The Affordable Gun Care Act

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There has been a lot of discussion about Health Care being a Right by The Left.

Government Mandated & Taxpayer Funded Health Care is mentioned no where in The Constitution or Bill of Rights. Yet liberals think it's a right and that the taxpayers should be Mandated to have it and pay for it and pay for others who cannot afford it.

However The Right to Bear Arms Is Listed as a Right and Civilian Militias are also mentioned in Our Founding Documents & associated laws supporting those rights..

The Militia Act Mandates that all men of fighting age automatically are members of The Civilian Militia as American Citizens by default.

It also requires that Citizens upon being called up to defend their country report to duty within 6 months with a military grade weapon if possible and if they cannot obtain a weapon that one will be provided for them by The Government.

Here is my proposal. That The Government Pass The Affordable Gun Care Act. US Citizens will be Mandated to own and be trained in firearms safety and use. Even those people that do not want firearms.

For those that cannot afford a firearm they will receive a subsidy, or have one provided for free to them paid for by The Taxpayer.

If you cannot prove you have a firearm in your house and in your possession, you will be fined punitively for failing to sign up for The Affordable Gun Care Act every year until you obtain and possess a firearm and prove that you have done so.
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Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

I guess you missed the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA, it is now perfectly acceptable for congress to tax you for not entering into specified commerce, what did Roberts call it, a taxable event,
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Where in the constitution does
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Ocare forces everyone to buy a product or pay fines or go to jail. There is no law that requires gun ownership.
Prior to the Unconstitutional ACA there was no law requiring Americans to buy health care insurance and neither was there a Right in The Constitution or The Bill of Rights to have Health Care Insurance nor a mandate to force Americans to have it.

Unlike Health Care Insurance which is not mentioned anywhere in our founding documents, there is not only a GUARANTEE of an American's Right to Bear Arms but their is a
Requirement under the Militia Act for Americans to procure a firearm under that law.

So the idea for The United States Goverment to Mandate every American possess a Firearm already exists in law.

The natural progression would be to recodify The Militia Act and the Right to Bear Arms in to a Mandate like my Affordable Gun Care Act requiring all Americans to possess firearms and for The Government to use tax dollars to subsidize the procurement of firearms for those that cannot meet this requirement financially on their own.

I also believe they should be assault weapons or at least a choice for an assault rifle. Choice is good, right?
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I'm all for cheaper guns, but legal weapons in America are total shit.

Why not pass a bill allowing access to the good stuff? I want to check an ARX 160, Kord, and Grom off my wishlist.
Judges ignore and break the law all of the time. Not every judge is a moral person, and many of them do not follow the law at all in their decisions.

Look at The Dread Scott Decision.
Look at Obama's friend in Hawaii who could not cite a single law or precedent to support his stay of a lawful travel ban!

Look how Democrats passed things like Poll Taxes, Jim Crow Laws and Segregation and used Activist Democrat Judges to uphold and support such UNJUST LAWS.

This is why Democrats are foaming at the mouth rabid with anger over the fact they cannot place even more Unjust Activist Judges in our Court System.

Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

I guess you missed the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA, it is now perfectly acceptable for congress to tax you for not entering into specified commerce, what did Roberts call it, a taxable event,
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Judges ignore and break the law all of the time. Not every judge is a moral person, and many of them do not follow the law at all in their decisions.

Look at The Dread Scott Decision.
Look at Obama's friend in Hawaii who could not cite a single law or precedent to support his stay of a lawful travel ban!

Look how Democrats passed things like Poll Taxes, Jim Crow Laws and Segregation and used Activist Democrat Judges to uphold and support such UNJUST LAWS.

This is why Democrats are foaming at the mouth rabid with anger over the fact they cannot place even more Unjust Activist Judges in our Court System.

Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

I guess you missed the SCOTUS ruling on the ACA, it is now perfectly acceptable for congress to tax you for not entering into specified commerce, what did Roberts call it, a taxable event,

Never said I agreed with Roberts instituting an unconstitutional direct tax on US citizens, but regressives like nutty loved it. I simply pointed out that it's the law of the land at this time and congress is free to use it anyway they choose, even ways the regressives don't like. Of course they would be back in court trying to reverse the original ruling they loved and not once admit their hypocrisy.
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.
hey if we can force people to buy insurance we can force them to buy anything
There has been a lot of discussion about Health Care being a Right by The Left.

Government Mandated & Taxpayer Funded Health Care is mentioned no where in The Constitution or Bill of Rights. Yet liberals think it's a right and that the taxpayers should be Mandated to have it and pay for it and pay for others who cannot afford it.

However The Right to Bear Arms Is Listed as a Right and Civilian Militias are also mentioned in Our Founding Documents & associated laws supporting those rights..

