The Antichrist

1 John 2:22-23 says that ANYONE who denies that Jesus is the Messiah ("the Christ" is English for "the Messiah") is the ANTICHRIST...that means that most of the Jews are ANTICHRISTS:

"(22)Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.(23) No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also." 1 John 2:22-23, NIV

Christians, what are your thoughts on most of the Jews being ANTICHRISTS?

Quite a bit actually

a) 1 John is almost universally recognized as pseudepigraphic so its contents are in question right off the bat.

b) You are only quoting part of the section. You ignore 1 John 18-19 which reads "18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.". The anti-Christs the author refers to are not just those why deny Jesus, it is those who claim (or who previously claimed) to be Christian and now deny Jesus. As the Jews never recognized Jesus as the Messiah in the first place, they would not fit the definition of an anti-Christ according to 1 John 2.
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Design Diabolique

Remember that dazzling orange Apple iBook from 1998?

How can we think about how a prophetic AntiChrist would challenge our conceptions of modernism daydreams?


Ghost in the Shell (Film)

ai.jpg thing.jpg

*cue the crickets*

There are no crickets because we are impressed by your depth of insight. There is silence because we are shaking our heads in disbelief at the guy with such a convoluted understanding of scripture that he thinks that Jesus claimed to be Lucifer

To be historically correct, there was no Jesus, it's Rome who speaks through the image they created like the wizard of oz.
They purposely created the adversary of the Temple priests for reasons I noted elsewhere.
They admited in Rev 22:16 that this character was Lucifer, the Morning star was the son of Baal, Rome never mentioned who this mysyerious father was, but they made it obvious to the followers of Baal using Baals Dec 25th birthday and exact stories
plagarized to make the Jesus story. For crying out loud they were so obvious and spiteful that they named him
Iesus meaning "the swine".
The dung beetle connection is also obvious the intent of Rome was to mock the messianic movements and swallow all the cults with one converged image, they did this to previous cultures, so this is their proven method of making those cultures submit to Rome and evidence as well.
*cue the crickets*

There are no crickets because we are impressed by your depth of insight. There is silence because we are shaking our heads in disbelief at the guy with such a convoluted understanding of scripture that he thinks that Jesus claimed to be Lucifer

To be historically correct, there was no Jesus, it's Rome who speaks through the image they created like the wizard of oz.
They purposely created the adversary of the Temple priests for reasons I noted elsewhere.
They admited in Rev 22:16 that this character was Lucifer, the Morning star was the son of Baal, Rome never mentioned who this mysyerious father was, but they made it obvious to the followers of Baal using Baals Dec 25th birthday and exact stories
plagarized to make the Jesus story. For crying out loud they were so obvious and spiteful that they named him
Iesus meaning "the swine".
The dung beetle connection is also obvious the intent of Rome was to mock the messianic movements and swallow all the cults with one converged image, they did this to previous cultures, so this is their proven method of making those cultures submit to Rome and evidence as well.

You really think you are helping your case with that argument, huh?
Fucking Hussein Obama ..he fits

he is a muslim communist ....

and to think all (some) of you voted this creature....

it's above unbelievable!

America is a masochist Nation ...that's the only God!

how I despise them .... so much contempt so much all the American cowards!
There is much confusion both on this board and in the Church about who or what the antichrist is, who that man of sin is, and what the abomination of desolation is.
I view them as separate things. It seem many equate the three. Of the three, scripture is most clear on antichrist. Several posts that quote John are accurate in defining antichrist.The abomination of desolation is the ultimate in idolatry. We are already making living images of God made things. That man of sin is the scapegoat of Leviticus 16. The one to whom all sin is imputed. He shows up at the end of the Day of Atonement.
Sorry that does not work that way.
You can't all agree the founders of the faith was the referred to party then ignore that they created the books, plagiarism, spoke through the character/image and made new rules and precepts thus redefined the son of perdition "through mixing it" with anyone opposed to the son of perdition they created the image of called Jesus.
You can only use OT to determine what's anti the BIBLICAL MESSIAH, not the anti anointed church claims on who is who cause the deceiver will only deceive and "mixing knowledge that is good and evil" is the first basic lesson in the Bible of what not to partake of.
Christianity claims Rome will create a new one world religion and lift high as a god a false prophet.
They use John as reference, but John is speaking of his present tense as happening in his era not future.
Christian's admit the Roman church is the harlot, beast, anti the anointed, yet adopted it's false prophet as their god ....see how messed up that is?
If not then we are gonna have to order a lot of short busses for your church outtings.
Brainy Box

The surveillance-paranoia Hollywood (USA) movie "Enemy of the State" (1998) presents the story of an African-American man (Will Smith) who discovers an elaborate U.S. governmental conspiracy involving satellite, camera, and cell phone triangulated monitoring of civilian and pedestrian traffic and communications and with the help of an eccentric expatriate rebel (Gene Hackman), he tries to expose an assassination cover-up of an individual who tried to curb martial initiatives to create federally-mandated wire-tapping.

The A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise "Transformers" (Hasbro) presents various warrior robot avatars including a diabolical espionage-geared robot named Soundwave who transforms into a signals-intercepting radio that keeps in its chest mini-warrior robots (such as Laserbeak) that transform into spy-geared audio cassettes with built-in lasers.

Maybe the AntiChrist lords over human frailties and sensibilities regarding networking paranoia (i.e., NSA).

The Bible says that at the time of the fearful apocalypse, the ominous AntiChrist, the confounding harlot of Babylon, and the dreaded manslayer will rise to social power to seduce humanity away from comfort zones and civics.

