Thank You Presiudent Trump: Mexico Refuses To Cough Up Buses To Take Illegals To US Border


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Caravan organizer admits failure in bid for Mexican buses to United States border

The leading migrant caravan trying to make its way to the United States border is admitting defeat after asking the Mexican government to provide dozens of buses to speed up the group's journey northward.

President Trump made it clear to these countries, like Mexico, that if they aided these illegals - if they did not try to stop them from reaching the US he would consider cutting foreign aid to them.

Mexico responded by refusing to provide buses to move illegals through Mexico and to the US southern border.

Thank you, President Trump!

Migrant caravan coordinator says demand for Mexico to provide buses has 'failed'

Good. Glad to hear it. Now maybe those idiots will head back to Honduras where they belong.
Yesterday there were about 10 buses sitting ready to move women and children
GOOD News , if true and not just more B.S. . Beside that the invaders are walking , hitch hiking , riding on flatbed truck and will be taking the train 'la beastia' when they get to the train . The belief in 'mexico' helping the USA in any way is silly 'imo' . What the 'mex' are scared because the TRUMP ' COULD ' consider cutting Foreign Aid' . Thats laughable eh !! [COULD consider]
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and WHO is the organizer that may be spouting this True or Lying BS about Buses . Probably just a 'mex' , guat or 'honduran' thats fecking with the Gringos .

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