the attack on saudi oil


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
0 doubt its being done on purpose. All the events like this is on purpose-The already filthy rich are getting much richer off these events--They are the lowest form of life on earth. The rich are the problem.
Likely another middle east player rotating the military contractors' stock.

Agreed. I imagine someone wants to stir up a bunch of oh nos, oh nos, oh nos all over the cable news entertainment programming platforms, too.

The Cheneys and Chertoffs and company are still out there. They're likely pissed about Trump telling Bolton sorry but I mustache you for your resignation, please. He was their cash cow.

I'm calling false flag. Actually, a psyop.
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0 doubt its being done on purpose. All the events like this is on purpose-The already filthy rich are getting much richer off these events--They are the lowest form of life on earth. The rich are the problem.
So don't buy their oil then.
This is the criminal gang in iran posing as a government following its template from 1979. Disrupt the oil market to the point of fucking the global economy and ultimately getting their way again.
They’re desperate as a result of economic pressure put on them so this is their way of regaining leverage. First the hits on the tankers in the gulf and now this.
Obama would capitulate but reasonable people know better than to appease aggressors.
See, Munich, 1938.
0 doubt its being done on purpose. All the events like this is on purpose-The already filthy rich are getting much richer off these events--They are the lowest form of life on earth. The rich are the problem.
You people are goofy.

Without the rich, you would be starving to death.

And what you thing, that event, has to do with "rich people".... goofy. Just goofy. Do you watch infowars by any chance? Just curious.
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
Disrupting the global economy is not in the best interests of Russia or China. For Russia, the increased value in oil is not worth the economic hardship of the big picture. Especially with the supply leverage of the US, no thanks to Obama.
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
Disrupting the global economy is not in the best interests of Russia or China. For Russia, the increased value in oil is not worth the economic hardship of the big picture. Especially with the supply leverage of the US, no thanks to Obama.

Putin is not looking in the future and China is pissed off about the Tariffs, so they allow their puppet regimes like Iran to help Yemeni Rebels disrupt oil supplies and let North Korea toss a few missles...

It is just part of the game that is played...
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
Disrupting the global economy is not in the best interests of Russia or China. For Russia, the increased value in oil is not worth the economic hardship of the big picture. Especially with the supply leverage of the US, no thanks to Obama.

Putin is not looking in the future and China is pissed off about the Tariffs, so they allow their puppet regimes like Iran to help Yemeni Rebels disrupt oil supplies and let North Korea toss a few missles...

It is just part of the game that is played...
Excluding Allah, Iran hasn’t been anyone’s puppet regime since the shah days.
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
Disrupting the global economy is not in the best interests of Russia or China. For Russia, the increased value in oil is not worth the economic hardship of the big picture. Especially with the supply leverage of the US, no thanks to Obama.

Putin is not looking in the future and China is pissed off about the Tariffs, so they allow their puppet regimes like Iran to help Yemeni Rebels disrupt oil supplies and let North Korea toss a few missles...

It is just part of the game that is played...
Excluding Allah, Iran hasn’t been anyone’s puppet regime since the shah days.
And now that US influence is gone, Iran is free to stone all the women and publicly hang all the homosexuals they want.
Drones possibly launched by Iranian sponsored Shiite militias in Iraq.
Anti-Jew and illuminati fans can go suck a bag O' dicks. F'in nutcases!!
U.S. and Russia playing proxy-war with Iran working for Russia to supply Yemeni Rebels that do drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fileds...

So if you want to look at who is behind the attack call Putin or even China and ask them why they let Iran supply those rebels with the equipment to attack Saudi Arabia and if you must know it has to do with Tariffs and trade Wars...
Disrupting the global economy is not in the best interests of Russia or China. For Russia, the increased value in oil is not worth the economic hardship of the big picture. Especially with the supply leverage of the US, no thanks to Obama.

Putin is not looking in the future and China is pissed off about the Tariffs, so they allow their puppet regimes like Iran to help Yemeni Rebels disrupt oil supplies and let North Korea toss a few missles...

It is just part of the game that is played...
Excluding Allah, Iran hasn’t been anyone’s puppet regime since the shah days.

They're closer to being a puppet regime of the anti-American U.S. Democrat Party more than anyone else.
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You're the asshole yelling 'false flag'; not me, grasshopper!

What's that got to do with the joos or theluminati? Hm? What. Why'd you bring them up?

Is that like some kind of arbitrary victim status card you throw up whenever your hatred for brown people makes you wanna send someone's kids over there to turn sumuh em are muzzies to glass?

Actually, I even went further than inferring a mere false flag and considered perhaps a psyop instead. So, uh...come at me, bruh. lol. I've always wanted to say that. You're gonna have to do better than raising the joos and theluminati card, though. That won't work. Huh uh. Not on me, anyway.
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You're the asshole yelling 'false flag'; not me, grasshopper!

What's that got to do with the joos or theluminati? Hm? What. Why'd you bring them up?

Is that like some kind of arbitrary victim status card you throw up whenever your hatred for brown people makes you wanna send someone's kids over there to turn sumuh em are muzzies to glass?

Actually, I even went further than inferring a mere false flag and considered perhaps a psyop instead. So, uh...come at me, bruh. lol. I've always wanted to say that. You're gonna have to do better than raising the joos and theluminati card, though. That won't work. Huh uh. Not on me, anyway.

F off, conspiracy boi.

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