The Militia Act Mandates that all men of fighting age automatically are members of The Civilian Militia as American Citizens by default.

It also requires that Citizens upon being called up to defend their country report to duty within 6 months with a military grade weapon if possible and if they cannot obtain a weapon that one will be provided for them by The Government.

Here is my proposal. That The Government Pass The Affordable Gun Care Act. US Citizens will be Mandated to own and be trained in firearms safety and use. Even those people that do not want firearms.

For those that cannot afford a firearm they will receive a subsidy, or have one provided for free to them paid for by The Taxpayer.

If you cannot prove you have a firearm in your house and in your possession, you will be fined punitively for failing to sign up for The Affordable Gun Care Act every year until you obtain and possess a firearm and prove that you have done so.
Reads like Switzerland, or Israel.
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Where in the constitution does
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.

Ocare forces everyone to buy a product or pay fines or go to jail. There is no law that requires gun ownership.
While gun ownership is not specifically required, Constitutionally, it is very specifically allowed. That means that gov'mint cannot forbid any qualified citizen from owning firearms.
I believe in healthcare for any child in these here United States along with any veteran who has a need resulting from his service. Who in their right mind expects an 8-year-old to afford a tonsillectomy?
There has been a lot of discussion about Health Care being a Right by The Left.

Government Mandated & Taxpayer Funded Health Care is mentioned no where in The Constitution or Bill of Rights. Yet liberals think it's a right and that the taxpayers should be Mandated to have it and pay for it and pay for others who cannot afford it.

However The Right to Bear Arms Is Listed as a Right and Civilian Militias are also mentioned in Our Founding Documents & associated laws supporting those rights..

The Militia Act Mandates that all men of fighting age automatically are members of The Civilian Militia as American Citizens by default.

It also requires that Citizens upon being called up to defend their country report to duty within 6 months with a military grade weapon if possible and if they cannot obtain a weapon that one will be provided for them by The Government.

Here is my proposal. That The Government Pass The Affordable Gun Care Act. US Citizens will be Mandated to own and be trained in firearms safety and use. Even those people that do not want firearms.

For those that cannot afford a firearm they will receive a subsidy, or have one provided for free to them paid for by The Taxpayer.

If you cannot prove you have a firearm in your house and in your possession, you will be fined punitively for failing to sign up for The Affordable Gun Care Act every year until you obtain and possess a firearm and prove that you have done so.

Then again the Militia Act has been replaced by other Acts which themselves have been replaced.....

All males between 17 and 45 are automatically in the militia due to the Dick Act, but there's no requirement to have your own arms.
There has been a lot of discussion about Health Care being a Right by The Left.

Government Mandated & Taxpayer Funded Health Care is mentioned no where in The Constitution or Bill of Rights. Yet liberals think it's a right and that the taxpayers should be Mandated to have it and pay for it and pay for others who cannot afford it.

However The Right to Bear Arms Is Listed as a Right and Civilian Militias are also mentioned in Our Founding Documents & associated laws supporting those rights..

The Militia Act Mandates that all men of fighting age automatically are members of The Civilian Militia as American Citizens by default.

It also requires that Citizens upon being called up to defend their country report to duty within 6 months with a military grade weapon if possible and if they cannot obtain a weapon that one will be provided for them by The Government.

Here is my proposal. That The Government Pass The Affordable Gun Care Act. US Citizens will be Mandated to own and be trained in firearms safety and use. Even those people that do not want firearms.

For those that cannot afford a firearm they will receive a subsidy, or have one provided for free to them paid for by The Taxpayer.

If you cannot prove you have a firearm in your house and in your possession, you will be fined punitively for failing to sign up for The Affordable Gun Care Act every year until you obtain and possess a firearm and prove that you have done so.

So your contention is that the health of the nation is not a national security issue?

lol, good one.
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.
hey if we can force people to buy insurance we can force them to buy anything

All taxation is essentially forcing people to buy things.
Okay, so you don't want affordable heath care insurance but you do want to force everyone to buy guns.

You say that health care insurance in not mandated by the constitution. Where, in the constitution does it say we should be forced to buy guns?

There are several other rather obvious holes in this idiocy but that's a start.

As for every dolt owning a gun - no. Why do you nutters insist on arming known and suspected terrorists, as well as the mentally ill (got a mirror nearby?), illegals and damn near anyone who wants one?

About your sig ... The Clinton's server was turned over to the authorities but drumpf's was not. The little twitler still has an old and easily hacked android phone too.

And, I strongly suggest you look up the definition of "anarchy". Hint: Your hero, Pooting is not one.
hey if we can force people to buy insurance we can force them to buy anything

All taxation is essentially forcing people to buy things.

no not really.

roads, defense, etc are not consumer products that just anyone can buy

Insurance is
guns are

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