Thanks a lot, Baby Boomers

The one trick is figuring out you believe a pile of RW BULLSHYTTE from the biggest propaganda machine the USA has ever seen.

Murdoch the REAL thug and the hordes of RW bought off liars are a threat to our wonderful country. Murdoch is about to be thrown out of the UK, should be here too. A liar/bully/thug.

Read something fer chrissake, and not RW BS, one of those "marxist", actually respected worldwide, NY Times, Wash. Post, or even USA Today or your local big city paper. Get off the net, it's 90% RW BS, because it's so easy to make money off the dupes...

Frank and beans > View attachment 18572

Jeebus you're dumb. Got ANYTHING but stupid insults, ugly 'Merican fool? LOL!
So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism and billion dollar campaigns.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

Says the collectivist tool of the far right. Sigh.


I go out of my way to use "individual" instead of "people" when addressing individuals (non-progressives)....

I go out of my way to use "progressive" instead of "liberal" because being a classical liberal myself, modern day progressives have absolutely nothing in common with me.

I totally subscribe to Ayn Rand and her ideas of individualism and am absolutely opposed to collectivism.....

Now you call me a "collectivist?"


I'm going to go take a nap now..... Have fun talking shit..
So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?'re just a little.....


You can have......

.....though.....especially the ones that jumped on the Teabagger-wagon.

(....Or, whatever trend they're chasing, presently.)

Are you even trying to be serious here? Abbie and Jerry were dedicated to freedom and tried with great humour on their sides as Yiuppies to make peaceful and humerous while still proving their points.

Not like the dark side :eek: from Chicago with two rich kids, They were Manson clones.
What do you know about Mao and his batshit insane youth revolution - that or Pol Pot???

If you were smart you would realize you're nothing more than a collectivist tool...

Says the collectivist tool of the far right. Sigh.


I go out of my way to use "individual" instead of "people" when addressing individuals (non-progressives)....

I go out of my way to use "progressive" instead of "liberal" because being a classical liberal myself, modern day progressives have absolutely nothing in common with me.

I totally subscribe to Ayn Rand and her ideas of individualism and am absolutely opposed to collectivism.....

Now you call me a "collectivist?"


I'm going to go take a nap now..... Have fun talking shit..

You go out of your way daily to show us how illiterate you are about the American narrative.

You are also a rightwing progressive statist. You are what you are.
I have a Masters in World History, chump, sorry about FACTS LOL!

And in the real world, there's no such thing as a "classical liberal". The founding fathers were the big gov' liberals of their day. How many liberal republics do you think there WERE then, Pub dupe?
No, I don't have a Che shirt. Why the should I care about some random Marxist revolutionary? Sniper/Nick like to put people in buckets; it makes 'understanding' the world easier for them, because it saves them from having to think too hard.
The majority of books I have read that are required reading for college students are sympathetic to socialism/communism..

Few focus on the horrors of socialism/communism, authoritarianism or totalitarianism...

"Li Da" by Nick Knight is a perfect example.

There is no objectivity - actually, reality and facts are blatantly hidden or minimized when it comes to socialism/communism in these books.
The liberal college professors have their own communal system embedded in their own labor union in order to assure their jobs are not taken from them due to their own incompetency. Tenured professors cannot be fired. That is pretty much a communist thing. One might logically expect praise of communism to come from such a group.

Engineering schools are likely to present less praise of politics than do the liberal arts schools. However, I did have an English prof at Georgia Tech that made sure we all knew he was pro-collectivism. The math and engineering profs rarely revealed their political fantasies. They seemed more keen on teaching students how to use their own brains rather than convincing them to join a certain party.

BTW, Kevin...the tsunami of citizens that came as baby boomers created waves of demands for certain goods to begin and end understandably in sequences. First came diapers, cribs, baby food, baby clothes..then toddler goods and toys along with other foods and cereals, then schools and teachers, then teenager staples and so on until it got to be time for the first baby boomer to go to college. Then the demand for college educations rose...and of course, the baby boomers started having babies of their own.


I am not aware as to why 1967 was chosen as the end of the baby boom. 21 years seems a bit long for all the boys to "come home". It appears that the boom in births started a few years before the boys came home. (Maybe there was a lot of infidelity while the boys were away...or maybe a lot of the boys wanted the wife to be pregnant before they left.)

Anyway, it is perfectly natural for the cost of college education to rise with the demand...and due to INFLATION. Most people that were born in 1967 have likely completed all the college they plan to do. But the price ain't gonna fall much.

Blame who you want. It doesn't matter one bit to me.

Thanks for the graph.

Demand playing into the cost - that's a very good point. But inflation? Not sure so much, as college costs inflate about 4-6% every year vs about 2% across the economy as a whole.

