Texas State-Certified Handgun Instructor Refuses To Teach Muslims, Obama Supporters

He should lose his certification.

Yes, of course he should, how dare he think any way other then how the democrats and liberals think? He should be forced to accept every view of the party that SAYS it does not march in lock step.

So conservatives think that those who don't agree with them politically shouldn't have the right to bear arms?

Statement from the Texas Department of Public Safety:

"Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor's certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation."

Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

So all you armchair lawyers can go back to bed.

Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

are you kidding me?....the guys business has probably doubled because of this.....

...because it's Texas.
Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

If I lived there, I'd go to his store, chat him up, look at some guns, set up lessons and maybe a purchase or two....and then talk about how I am a Liberal.
I have a friend, now retired, that had a telescope shop in Connecticut. Back when Reagan was President, he had a customer drive down from New Hampshire to purchase a $20 K scope. They were completing the deal as I stood by waiting to talk astronomy with my friend, when the guy bitched about the $1,200 sales tax and went into a rant about the President, for some reason. Fred tore up the bill and told the guy to get the fuck out of his store. After some discussion, the guy left without the telescope. The Smith and Wesson on Fred's hip finally convinced the guy to leave when Fred lifted his shirt tail a bit.

Of course.
I thought Muslims were peaceful.

What does being peaceful have to do with it? Why can't a person be peaceful but still want to own a gun? Most Americans are peaceful law abiding citizens, but many of them choose to own weapons. It's sheer stupidity to suggest that just because someone chooses to own a gun they are allegedly non-peaceful.

I tried to point that fact out to Willow. I don't think she got it.
Statement from the Texas Department of Public Safety:

"Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor's certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation."

Ad for gun training bars Muslims and Obama voters | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

So all you armchair lawyers can go back to bed.

Wow..really? Thats a pretty intrusive law. But hey, I'm taking a class right now myself (not in handguns but the medical profession) and if they denied me matriculation based on my race; I think there'd be grounds for suit so we may need to re-examine this.

Just to clarify however....that passage you quoted in blue is about Concealed Handguns right? If he's violating the ordinance, they need to investigate and take appropriate punitive measures.
He should lose his certification.

Yes, of course he should, how dare he think any way other then how the democrats and liberals think? He should be forced to accept every view of the party that SAYS it does not march in lock step.

So conservatives think that those who don't agree with them politically shouldn't have the right to bear arms?

No. A shop owner may voluntarily limit his clientele. His shop is not a public accommodation as defined by the law.
Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

are you kidding me?....the guys business has probably doubled because of this.....

...because it's Texas.

and it would be the same if he was in just about any State.....people all over the Country agree with this guy....at least with the Muslim part of it.....the Liberal part will depend how far right you are....
:clap2: :clap2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNIji_PxULM&feature=player_embedded]Crockett Keller, American Hero, with the best gun commercial ever - YouTube[/ame]

:clap2: :clap2:
Great interview.... this man is a great American.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7iwW6XvRQE&feature=player_embedded]Crockett Keller explains his gun ad - YouTube[/ame]
This guy is a real hero for conservative Islamophobes.

Your fantasies are just that. Fantasies. Unless, of course, you have some actual evidence to prove that he is a 'hero' to these mythical 'conservative Islamophobes'.

Those Islamists who would slaughter you just for being gay, btw.

But.... thanks for reminding us - daily - just how dumb you are.
Obviously doesn't support the second amendment

He is at liberty to sell to whomever he sees fit. As are others to not do business with him. That is what rational people do. They don't make half assed assumptions about 'racism'.... and intelligent people don't 'thank' fucking idiots for their idiocy. How embarrassing to be you.
Has there been any news about follow-ups to this?

Will his license be pulled for discrimination against a protected class? Has it been yet? (Sorry if this has already been addressed. I haven't read the whole thread.)
Has there been any news about follow-ups to this?

Will his license be pulled for discrimination against a protected class? Has it been yet? (Sorry if this has already been addressed. I haven't read the whole thread.)

Who are the "protected class"?
p.s., I stumbled across the answer to my own question. Yes, the matter is being investigated by authorities. Which was mentioned in one or more of the OP's links. *chagrined for not even checking*

Crockett Keller Bans Muslims and Obama Supporters From Gun Training in Radio Ad [Video]

But does that right exist? Does Keller have the right to choose who he gives gun lessons to?

According to the Department of Public Safety, no, he does not. The DPS said in a statement:

“Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor’s certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation.”

The Department of Public Safety is currently investigating Crockett Keller’s operation. But Keller says that he isn’t going to back down.
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