Thank you President Obama

People underestimate the threat of Ebola in this country

Once the deadly virus hit Texas, conditions were ripe for an unchecked outbreak
Consider Texas:
Poor healthcare facilities
Uneducated population
Poor personal hygeine
A retard for governor

If our Messiah had not stepped in and stopped Ebola in its tracks, the entire state of Texas could have been lost
President Obola brings EBOLA on American soil and now the leftist messiah cured a camera man? Did he part the dirty bathwater Raging Ravi slurps too?

Obama cured the camera man?
Ravi is doing a weird bit of redirection. Saying the republicans are saying he is responsible for everything regarding Ebola, he is also responsible for any cures. Much like saying an arsonist is responsible for putting out the fire he set when he is miles away, and has nothing to do with the 10 fire engines, 80 firefighters and ambulances. By Ravi logic, he put out the fire, because he set it
I thought you were dead. And bad analogy but you already knew that.
Yours is the bad analogy. Really, you need to do better.
U.S. tightens Ebola monitoring for West African visitors Reuters

The CDC said that, beginning on Monday, travelers from those countries will be directed to check in with health officials every day and report their temperatures and any Ebola symptoms for 21 days, the period of incubation for the virus.

The travelers will be required to provide emails, phone numbers and addresses for themselves and for a friend or relative in the United States covering the 21 days, and the information will be shared with local health authorities.

The travelers also will be required to coordinate with local public health officials if they intend to travel within the United States. If a traveler does not report in, local health officials will take immediate steps to find the person.

Inside joke.
Ah, like Ravi Chancre?

Obama cured the camera man?

He must have. Republicans keep calling him the "Messiah".

Meh, we call him that because that's how you treat him. Look at the OP. She credits Obama for a cured Ebola patient.

Our Messiah has saved millions from the scourge of a deadly virus

So, you think Ebola will never enter the US again?

It's over?
Well, well. The 'Conservatives' here did their complete freakout on Ebola, blaming the President along the way for the whole epidemic. Except there is no epidemic. The people here that were infected and got immediate aid, are all surviving, and looks like they will suffer no permanent effects.

Now the Canadians have come up with a vaccine that is undergoing human trials as we post. If it works, it will be up to us, the Canadians, and Europeans to mass produce it, and put an end to the pandemic.

This has been a good practice run. You see, with todays travel times, a pandemic could actually be worldwide before we even realized it existed. And all of us, the whole of humanity, would be up against it to get medicines, vaccines, and facilities to our populations before there was too high a percentage of fatalities. Backbiting and stupid blind partisanship in a case like that is hardly the recipe for survival.
Inside joke.
Ah, like Ravi Chancre?

Obama cured the camera man?

He must have. Republicans keep calling him the "Messiah".

Meh, we call him that because that's how you treat him. Look at the OP. She credits Obama for a cured Ebola patient.

Our Messiah has saved millions from the scourge of a deadly virus

So, you think Ebola will never enter the US again?

It's over?
If it does, you can feel safe

Our messiah will protect us
Inside joke.
Ah, like Ravi Chancre?
Obama cured the camera man?

He must have. Republicans keep calling him the "Messiah".

Meh, we call him that because that's how you treat him. Look at the OP. She credits Obama for a cured Ebola patient.

Our Messiah has saved millions from the scourge of a deadly virus

So, you think Ebola will never enter the US again?

It's over?
If it does, you can feel safe

Our messiah will protect us
Yep Jesus will, Obama not so much.
predfan 1. It isn't a knee jerk reaction, it is an opinion based on education and experience.

protocol is based on collective education and experience of relevant experts...

predfan 2. I understand, viruses, infectious diseases, and isiolation protocol much better than you do. Better in fact than most people writing articles on it.

no you don't, but you and i are not the topic. being smarter than a news reporter isn't very hard...

predfan 3. It's incredibly stupid to say that we cannot ban travel to the US without banning aid as well. There is no logical reason you or anyone else can give for that to be so. You think all you have to do is say so and it's true. At least I give you logic and reason behind my points.

the sound reasoning is there, you just don't want to see it...

1. It isn't a knee jerk reaction, it is an opinion based on education and experience.

2. I understand, viruses, infectious diseases, and isiolation protocol much better than you do. Better in fact than most people writing articles on it.

3. It's incredibly stupid to say that we cannot ban travel to the US without banning aid as well. There is no logical reason you or anyone else can give for that to be so. You think all you have to do is say so and it's true. At least I give you logic and reason behind my points.

Protocols come from scientists.

Republicans think science is a faith.

Vaccines come from scientists.

Republicans think vaccines cause autism.

AIDS was much harder to transmit and look at how Reagan and the Republicans fucked that up.

I shudder to think if they were actually in charge right now.

And Texas screwing things up? Again? Didn't see that coming.
More to be thankful for!

"Amber Vinson, a Dallas nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, is now free of the virus, according to her family.

Vinson arrived at Emory University Hospital last week for treatment. As of Tuesday night, officials with the hospital and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ebola were not able to detect Ebola in Vinson's body, her family said in the statement."

Dallas nurse Amber Vinson free of Ebola virus - The Washington Post
Does anyone know why people can't be tested for ebola instead of waiting in quarantine for 21 days?

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