First you discount inflation as a factor in your high college costs, then you say inflation of college costs is 2 to 3 times the inflation for the rest of the economy. Was that because of the baby boomers? :cuckoo:
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So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


whiny kid is whiny
First you discount inflation as a factor in your high college costs, then you say inflation of college costs is 2 to 3 times the inflation for the rest of the economy. Was that because of the baby boomers? :cuckoo:


I said that simply chalking up the higher cost of college to the normal inflation rate of the economy was not a strong argument in explaining the higher cost of college. This is because price across the broad economy as a whole increases only about 2% YOY (historically), yet college prices specifically seem to be increasing about 4-6% YOY – faster than the rate of broad inflation. So there must be some other factors influencing those cost increases.

I mentioned that demand is one of them. More people going to school = more demand = higher prices.
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So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

if it weren't for wouldn't be able to complain about them here today on the world wide web.....

you'd have to ditch your ipad too.....:bye1:
So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


whiny kid is whiny

I'm a lot less whiny than some of the people here on this board, believe me.

Also, are you satisfied with how the current generation in power has been running Washington? Can we do better?
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So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


None of us had the fancy stuff that the colleges have now.
Like fancy dorm rooms, recreation centers, cafés.
But mostly Over extended teacher retirement pay and health care.
That's not our fault.
When we went to college we just had lunch rooms not cafés.
You went to your own exercising place.
Teacher retirements were reasonable.
So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.

if it weren't for wouldn't be able to complain about them here today on the world wide web.....

you'd have to ditch your ipad too.....:bye1:

That's true, of course. I think the boomers have brought some great innovation to America. I was just pointing out some of the bad stuff (where the generation has led us politically – for instance), because that’s more fun to debate about.

I said that simply chalking up the higher cost of college to the normal inflation rate of the economy was not a strong argument in explaining the higher cost of college. This is because price across the broad economy as a whole increases only about 2% YOY (historically), yet college prices specifically seem to be increasing about 4-6% YOY – faster than the rate of broad inflation. So there must be some other factors influencing those cost increases.

I mentioned that demand is one of them. More people going to school = more demand = higher prices.

Kevin, where do you think the dollars your parents spend on your education go?

Do you think that a big chunk of the check goes to "baby boomers" who party with it? If college education actually were 700% of what it was 30 years ago, in constant dollars, what would the cause of that be? Is the tuition money going into the SS fund to pay baby boomers?
First you discount inflation as a factor in your high college costs, then you say inflation of college costs is 2 to 3 times the inflation for the rest of the economy. Was that because of the baby boomers? :cuckoo:


I said that simply chalking up the higher cost of college to the normal inflation rate of the economy was not a strong argument in explaining the higher cost of college. This is because price across the broad economy as a whole increases only about 2% YOY (historically), yet college prices specifically seem to be increasing about 4-6% YOY – faster than the rate of broad inflation. So there must be some other factors influencing those cost increases.

I mentioned that demand is one of them. More people going to school = more demand = higher prices.
The increase in demand for college educations cannot be blamed solely on baby boomers or on other increases in population. I suspect that welfare whores have had (and continue to have) babies that will never apply for college. They merely increase the government checks sent to their mothers...and they learn from their mothers how to play the welfare game.

I said that simply chalking up the higher cost of college to the normal inflation rate of the economy was not a strong argument in explaining the higher cost of college. This is because price across the broad economy as a whole increases only about 2% YOY (historically), yet college prices specifically seem to be increasing about 4-6% YOY – faster than the rate of broad inflation. So there must be some other factors influencing those cost increases.

I mentioned that demand is one of them. More people going to school = more demand = higher prices.

Kevin, where do you think the dollars your parents spend on your education go?

Do you think that a big chunk of the check goes to "baby boomers" who party with it? If college education actually were 700% of what it was 30 years ago, in constant dollars, what would the cause of that be? Is the tuition money going into the SS fund to pay baby boomers?

First off, let’s get one thing straight - my college burden rests on me, not my parents. I know this because of the $350 that gets subtracted from my bank account every month. It will continue to subtract that amount for the next 20 years.

If you compare the average cost of tuition in 1950 vs 2012, and then adjust for inflation, you will find that college tuition today will be higher by a factor of about 7. I think some of this is due to demand, some is due to “fancier college amenities” as Peach pointed out, and some of this can be due to the fact that colleges are simply charging more for the same things they offered in 1950. If college cost me what it cost people in 1950, my monthly loan payment would be maybe $50ish (much more manageable if you ask me). Whatever though, it's a fact of life and I intend to pay every dollar I borrowed back...

Where’s all this money going to? I don’t know. The students aren’t making a profit, though, I’ll tell you that. I do know that the private lenders are making a nice profit on interest, though.

The money that goes into the SS fund is coming out of my paycheck. Just checked my stub and looks like I’ve contributed about $750 YTD so far to SS. $750! I could have put that right into my 401K, but instead it's been shipped far, far away......... perhaps to see again someday? Who knows....

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So baby boomers....

(1) Go to college dirt cheap, then jack up the price about 700% by the time I attended, (2) traded the idea of sane responsible banking for a "live for the moment" get rich quick profit scheme that crashed our global economy in 2006-2008, and (3) have drilled a giant divide in Washington D.C. by encouraging and perpetuating a nasty culture of political extremism.

Am I just being cynical, or does the "baby boom" generation have some explaining to do?

Sort of a half serious post, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.


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