The Accidental School Spy

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
In 2002 I worked for several months as a part time substitute clerk/typist for a school district. One day, at the school district office, a Hispanic couple came in to complain about an incident involving their son. I overheard what office staff said about their visit.

In a high school literature class, students were taking turns reading passages from a book but their son refused to read his part because it contained the n-word. Later, their son was threatened by African American students because he had supposedly disrespected the book’s black author by not reading the passage.

I don’t know how the situation was resolved. A case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t and how students use perceived offenses as an excuse to bully other students.

On another assignment, at an elementary school, two front office clerks were discussing the performance of another clerk who had antagonized several parents, one of whom was threatening to transfer her student to another school if she had to deal with that employee again.

When I expressed curiosity about the identity of this clerk, they pointed her out in a staff picture. She was the only black person in the photo. Two possible conclusions came to mind: All the complainers were racist, or the district could not fire the woman because it had to meet an affirmative action quota.
The most likely explanation for both ‘stories’ is that they never happened.
In my case, I was to send one of my sons to a public school which by jurisdiction corresponded to my part of the city. Starting with the principal to the janitors, the whole staff was black people as well more than 90% of the students.

The students in general weren't a problem but one black student who was the bully. Several complaints were made on that student but the principal always took his side. I knew about this bully because eventually my son became one of his victims, always receiving punches and threats from him.

I over passed the negative of the principal to do something about it and I made my complaint and petition for transfer to the Board of Education. The petition was granted and I took my son to school everyday some miles away from home. At the third day in the new school my son told me "I love coming to school".

Those words gave me confidence that my little sacrifice of taking and picking up my son from a far away school from home was worthy.

I heard later on that complaints continued against the principal of the other school and was finally fired. I never knew why she behaved that way ignoring the several complaints from parents.

What you have posted is just typical cases when a certain group of people becomes the majority. For example, in public schools where Latinos are majority from the principal to the amount of students, then whites and blacks are more like to be discriminated. Not a rule, but most like it.
In my case, I was to send one of my sons to a public school which by jurisdiction corresponded to my part of the city. Starting with the principal to the janitors, the whole staff was black people as well more than 90% of the students.

The students in general weren't a problem but one black student who was the bully. Several complaints were made on that student but the principal always took his side. I knew about this bully because eventually my son became one of his victims, always receiving punches and threats from him.

I over passed the negative of the principal to do something about it and I made my complaint and petition for transfer to the Board of Education. The petition was granted and I took my son to school everyday some miles away from home. At the third day in the new school my son told me "I love coming to school".

Those words gave me confidence that my little sacrifice of taking and picking up my son from a far away school from home was worthy.

I heard later on that complaints continued against the principal of the other school and was finally fired. I never knew why she behaved that way ignoring the several complaints from parents.

What you have posted is just typical cases when a certain group of people becomes the majority. For example, in public schools where Latinos are majority from the principal to the amount of students, then whites and blacks are more like to be discriminated. Not a rule, but most like it.


Amazingly I still have the letters sent and received for the transfer of my son. But are PRIVATE stuff.

You are asking for too much.

What about a soda instead? I can add a 99 cents bag of peanuts if you want to.

Just trying to make you happy.
So, you're full of shit. Got it.

Is that what makes you happy? Sure?

Then, yes, I am, and I have to wrap myself in toilet paper everyday.

Man! I spend too much money in toilet paper... I wonder why some smart dude can't invent yet toilet paper made of plastic...

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