That IRS Hiring Binge? It’s Happening, Just as We Suspected


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And to think Joe Biden lied and millions of you believed him. And you still cling to Biden and his myriad lies.

All that coverage dismissing concerns that the $80 billion influx would be used to beef up IRS enforcement seems to have been intentionally misleading.

Don’t listen to the critics, advised our commentariat. It’s a conspiracy to think an IRS wealthier by $80 billion will translate into an auditor-hiring binge and an overabundance of scrutiny and red tape for workers and middle-class families. Indeed, credulous newsrooms claimed at the time, the $80 billion will mostly address “workforce attrition.”​
On another IRS matter, this week CBS News likewise scored a hot scoop: “Starting next year, a new IRS rule will require anyone earning over $600 on payment apps, like Venmo, in 2023 to receive a 1099-K form. The old threshold was earning $20,000 over 200 transactions.”
In retrospect, the press’s earlier coverage of that $80 billion injection sure looks gullible. And all that coverage dismissing concerns about an IRS hiring spree and increased enforcement efforts against workers and middle-class families seems intentionally misleading.​
“Don’t worry,” CNBC reported on August 31, 2022, “the IRS isn’t hiring an ‘army’ of auditors — here’s what’s really happening.” The newsgroup informed us that in fact the Treasury Department said the IRS could use an $80 billion appropriation to “rebuild” and “revitalize” the agency.​
Who could’ve seen this coming? Who could’ve seen this except for perhaps everyone with eyes and ears? Of course the IRS intends to grow its workforce. It was always going to grow its workforce! You’d better believe that the bureaucrats at the IRS took notice of that Treasury estimate of enough funding for 87,000 new hires.​
And of course the IRS intends to implement a $600 reporting requirement. The feds are dead set on that matter. Recall that the IRS tried to implement the $600 reporting requirement last year but delayed it, citing “a number of concerns regarding the timeline of implementation of these changes.” Also, recall that the Affordable Care Act in 2010 had a similar 1099 reporting requirement for businesses, which was “designed to raise revenues to finance health reform.” The requirement, which would’ve applied to “all purchases made from any vendor totaling $600 or more per year,” was eventually scuttled. Now, it’s back. Call it bureaucratic tunnel vision. The feds want that $600 reporting requirement, and they want it badly. The Treasury report, the repeated efforts to implement a $600 reporting requirement — there was a reason why conservatives were justifiably concerned about the $80 billion for the IRS. It doesn’t take a genius to guess where all those new resources will be put to use.​
Why, you may ask, did so many in the press reflexively dismiss these concerns? Why did so many of them accept the line that $80 billion would simply go toward maintenance and “workforce attrition,” even though members of the press likewise stand to suffer at the hands of an overgrown IRS? The answer is that most reporters, no matter how bright, cannot see beyond party affiliation. It’s their loss, really. It’s going to be a rude awakening the day they discover that merely being a loyal liberal doesn’t exempt them from digging the ditches with the rest of us.​

And just only took 75 years of Republicans and conservatives sitting on their asses doing nothing for us to get to this point.


The tears shed up to now are nothing compared to the oceans of tears ahead.
Good times baby! It's coming now! This schnazzle is going to hit us in our lifetimes.
All part of the cost of doing nothing.

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