The Alleged Secret Plot To Sabotage Jimmy Carters Re-election By Delaying Hostage Release


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.
Shoooooo, some four-decade secret ---- it was all over the newspapers during that election!

I assume the Iranians just made a present of the hostages to the new president, Reagan, in hopes of better treatment from him. They knew Carter was a spent force and moving out of the White House; no use giving him anything.
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.

Are you posting this because you actually believe it?

Ben Barnes? Is that even a real name? I grew up in Texas in the late seventies and early eighties and I never heard of that "prominent Texas politician." Results of a google search on "Ben Barnes" are nearly all "Benjamin Barnes," an obscure Brit actor. I saw only two about the "prominent" guy, the NYT story and the Daily Beast' regurgitation of it.

If the hostages had been released right before the election, that would not have reduced Reagan's incredible landslide in the slightest. If anything, people would have seen it as an attempt by the Ayahollah to sway the election and would have galvanized Reagan's support.

I hate to be that old dude that remembers history, but no one who sat in Jimmy Carter's gasoline lines during Carter's unemployment/inflation spiral thinks he could have won if only he had gotten the hostages released.

Read "Crises" by Carter's Chief of Staff, Hamilton Jordan. It is a shocking account of the hostage taking event and Carter's reaction to it. Shocking because it decribes U.S. officials begging Iranian mid-level government functionaries. Not begging for them to release the hostages, those Iranians had no authority whatsoever to do anything with the hostages. They were begging to be allowed to talk to someone who did. For more than a year.

On Reagan's inaguaration day, the Carter negotiators started packing their stuff. The Iranians asked when the Reagan negotiators would get there. Carter's men said there aren't going to be any Reagan negotiators, he promised that during the election. This was not a tell-all book by a staffer who turned on his old boss. Jordan was proud of working for Carter.

No matter. The Iranians decided they had fucked around, but din't want to find out. The hostages were released pronto, Reagan fixed the economy, and drove the Soviet Union out of existence without firing a shot. That last was his real crime to old-school Democrats, who will never forgive him.
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A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.

I think this was known all along. I remember reading about how well-timed the release of the hostages was.

It's good that an insider finally confirms it, though.
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.
Probably was a good thing and well deserved. How was inflation back then?
Biden well on his way to doing the same thing.

Snark all you want.

The fact is Iran had stopped making advances on its nuclear weapons program -- until the MAGA-tard basically shredded the deal. MAGA:

I mean, let's rewind the tape here and look at what MAGA's Mid-East accomplishments. MAGA:

* cut a deal with the Taliban - even telling them when they were going to withdraw.

* tossed out the 2-state solution in Israel, basically all but guaranteeing a new generation of Islamic radicalization over the issue.

* engaged in blatant corruption with Saudi Arabia to enrich themselves

* and restarted Iran's nuke program

Well done, MAGA!
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

No body gives better deals to the mullah than Republicans.
Jimmy Carter allowed the Radical Muslims to take over our embassy and when we were fully loaded and ready to bomb Tehran into extinction, he, the peanut farmer, told US to stand down. Because of that shit, we have had to deal with millions of people murdered by Radical Muzzies.
The fact is Iran had stopped making advances on its nuclear weapons program -- until the MAGA-tard basically shredded the deal. MAGA:
I'm pretty sure Iran was secretly continuing their nuke plans and Trump had intel telling Him this, and tossed the 'treaty'.
* cut a deal with the Taliban - even telling them when they were going to withdraw.
The agreement specified certain conditions that were to be met before we withdrew. Biden shot that in the ass.
The libs have been whining about the schlonging they got in the 1980's for 40 years.

President Reagan, Ayatollah Khomeini and all of the rest of the principals are all long gone.

So tough fucking shit.
I'm pretty sure Iran was secretly continuing their nuke plans and Trump had intel telling Him this, and tossed the 'treaty'.

You would be wrong. Iran gave inspectors access to their enrichment facilities. This was probably one of the only things that the US and Russia actually agreed on over the last 10 years. You have no evidence to support what you're saying other than your own baseless suspicions.

Now? It's no secret that Iran basically has what it needs to make a bomb, owing to our stupid fucking paranoia and even stupider loyalty to Benjamin Netanyahu and the ultra Zionists, who are actually dumb enough to provoke a hot war with Iran and very likely drag us into the war with them.

The agreement specified certain conditions that were to be met before we withdrew. Biden shot that in the ass.

You're just making shit up.
A “prominent Texas politician” has come forward to allege a shocking four-decade secret: that foes of President Jimmy Carter sabotaged his 1980 re-election by urging Iranians not to release 52 American hostages until after that election.

The New York Times reported yesterday that Ben Barnes, a major figure in Texas politics in the 1980s, says he now wants to set the record straight about having “unwittingly (taken) part in a 1980 tour of the Middle East with a clandestine agenda.”

In that tour, Barnes says, he traveled that summer with his mentor, former Texas Governor John Connally” to one Middle Eastern capital after another meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don’t release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal.”

These claims were bullshit 30 years ago and they are bullshit now.

Jimmy Carter was the guy who dragged out the Iran Hostage Crisis (which could have been ended in five minutes by returning the Shah) for over a year and then found he couldn't find a way to end it. The Iran Hostage Crisis saved him from losing the nomination to Ted Kennedy, but his indecisiveness and inaction is why he lost to Reagan, and deservedly so.
Jimmy Carter allowed the Radical Muslims to take over our embassy and when we were fully loaded and ready to bomb Tehran into extinction, he, the peanut farmer, told US to stand down. Because of that shit, we have had to deal with millions of people murdered by Radical Muzzies.

So your argument is we should have killed millions of people - including the hostages we were so worried about - in order to show how tough we were? Really?

No matter. The Iranians decided they had fucked around, but din't want to find out. The hostages were released pronto, Reagan fixed the economy, and drove the Soviet Union out of existence without firing a shot. That last was his real crime to old-school Democrats, who will never forgive him.

You were doing so well until this part.

The fall of the USSR had nothing to do with Reagan spending us into a hole we keep digging.
Reagan didn't fix the economy, he made it a lot worse for the middle class.
No question that Reagan got his start by having secret negotiations with Iran. He would of course ally himself with our enemy in secret, like Trump did with Putin, and like Bush did with the Saudi's.

You can't trust a Republican running the country , the party is inherently evil.
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