The Anti Trump Media


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Dan Gainor: The insults, they never stop! Anti-Trump media just can’t help themselves

2. A Blatant Double Standard on Racism: The New York Times turned a blind eye to anti-white racism when it named tech writer Sarah Jeong, who was born in South Korea, to its editorial board. Controversy followed immediately when the Asian-American writer’s old tweets surfaced. Like a good liberal, she had blasted out numerous tweets attacking “white people.” Many of them had curse words in them directed at whites.

Jeong called to “#CancelWhitePeople,” asked if they are “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins” and referred to them as “Dumb--- f------- white people.”

In one tweet she commented: “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. that was my plan all along.”

Naturally, the Times stood by her, arguing that: “For a period of time she responded to that harassment (she said she was receiving online) by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers.”

This is what the left has become! And through it all Trump triumphs! It is driving the assholes mad!
Andrew Sullivan skewered both Jeong and the Times, writing for New York magazine:“Another indicator that these statements might be racist comes from replacing the word ‘white’ with any other racial group. #cancelblackpeople probably wouldn’t fly at the New York Times, would it?” he asked.

Sullivan is right. The Times is obsessed with diversity. “Building a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential to that mission,” it claims on its official diversity page. According to Nexis, the newspaper used the word “diversity” 840 times this year in the first seven months. Only The Times isn’t diverse, a point the paper is desperate to hide.

Fast Company wrote in March: “The diversity of the New York Times’ leadership hasn’t budged in years.” In a nation where white people make up 60.7 percent of the population, they make up 72 percent of Times staff and 80 percent of its management.

The Times might consider changing its motto from "All the news that's fit to print" to “Do as we say, not as we do.”

Spot on!
Liberals as we all know are Full of Shit....

They are the true Racist...……..
I don't think they're all racists.....I just think they show selective outrage.
They don't care if Whoopie screams at a guest, Rosanne Barr was more wrong according to them.
They spend the last two years accusing Trump of being a racist, then they turn around and hire a white hating racist bigot to be an editor.
BTW, if the woman really was satirizing the racists with her tweets, then good for her. That's very clever. Literal people without the ability to discern satire or sarcasm won't get it.
BTW, if the woman really was satirizing the racists with her tweets, then good for her. That's very clever. Literal people without the ability to discern satire or sarcasm won't get it.
It wasn’t satire. That is just a cover your ass kinda cop out.
BTW, if the woman really was satirizing the racists with her tweets, then good for her. That's very clever. Literal people without the ability to discern satire or sarcasm won't get it.
It's clear to anyone with half a brain that she wasn't being factious.
I also think that anyone who takes every damn thing that Trump says seriously cannot fall back and claim innocence by saying their racist and genocidal comments all of their lives were just a terrible joke that blew up in their faces. One time can be partly excused.....but showing a pattern of repeated racist comments removes any doubt what is on their mind.
Dan Gainor: The insults, they never stop! Anti-Trump media just can’t help themselves

2. A Blatant Double Standard on Racism: The New York Times turned a blind eye to anti-white racism when it named tech writer Sarah Jeong, who was born in South Korea, to its editorial board. Controversy followed immediately when the Asian-American writer’s old tweets surfaced. Like a good liberal, she had blasted out numerous tweets attacking “white people.” Many of them had curse words in them directed at whites.

Jeong called to “#CancelWhitePeople,” asked if they are “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins” and referred to them as “Dumb--- f------- white people.”

In one tweet she commented: “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. that was my plan all along.”

Naturally, the Times stood by her, arguing that: “For a period of time she responded to that harassment (she said she was receiving online) by imitating the rhetoric of her harassers.”

This is what the left has become! And through it all Trump triumphs! It is driving the assholes mad!

Conservatives whining and lying about an ‘anti-Trump’ media – how tedious and typical.

That reporters ask relevant, on point questions that expose Trump’s failures doesn’t render the press ‘anti-Trump.’

That news reporting entities report the facts and the truth that exhibit Trump’s lies, ignorance, and dishonesty doesn’t make those new entities ‘anti-Trump.’

When Trump or his surrogates attack the press as the press is doing its job of asking tough questions, following up on those questions, and demonstrating that Trump is being inconsistent or evasive is not to be ‘anti-Trump.’

Trump has only himself to blame for his poor relationship with the press, the consequence of Trump’s lies, dishonesty, and unwarranted hostility toward a free press.

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