The Anti-White Party

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
The Anti-White Party
William S. Lind
Dec 02,2019

An outtake in an article in the November 14 New York Times about the Iowa caucuses caused me to do a double take: “Democrats question the status of a state that’s 90% white.”

Imagine that the Times had instead said, “Republicans question the status of a state that’s heavily black,” or “GOP questions the status of a state that’s largely Hispanic.” The crises of outrage would reach to the heavens. Every Establishment organ would demand the Republicans pee all over themselves, grovel in the dust, and kiss the feet of so-called black and Hispanic “leaders”, most of whom are con artists. But when the Democrats dismiss a state because it’s largely white? Not a murmur of protest arose from any quarter.

Along with a growing number of other white Americans, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute, whites built this country. We took a vast wilderness inhabited by a few million howling savages (who unlike their cousins in Mexico and Central America had built no civilizations) and turned it into what was, as recently as the 1950s, the best country on earth of all time. The contribution of other races was mostly muscle, not brains. In that respect, they stand well back from the ox, mule, and horse. And now we are to stand mute as Democrats make us a despised minority in our own country? I don’t think so.”

The Democratic Party’s hostility toward whites is a product of the broader ideology that party has embraced, the ideology of cultural Marxism, which is commonly known as “political correctness” or “multiculturalism”. Like Moscow’s old Marxism-Leninism, cultural Marxism says certain kinds of people are a priori good and others evil, regardless of what individuals do. In Marxism-Leninism, workers and peasants are good while landlords, capitalists and members of the middle class, the bourgeoisie, are evil. The latter are fit only to be “liquidated”, which Soviet Communism did on a scale that put Hitler to shame: not six million dead, but sixty million. (Ever notice how people on the Left swoon at the sight of a swastika but find the hammer and sickle gently amusing?)

Cultural Marxism says whites are inherently evil “oppressors” who must constantly beg blacks, Indians, immigrants, etc. to forgive their “white privilege”. The average white family living paycheck-to-paycheck doesn’t see a lot of privilege ......

Read the rest whitey @
The Anti-White Party – traditionalRIGHT

.....typical dumb crap---the left/blacks/etc can be racist/hateful/etc--no biggie..they are PROUD to be racist
..but if a white cop defends himself---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = RACIST!!!
This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.
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This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.
You HAVEN'T seen any BECAUSE you're a brainwashed, lunatic liberal. You're welcome.
This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.

I dont think mr Lind is searching For victimhood status...he just caught another and recent example of the left's hatred of whitey.
Neither am I. victimhood status is for weak leftards and nazi leftards with an agenda..
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.

I dont think mr Lind is searching For victimhood status...he just caught another and recent example of the left's hatred of whitey.
Neither am I. victimhood status is for weak leftards and nazi leftards with an agenda..
You're whining about something being anti white. And that's your agenda.
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
You've already posted. The most anti white people are you white racists.
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
You've already posted. The most anti white people are you white racists.
Give it up, you anti-white racist...........
There is no anti white party. And what you racists don't get is that loving your race is not the problem. It is when you exclude other races that it becomes a problem. And that what you racists want to do.
You just KNEW THE most racist, anti-white member on this site would chime in!
You've already posted. The most anti white people are you white racists.
Give it up, you anti-white racist...........


So according to you, for me to be pro white, I must be pro racism. I don't think most whites would agree with this. White racism is anti white. You are a white racist. Therefore you are anti white.
This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.

I dont think mr Lind is searching For victimhood status...he just caught another and recent example of the left's hatred of whitey.
Neither am I. victimhood status is for weak leftards and nazi leftards with an agenda..
You're whining about something being anti white. And that's your agenda.
Speaking of victims and outdated livestock.......Lind said it :auiqs.jpg: ......... living in lily white suburbia no less

Who is whining? just pointinG out a mainstream establishment instance of whIte demonization...

And I think ya got it bAckwards there becky

Self hating left winG nazi whites are usually consumed by everyone's race...

I've been brainwashed my whole life to see race as non issue ..

To Bad the left ruined that pipe dream with their nazi like racism and bigotry
This white guy is a proud liberal, and has never seen any anti-white bias.

But then, that's because I don't devote my life to finding reasons to proclaim my victimhood.

If you spend your life looking for reasons to proclaim your victimhood, you'll find such reasons, as the Trump cultists have demonstrated over and over. However, that's no way for a man to live.

I dont think mr Lind is searching For victimhood status...he just caught another and recent example of the left's hatred of whitey.
Neither am I. victimhood status is for weak leftards and nazi leftards with an agenda..
You're whining about something being anti white. And that's your agenda.
Speaking of victims and outdated livestock.......Lind said it :auiqs.jpg: ......... living in lily white suburbia no less

Who is whining? just pointinG out a mainstream establishment instance of whIte demonization...

And I think ya got it bAckwards there becky

Self hating left winG nazi whites are usually consumed by everyone's race...
View attachment 293766

I've been brainwashed my whole life to see race as non issue ..

To Bad the left ruined that pipe dream with their nazi like racism and bigotry
You have not been taught to see race as a non issue. On top of that whites aren't being demonized,

I gotta laugh at you believing that I am a female living in the suburbs. But regardless of where I live, white racism is a problem for non whites and there is no such thing as anti white racism.
You HAVEN'T seen any BECAUSE you're a brainwashed, lunatic liberal. You're welcome.

How's that quest for the eternal victimhood of the white male going today, snowflakes?

Did you all find some more reasons to have a good cry with your fellow conservative white male pajama bois? Good, good. We all know how much better a good cry makes you all feel.

It does make you look like a whiny betas to everyone outside of your victimhood cult. But then, if you never step outside of your cult bubble, you don't have to worry about that.

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