Texas secession petition on White House website fast approaching 25,000-signatures!

When all attempts to arrive at a formal annexation treaty failed, the United States Congress passed—after much debate and only a simple majority—a Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States. Under these terms, Texas would keep both its public lands and its public debt, it would have the power to divide into four additional states "of convenient size" in the future if it so desired, and it would deliver all military, postal, and customs facilities and authority to the United States government. (Neither this joint resolution or the ordinance passed by the Republic of Texas' Annexation Convention gave Texas the right to secede.)

That comes from the Texas State Library and Archives Comission in regards to Texas entry into the Union in 1845.

All of this said, the last time a poll was taken in the state of Texas on this subject by USNews, only 1 in 5 supported Texas actually doing such a thing, so for those advocating this sort of thing you have a very high hill to climb even among the citizens of the State of Texas the legal issues, as well as a whole host of others notwithstanding. The bottom line here is this, while it might sound good to advocate such a thing, no state including Texas is going anyplace anytime soon, outside of armed rebellion and thats highly unlikely. So it would seem the best thing to do given that, is to advocate for making your part of Texas perhaps into it's own individual state, which has Senators, Reps. and others who represent your views as opposed to advocating something that has been settled since 1865 at the cost of over 700,000 Americans on both sides of this issue.

No one wants another war.

If this happens, as it well could, it would be done politically not using force, most likely.

If it did devolve into violence, the resistors would take the fight to the US commanding cadre, not rank and file military.

More US military commanders and federal agency officials would die away from their posts than would die in combat, much like what Mike Collins did in Ireland when he and those Irish heroes beat the worlds largest and strongest empire of their day.
All states have the right to secede. I hope many of them act upon that right.

White v Texas


So says the utterly and totally reversible SCOTUS.

So fucking what?

No sovereign government agrees to the legitimacy of one of its controled provinces or states leaving their control. But nonetheless people do it any fucking way.

You might say that they appeal to God's final court; the field of battle, the back alleys of assassination till they get what they want.

They dont stop when denied permission by the government that they are leaving, lol.

That is what 'natural rights' are all about; what people actually do, not what some dusty law book's letters say when some jack ass lawyer reads them.
All states have the right to secede. I hope many of them act upon that right.

White v Texas


So says the utterly and totally reversible SCOTUS.

So fucking what?

No sovereign government agrees to the legitimacy of one of its controled provinces or states leaving their control. But nonetheless people do it any fucking way.

You might say that they appeal to God's final court; the field of battle, the back alleys of assassination till they get what they want.

They dont stop when denied permission by the government that they are leaving, lol.

That is what 'natural rights' are all about; what people actually do, not what some dusty law book's letters say when some jack ass lawyer reads them.

So you don't think the United States government is a legitimate sovereign authority.

Got it.
Just for laughs I wish we could choose the state we want to go away.:badgrin:

Okay for me it is Joisy. Nothing political really. It is just such a crappy part of the ride when we are traveling south. :D All those ugly electrical transmission wires.

I am an ardent secessionist, but not the way most people think of when they hear the term. I fully and truly believe in self determination for anybody and everybody, Quebec, Vermont, Gaza, Chechnya, Tibet. More power to them.

That said, ya gotta be realistic. There is no way the national government pats anybody on the back and wishes them luck. Hell, it takes an act of God to renounce your citizenship these days. Further, state governments are peopled by politicians wedded to the notion of their place at the trough and all entertain notions of moving up to an office in D.C. someday. Ain't happening, and nobody in a position to make it happen is seriously going to suggest it.

So true. The Feds are really testing the patience of many of us but the connection between state and Feds is so incestuous at times I can't imagine any state government with the stones to make any true moves toward secession.

Well wait and see what happens when the Feds run out of money and the ability to print any more that anyone will take as currency.

Game over.
Already posted a thread on this but when the military is sent in and smacks down the state i might laugh.

Yeah, because thousands of people getting maimed and killed and families broken up and destroyed is always so funny for fascists.
White v Texas


Is that the same Supreme Court that said Obamacare and killing babies is Constitutional? I'll go with the founding fathers proclamations thank you.


“I don’t like what the Constitution and its case law say on the issue so I’ll just ignore both.”


"The law justifies anything a tyranical government does, so get on the gravey train and ride this bitch till the wheels fall off. Who cares if it is morally right? How many divisions does God have anyway?"
Is that the same Supreme Court that said Obamacare and killing babies is Constitutional? I'll go with the founding fathers proclamations thank you.


“I don’t like what the Constitution and its case law say on the issue so I’ll just ignore both.”


"The law justifies anything a tyranical government does, so get on the gravey train and ride this bitch till the wheels fall off. Who cares if it is morally right? How many divisions does God have anyway?"

Translation: "Its morally wrong for the federal government to do anything I disagree with"
The question you should ask is if Texas was to secede, how many other states would follow?

I would think pretty much the entire south minus Florida. Then you could possibly throw in Indiana, Montana and maybe a couple of others west of the Mississippi River.

It's never going to happen, but you have to look at the whole picture and what something like this would do to the country.

It could very well happen if stupid fuck ideologues like Feinstein and her ilk pursue their fascist utopianism at all costs.

Damned sure could, these fucktards are so god damned fucking stupid.

Are Feinstein ‘and her ilk’ ‘socialists’ or ‘fascists’ – the right needs to make up its mind.
White v Texas


So says the utterly and totally reversible SCOTUS.

So fucking what?

No sovereign government agrees to the legitimacy of one of its controled provinces or states leaving their control. But nonetheless people do it any fucking way.

You might say that they appeal to God's final court; the field of battle, the back alleys of assassination till they get what they want.

They dont stop when denied permission by the government that they are leaving, lol.

That is what 'natural rights' are all about; what people actually do, not what some dusty law book's letters say when some jack ass lawyer reads them.

So you don't think the United States government is a legitimate sovereign authority.

Got it.

I think at the moment it is, but that hangs by a narrow thread.

And whether it is legit or not is irrelevant to me anyway as I have repeatedly sworn allegiance to it, so I obey anyway.

But it is falling apart, it and the coalition of ethnicities and fraternal associations that have sustained it over the paast two centuries.

Any ethnicity that deliberately puts in place policy that causes its own people to be reduced in number over time is fucking retarded.

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