What if the AntiChrist is like the fictional American comic book super-villain Brainiac? (DC Comics), a megalomaniac who coordinates diabolical intelligence with weird blueprints? Doesn't modernism 'accomodate' such fantasies?


Enemy of the State (Film)

Brainy Box

The surveillance-paranoia Hollywood (USA) movie "Enemy of the State" (1998) presents the story of an African-American man (Will Smith) who discovers an elaborate U.S. governmental conspiracy involving satellite, camera, and cell phone triangulated monitoring of civilian and pedestrian traffic and communications and with the help of an eccentric expatriate rebel (Gene Hackman), he tries to expose an assassination cover-up of an individual who tried to curb martial initiatives to create federally-mandated wire-tapping.

The A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise "Transformers" (Hasbro) presents various warrior robot avatars including a diabolical espionage-geared robot named Soundwave who transforms into a signals-intercepting radio that keeps in its chest mini-warrior robots (such as Laserbeak) that transform into spy-geared audio cassettes with built-in lasers.

Maybe the AntiChrist lords over human frailties and sensibilities regarding networking paranoia (i.e., NSA).

The Bible says that at the time of the fearful apocalypse, the ominous AntiChrist, the confounding harlot of Babylon, and the dreaded manslayer will rise to social power to seduce humanity away from comfort zones and civics.

What if the AntiChrist is like the fictional American comic book super-villain Brainiac? (DC Comics), a megalomaniac who coordinates diabolical intelligence with weird blueprints? Doesn't modernism 'accomodate' such fantasies?


Enemy of the State (Film)

View attachment 41597

What if most of your posts could somehow manage to be as informative as a blank piece of paper in a fortune cookie?

What if you stopped using drugs?

What if you wore a Taylor Swift t-shirt to a Mötley Crüe show?

What if a porcupine refused to launch a quill at you because in its view, you just aren't worth it?

These are the questions with meanings we need far more urgently to ascertain.
You just stumbled on something they will miss.
the anti christs can't be 2/3 the earth as it's written 1/3
would be deceived exactly their numbers percentage wise. ;- )

Ain't nobody here "missed" anything, Sherlock.

We just don't give a spit what you Muzzies think about our Messiah — the TRUE Messiah.

LMAO just shows how observant you are and poor your comprehension skills must be. I'M not Muslim and your
derogatory term for them was uncalled for.
However your poor ability to notice who's who is probably why you confuse the false messiah with the actual Biblical (Tanakh) one=result of poor reading skills.
Pedestrianism Fortress

America is proud of its marketing of various cross-training and sport (i.e., tennis, basketball, etc.) sneakers (or running shoes).

Relevant shoe-making companies such as Nike and New Balance have become very popular because of the social demand for sneakers (or running shoes).

Sneakers (or running shoes) represent a modern-era interest in making pedestrianism athletic, convenient, and durable.

The modern age is marked by high traffic, both in the virtual world (i.e., eTrade) and in the moving world (i.e., Autobahn). Sneakers (or running shoes) are capitalist investments in mobility gear and represent civilization fascination with motion itself.

Maybe the AntiChrist is hiding in NASCAR.



The 'Antichrist' is obviously a symbolic character.
What Jesus taught is opposed almost universally in the world, and in fact doesn't seem to be understood much of anywhere. All that is against that teaching is against, anti-, Christ.
Beast Beaker

We often think of cuddly and cute animals such as koalas, bunnies, and kittens as friendly and therefore safe (or non-predatory).

We think of ferocious (or poisonous) wild animals such as hyenas, snakes, and sharks as unfriendly and therefore unsafe.

Is this why we refer to the Devil (or Satan) as a dangerous serpent (or snake) or dragon (or predator)?

The Book of Genesis in the Old Testament states that when Earth/Eden was formed, there were amiable creatures as well as creeping insects and wild rovers.

Why do the Hollywood (USA) films "Alien" (1979) and "Predator" (1987) depict dangerous creatures/beings as having insectoid and reptilian shape? Since the Christian Bible describes the AntiChrist as being some sort of beast, could he be a brooding wolf (or werewolf)?


Beast (X-Men: Marvel Comics)

THE Antichrist hasn't come forth yet- "the son of perdition" in Revelation. Only once the Church is raptured is he revealed.

False, ninja007. That is popular MADE UP doctrine that actually contradicts the Bible. As we can see (1 John 2:22-23, NIV,) the antichrist is ANYONE who denies that Jesus is the Messiah. The anitchrist is not some singular person as pop doctrine alleges (1 John 2:22-23, NIV.)

tha antichrist IS going to be a singular person, yes. there have been small antichrists before- we agree on that. There is going to be satan indwelling a humans body, who is the AC of Revelation.
But Ninja Ninja Ninja, all your verses came from
66 books of man (6)
on Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll Characters used to secret numbers from names:
THe text was called ( using ASCll Characters)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666
THe holders of this Roman one world religion called:
Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666
AsVatican (the vatican)=666
You can't use the ones text who were anti the anointed.
You can't use the adversary's satanic texts about the first fallen son of perdition =Lucifer who was fulfilled as the fallen imposter messiah warned in the OT, who'd be lifted as a god. Satanist can't tell you who satan is anymore then Saddam can tell you the U.S. is the great satan=cause it's a double negative.

Fact : Christians say Rome will create a one world
religion using a fakse prophet lifted as a god.
They do this using OT verses on Lucifer like Ezekiel 28.
They forget this is prexisting Jesus and that everything depicted in luke and rev were occuring in their day of 70ad, which is what John of Patmos said was occuring at his time present tense not future= Rome was the adversary and their combined image called Jesus was that false prophet Rome used to mask Baal worship.

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