putting pressure on Europe, and now Europe has become more concerned with the same Muslim savages.

Another message from BDS spokesperson: "The sky is falling! Its over for Israel!"


Ruddy has now accused, by implication, the Israeli Finance Minister of being "Jew Hating Scum" because he affirms that BDS is successful.

It must be exasperating for Ruddy, working his mouse overtime to find as many Zionist propaganda sites as possible.

Can you list some BDS accomplishments or not? Or just quoting people who want Israel and the world to take a more hawkish view of BDS?

So, you got nothing but the usual jerking off

Keep braying.

Can you list some BDS accomplishments or not? Or just quoting people who want Israel and the world to take a more hawkish view of BDS?

So, you got nothing but the usual jerking off

Keep braying.


The article that the Finance Minister is quoted in, lists them. You're going to break your mouse with all that ranting.

Jew hating scum like the Israeli Minister of Finance. LOL

"Yair Lapid, Israel’s finance minister, is approaching the same “tipping point” where South Africa found itself
in opposition to the rest of the world in the dying days of apartheid. “Let’s not kid ourselves,” he told a conference of security boffins recently in Tel Aviv. “The world listens to us less and less.”
So, we can agree you purposely failed to attach a link because the article later refuted your screeching?

From the article, (and note the bold text for dramatic affect):

Israel’s position as a hotbed of hi-tech start-ups is due in part to decades of circumventing Arab boycotts. A French arms ban in the 1960s sparked the development of its weapons industry, helping to catapult Israel into fourth place in the world’s league of arms exporters. And if the West turns its back on Israel, there is, they say, the east. Relations with India have warmed of late, and those with China are getting closer.

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