Zone1 the battle of Jericho

The Canaanites were successful and prosperous. They were involved in mining, metallurgy and basket making. There's no evidence that their towns were destroyed. They we're guarded by Egyptian garrisons and paid tribute to Pharaoh.

Demonizing the neighbors is not new especially if you want their land.
well said!
The Battle of Jericho never happened. ...

How do you know this? Jericho is the eldest city of the world. 12,000 years old or so. (City wall came later.) Only Matera is since a longer time continuously colonized (cave dwellers).
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how do Christians explain that massacre …. ordered by the God of the OT.?

Was this not ordered from the Holy Fly Swatter? What exactly say the peaceful prophets Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Putin about which concrete situation thousands of years ago when they created tyrannies far from milk and honey?
how do christians explain those cruelties?

I do not take serios what you "ask" - because you do not like to get an answer. You like to get a self-affirmation for you learned prejudices from which you think they are a part of your person - while they are indeed only propagandistic bullshit on a very low level of the intellectual (=spiritual) abilities which god gave you to find out what's really right or wrong.
Did God destroy Jericho?

God directly destroyed Sodom, but man destroyed Jericho.

The only question becomes, did God cause man to destroy Jericho?

Jericho was rebuilt 9 was a stone tower built on the site of a spring. Maybe it was earthquakes that knocked it down so many times.
What's to explain ????

"Many people don’t like that God wiped out these people, but then ask why God allows evil to continue in the world. So really God cant win with some people, they will be mad at him regardless of what he does. If God does nothing, he doesn’t care, if he takes action, he’s a murdering maniac."

THey killed their own children...they were homosexuals worse than Sodom

" The Canaanites, as a whole culture, committed sins of idolatry, holy temple prostitution, adultery, homosexuality, incest, murder, bestiality, gang rape, and child sacrifice (see The Nature of the Canaanites’ Sin excursus on page 8). Though other cultures also participated in some of these practices, it was the widespread involvement and acceptance of these sins that brought the Canaanites under Yahweh’s judgment. "

As God said to Abraham He was giving them several hundred years to repent, or -- when their sins reached their height -- He would destroy them.
Are you saying a fireball from Heaven that wiped out an incipient Hitler-cum-Nazis would be wrong ??????????????

There is no evidence that any Canaanite towns were interrupted much less destroyed.
The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silber.

They say only that is physically impossible that the walls of Jericho could be brought down by sound. But if I think about the Celts who also had a kind of trumpets which caused a sound which produced fear and combine this with my knowledeg about sieges in the middle ages then I could make for example this hypothese: While they drove mad with sound the people in Jericho - so their perception and concentration was weakened - a secret group of miners was able to dig a cave under the wall and when they removed the pillars and columns which they had used the wall over the cave broke down.

The say furthermore Jericho had no walls at this time of history. But what about a kind of carriage house like in wild west films? The defenders flee because of the terrible sound = "the wall", the resistance, the defense broke down.

So the question is perhaps at which other time of history did this happen or in which other city - or whatelse had been the reason to write the story in this way. The bible is no history book and this what we use today when we think - normally we call it Aristotelian propositional logic - is not how the people in this time of history had been able to think. The stories in the bible are often impossible - but what they tell us makes sense.

Perhaps this story inspired a poet to write this lines:

Auf des Degens Spitze die Welt jetzt liegt,
Drum froh, wer den Degen jetzt führet,
Und bleibt nur wacker zusammengefügt,
Ihr zwingt das Glück und regieret.
Es sitzt keine Krone so fest, so hoch,
Der mutige Springer erreicht sie doch.

On the tip of the sword the world now lies,
Therefore glad who wields the sword now,
And stay together bravely,
You force fortune and reign.
No crown sits so firm, so high,
The brave knight can still reach it.

Of course I have no doubt that you won't read it. So why ask for a source?

You are right I do not read it. But I liked to know whether this is a serios source because I never heard this. You did by the way also not read it, isn't it? The authors are Israel Finkelstein and Neil A. Silberman.

Here the summary of a critics (source: Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman: Keine Posaunen vor Jericho. Die archäologische Wahrheit über die Bibel - Perlentaucher)

Hans-Peter Schmidt hat grundsätzlich mit großem Interesse die archäologischen Ergebnisse über den historischen Wahrheitsgehalt der Bibel zur Kenntnis genommen. Kenntnisreich fasst der Rezensent einige Resultate der Archäologen zusammen, wie zum Beispiel die Beweisführung, dass die Josephsgeschichte kaum vor dem Jahr 800 v. u. Z. geschrieben worden sein könne, weil erst zwischen 700 und 600 die dort genannten Karavanengüter Harz, Balsam und Myrrhe einen Wert als Ware hatten. Des weiteren werde durch die Autoren überzeugend nachgewiesen, dass Jerichos Mauern durch die Posaunen Joshuas nicht zum Einsturz gebracht werden konnten, weil Jericho zu der Zeit ein kleines Dorf ohne Stadtmauern war, so der Rezensent fasziniert. Diese und weitere Beispiele zählt Schmidt als "plausible Thesen" auf. Überhaupt findet er die Ausführungen, die sich auf tatsächliche Ausgrabungen beziehen, sehr überzeugend und "spannend" zu lesen, dazu noch "sorgsam übersetzt". Was ihn allerdings stört ist die "Selbstsicherheit der exakten Wissenschaft", mit der die Autoren insbesondere die These vorstellen, die Bücher Mosis seien das propagandistische Werk einer einzigen "politischen Clique". Hier vermisst der Rezensent "wissenschaftliche Aufrichtigkeit" und er sieht damit die "unzweifelhaften Qualitäten" der Studie beschädigt.
----- Translation:
Hans-Peter Schmidt has generally taken great interest in the archaeological findings on the historical veracity of the Bible. The reviewer summarises some of the archaeologists' results with great knowledge, such as the evidence that the story of Joseph could hardly have been written before the year 800 BCE, because the caravan goods mentioned there - resin, balsam and myrrh - only had a value as goods between 700 and 600. Furthermore, the authors convincingly prove that Jericho's walls could not be brought down by the trumpets of Joshua because Jericho was a small village without city walls at the time, the reviewer says with fascination. Schmidt lists these and other examples as "plausible theses". In general, he finds the explanations, which refer to actual excavations, very convincing and "exciting" to read, as well as being "carefully translated". What bothers him, however, is the "self-assurance of exact science" with which the authors present the thesis that the books of Moses are the propagandistic work of a single "political clique". Here the reviewer misses "scientific honesty" and sees this as damaging the "undoubted qualities" of the study.
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The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silber. Of course I have no doubt that you won't read it. So why ask for a source?

He is brilliant. I love Israel Finkelstein.

Jericho was subject to earthquakes. It collapsed 9 times. The storytellers made it the subject of a morality tale.


ok :)

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