Thanks Obama- Oklahoma Mom who once Married her Son will now go to Jail for Marrying her Daughter


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The left owns this freak of nature


Patricia Ann Spann, 46, and her biological daughter Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, got married in the town of Lawton about 17 months after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of Oklahoma.

To get around the potential snag of their shared family name, Patricia Spann listed her name as Patricia Ann Clayton on the pair’s marriage license application, filed with Comanche County.

For her part in marrying her daughter, two years after she was legally allowed to contact her children following an annulled marriage to her biological son, Patricia Spann will serve time in jail, according to the Oklahoman.

The newspaper reported that she pleaded guilty to felony incest Tuesday, and under a plea deal, the 46-year-old will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation. She will have to register as a sex offender following her release.

Oklahoma mom who once married her son will now go to jail for marrying her daughter
The woman is a nut case. Unfortunately, more than likely her children are as well.
uncle fred says 'it sure do sound to me like some red neck family conservative and republican at it roots, dat kinda stuff only happens in okie or the hills some place, you all need to get used to youse own kind i do recommend you all read dat mccarthy guy he sure do got the language and place down pat' you all take care now
The left owns this freak of nature


Patricia Ann Spann, 46, and her biological daughter Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, got married in the town of Lawton about 17 months after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of Oklahoma.

To get around the potential snag of their shared family name, Patricia Spann listed her name as Patricia Ann Clayton on the pair’s marriage license application, filed with Comanche County.

For her part in marrying her daughter, two years after she was legally allowed to contact her children following an annulled marriage to her biological son, Patricia Spann will serve time in jail, according to the Oklahoman.

The newspaper reported that she pleaded guilty to felony incest Tuesday, and under a plea deal, the 46-year-old will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation. She will have to register as a sex offender following her release.

Oklahoma mom who once married her son will now go to jail for marrying her daughter
Aaaahhhh, the marrying kind.
Were they in love and deeply committed to each other? If yes, what grounds does the State have to deny their marriage, re: Obergefell and the 14h Amendment? That incest is illegal? If they're both consenting adults, then I'd just like to know why they're in trouble? Because it's "ickier than two men rump-humping"?
I read an interview that had been done with the son that she didn't marry. She didn't tell the kids that she was their mother. The kids had been down in Texas and then she somehow came into contact with them or with a friend of theirs and went to Texas. They all went back to Oklahoma and walked in their grandmother's house and the grandmother recognized the mother right off the bat. The mother then threatened to kill the daughter.

That is whole bunch of crazy right there.
The left owns this freak of nature


Patricia Ann Spann, 46, and her biological daughter Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, got married in the town of Lawton about 17 months after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of Oklahoma.

To get around the potential snag of their shared family name, Patricia Spann listed her name as Patricia Ann Clayton on the pair’s marriage license application, filed with Comanche County.

For her part in marrying her daughter, two years after she was legally allowed to contact her children following an annulled marriage to her biological son, Patricia Spann will serve time in jail, according to the Oklahoman.

The newspaper reported that she pleaded guilty to felony incest Tuesday, and under a plea deal, the 46-year-old will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation. She will have to register as a sex offender following her release.

Oklahoma mom who once married her son will now go to jail for marrying her daughter

The left owns this because two people broke the law?


It's like saying that executions are allowed, so someone killed his mother, therefore the right owns that murder.
The left owns this because two people broke the law?

Oh, the progressive liberal LGBT "anything goes" sex cult apologist suddenly has an issue with icky sex acts. You don't seem to have any problem with Lawrence v Texas Frigid weirdo. The precedent is set in Obergefell "consenting adults in love & committed". The 14th Amendment says no matter how icky we find that combination privately, all are welcome to enjoy equality.

You are SUCH a hypocrite.
The left owns this freak of nature


Patricia Ann Spann, 46, and her biological daughter Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, got married in the town of Lawton about 17 months after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of Oklahoma.

To get around the potential snag of their shared family name, Patricia Spann listed her name as Patricia Ann Clayton on the pair’s marriage license application, filed with Comanche County.

For her part in marrying her daughter, two years after she was legally allowed to contact her children following an annulled marriage to her biological son, Patricia Spann will serve time in jail, according to the Oklahoman.

The newspaper reported that she pleaded guilty to felony incest Tuesday, and under a plea deal, the 46-year-old will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation. She will have to register as a sex offender following her release.

Oklahoma mom who once married her son will now go to jail for marrying her daughter
I missed the ceremony where Obama married this couple in Republican Oklahoma?
The left owns this because two people broke the law?

Oh, the progressive liberal LGBT "anything goes" sex cult apologist suddenly has an issue with icky sex acts. You don't seem to have any problem with Lawrence v Texas Frigid weirdo. The precedent is set in Obergefell "consenting adults in love & committed". The 14th Amendment says no matter how icky we find that combination privately, all are welcome to enjoy equality.

You are SUCH a hypocrite.

Nope- incest is still illegal and incestuous marriage is still illegal.

As always- if you disagree with that- let us know how your campaign to marry your sister wife is going.
This incest would not have occurred if Obama wasn’t elected President.
The left owns this freak of nature


Patricia Ann Spann, 46, and her biological daughter Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, 26, got married in the town of Lawton about 17 months after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of Oklahoma.

To get around the potential snag of their shared family name, Patricia Spann listed her name as Patricia Ann Clayton on the pair’s marriage license application, filed with Comanche County.

For her part in marrying her daughter, two years after she was legally allowed to contact her children following an annulled marriage to her biological son, Patricia Spann will serve time in jail, according to the Oklahoman.

The newspaper reported that she pleaded guilty to felony incest Tuesday, and under a plea deal, the 46-year-old will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation. She will have to register as a sex offender following her release.

Oklahoma mom who once married her son will now go to jail for marrying her daughter
What the fuck does this have to do with Obama?
The left owns this because two people broke the law?

Oh, the progressive liberal LGBT "anything goes" sex cult apologist suddenly has an issue with icky sex acts. You don't seem to have any problem with Lawrence v Texas Frigid weirdo. The precedent is set in Obergefell "consenting adults in love & committed". The 14th Amendment says no matter how icky we find that combination privately, all are welcome to enjoy equality.

You are SUCH a hypocrite.
Oh? I have not heard about an "liberals" making any noise about the incest aspect of this. If a parent thinks that they want to marry an offspring, or if siblings want to marry, I for one think that they should pursue the matter through legislation or the courts and try to make the case. But the issues are different that those of unrelated same sex marriage.

Meanwhile, to say that Obergefell said something about consenting adults and commitment and set no other parameters is either an outright lie or just more evidence of your defective thinking. It also said (paraphrase) that people of the same sex can marry within the framework of the marriage laws of the state.

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