Thank You to All The Anti-Vaxers

At one time pro vax people were pissed at those of us who didnt get the vax because they thought we'd spread covide which of course isnt true at all.
Knowing this pro vax people have no reason to be pissed at anti vax people.
Btw, for the record luckily I've never had any side effects.
Very lucky ,so far . But what on earth has that got to do with anything?

It's the people that are injured , maimed and dead that are relevant and then people who are having problems this winter and over the next few years .

Similar to the person enthusing about how Uncle Jim was a heavy smoker all his life and proving absolutely nothing , but forgetting the few million who died directly and indirectly over years from tobacco and in agony when their time came .
My daughter-in-law got vaxed and is fine. My son got vaxed and got myocarditis. He's had two heart attacks. I wanted to wait until more was known. Then came the news of blood clots. I have an existing blood clotting disorder. Nope. Not getting vaxed. My doctor had been after me to get vaxed. Now he won't even discuss it.
Who knows that I'm a pro-vaxer but yet don't criticize my decision to have been vaccinated because I don't criticize your decision not to get vaccinated. I wish things would go back to the way they used to be when medical stuff was own private personal business and nobody else's.

Covid was always political, and too many people here--many in this thread--made Covid their religion. So if you didn't take the vaccine, you weren't just disobeying a medical order (!), you were an affront to humanity.

It turned out just as I thought it would, because God Hates Pride.
My daughter-in-law got vaxed and is fine. My son got vaxed and got myocarditis. He's had two heart attacks. I wanted to wait until more was known. Then came the news of blood clots. I have an existing blood clotting disorder. Nope. Not getting vaxed. My doctor had been after me to get vaxed. Now he won't even discuss it.

I actually got vaxxed because I was afraid of getting blood clots because I heard about somebody who was unvaxxed and got them.
Thing is.
I am not anti vaxx.
I have had plenty of vaccinations that were NOT experimental or protected from legal recourse. Ones that have been proven gor decades before my time.

Just not taking this sucker, and at this point I feel I made the correct decision despite loons like penedope that wished death on me and many others.
By far a leading cause of death among the vaxed are blood clots.

Well thankfully I've never had anything serious ever happen to me then.
Just not taking this sucker, and at this point I feel I made the correct decision despite loons like penedope that wished death on me and many others.

Did you tell her to go fuck herself because I don't think any man would want to do it with her.
i have been very open on here about having vaxs and the side effects of it...there was no way i could get outta of between family and doctors...having diabetes and cancer (in remission) thank you ...
It links to why David Crosby's risk of death was real whether performing at concert or being "vaccinated" against SARS2.

Having accessed RFK Jr.'s powerful book, The Real Anthony Fauci, turn to page 90 to understand why a pre-existing medical condition actually contraindicates the SARS2 mRNA jab.

The science mentioned there is expounded upon, here:
Ruud Lensen et al, Hepatitis C Virus Reactivation Following COVID-19 Vaccination - A Case Report, Int. Med. Case Rep. J. 2021, 14: 573-6

We think that the reactivation of certain cancers can be included in long-term pathologies exacerbated by mRNA "vaccine."
Who knows that I'm a pro-vaxer but yet don't criticize my decision to have been vaccinated because I don't criticize your decision not to get vaccinated. I wish things would go back to the way they used to be when medical stuff was own private personal business and nobody else's.
I'm severely allergic to virus shots. That makes me ineligible to travel out of the country. I don't mind. I just keep wearing my mask because it keeps out allergenic agents such as tree pollens which also are on my allergic list. :doubt: It's okay with me if people are paranoid about vaxing or not vaxing. I have no opinion except the entire issue begs extremism of polar opposites. That is not an insult because I believe people have their reasons for being for or against any given do-good or do-bad cause.

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