Texas Abortion Clinics: We Should be Able to Dismember Unborn Babies While Hearts still BEATING

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A closely-watched abortion trial concluded Wednesday in Texas with the abortion industry arguing that they should be allowed to continue dismembering living, second-trimester unborn babies while their hearts still are beating.

Earlier this year, the abortion chains Whole Woman’s Health and Planned Parenthood, along with other pro-abortion groups, challenged Senate Bill 8, which prohibits dismemberment abortions, a method typically used in the second trimester to kill nearly fully-formed, living unborn babies. It is a barbaric and dangerous procedure in which the unborn baby is ripped apart in the womb and pulled out in pieces while his or her heart is still beating.

In late August, U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel temporarily blocked the state from enforcing the law until the case could go to trial. Yeakel also presided over the hearing this week.

The abortion industry’s case is based on the claim that the law will outlaw the most common second-trimester abortion procedure (dilation and evacuation or D&E) and put an undue burden on women’s access to abortion.

But, according to Texas Right to Life, their witnesses contradicted one another throughout the trial and admitted that there were alternative abortion methods that they could use to comply with the new abortion law.

“At the end of the day, the abortion industry was forced to graphically describe the draconian and violent process of taking a child’s life through dismemberment, while also defending the practice they claim Texas has no right to prohibit,” the pro-life group said in a statement.

(Excerpt) Read more at lifenews.com ...


The downward spiral continues. This is just a high tech version of what ancient civilizations practiced. Sacrificing children to try and improve and extend their life.

But the party of INFANTICIDE that promotes this wants their voters to think they CARE about them. No matter what a persons personal views are on abortion, it should be pretty clear that the demonRAT party doesn’t value human life much, no matter what they say... BUT what about the children....Bullshit!
It just gets worse.

The act of ripping a baby apart is so horrifying that if you saw it, you would seek to prevent it. So while you are being told to vote for the right to dismember them, they won't let you see what you are voting for. It is too appalling to subject anyone to actually having to witness it.
Post a picture of a baby torn into parts here, and see how long it lasts, and what the excuse is for removing it from view.
Too sensitive for some. Thing is, it's sensitive to have your leg ripped off too, or beheaded...

So, in lieu of an actual image, imagine this:
The next time you are around a newborn, whose parents decided to let live, take a fork and as hard as you can, shove it all the way through the infants leg, to the back and out the other side. Then observe the reaction of the child. Then, imagine the reaction of a late term abortion infant. Same nerve endings. No anesthesia. No legs. No rights. That is what you are voting for.
In China organs are harvested from the living without anesthesia. How are we better?
A fetus ripped apart does not have a beating heart. At this point you really do not have to use hyperbole to get people to understand why it is wrong.

I am pro-life. I do not support abortions like this. I also do not support false narratives.
A fetus ripped apart does not have a beating heart. At this point you really do not have to use hyperbole to get people to understand why it is wrong.

I am pro-life. I do not support abortions like this. I also do not support false narratives.
Are you stating a fetus doesn’t have a beating heart?
A fetus ripped apart does not have a beating heart. At this point you really do not have to use hyperbole to get people to understand why it is wrong.

I am pro-life. I do not support abortions like this. I also do not support false narratives.
Are you stating a fetus doesn’t have a beating heart?

You know what I stated.
Just as we look back in horror at the historical practices involving child sacrifice by savage cultures, someday our society will be looked upon with the same disdain.
This is the left where things that are specifically mentioned in the Constitution as rights are not and a shit ton that are not in the document are. Leftism should be classified as a bipolar disorder.
A fetus ripped apart does not have a beating heart. At this point you really do not have to use hyperbole to get people to understand why it is wrong.

I am pro-life. I do not support abortions like this. I also do not support false narratives.
Are you stating a fetus doesn’t have a beating heart?

It was a mind numbing stupid statement
You know what I stated.
So you admit a fetus DID have a beating heart but say that "now", removed from the womb (I presume), it does not. How does what you claim make this procedure any less ghoulish and barbaric?

I never claimed it wasn't. I said I am pro-life. But you know what my argument was.

When something is wrong you do not have to lie about it for it to be wrong. When you lie about it, it makes it seem that you don't think it's wrong enough so you have to exaggerate.
I never claimed it wasn't. I said I am pro-life. But you know what my argument was.

When something is wrong you do not have to lie about it for it to be wrong. When you lie about it, it makes it seem that you don't think it's wrong enough so you have to exaggerate.
I know what your argument is and I think it's nit picking and arguing over a pointless minute detail when the far larger picture and what is done to a fetus by these seeming ghouls is the salient point.

Is the heart literally still beating as limbs are being torn off a baby's torso? I can't imagine being concerned about this detail considering the greater horrors being committed.
Do you also worry about the cold floor of the gas showers in Nazi concentration camps when naked bodies hit the floor?
I never claimed it wasn't. I said I am pro-life. But you know what my argument was.

When something is wrong you do not have to lie about it for it to be wrong. When you lie about it, it makes it seem that you don't think it's wrong enough so you have to exaggerate.
I know what your argument is and I think it's nit picking and arguing over a pointless minute detail when the far larger picture and what is done to a fetus by these seeming ghouls is the salient point.

Is the heart literally still beating as limbs are being torn off a baby's torso? I can't imagine being concerned about this detail considering the greater horrors being committed.

This is what lying does. It makes it about the lie. When people know the issue is presented by a lie they also question whether there is any truth to the rest. Later in an abortion the fetus is ripped apart to perform the abortion. Is that not bad enough? Why add the lie?

Do you also worry about the cold floor of the gas showers in Nazi concentration camps when naked bodies hit the floor?

Not when it wasn't a lie. Why should people support those who so readily lie and make excuses for those lies?
This is what lying does. It makes it about the lie. When people know the issue is presented by a lie they also question whether there is any truth to the rest. Later in an abortion the fetus is ripped apart to perform the abortion. Is that not bad enough? Why add the lie?

Not when it wasn't a lie. Why should people support those who so readily lie and make excuses for those lies?
Because I'm sure you haven't considered in your excited fired up righteousness that a lie is an intentional misstatement of fact. Is it possible this one mistake was made out of ignorance and not a malicious lie?

I'm sure most people will stop and wonder how a baby's heart is still beating as it's being dismembered but will quickly return to the pertinent issue....that an unborn baby IS indeed having it's body dismembered!

You are quick and very willing to believe the worst when you don't know the reason for a misstatement of fact.
That makes you very suspect, to say the least.
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This is what lying does. It makes it about the lie. When people know the issue is presented by a lie they also question whether there is any truth to the rest. Later in an abortion the fetus is ripped apart to perform the abortion. Is that not bad enough? Why add the lie?

Not when it wasn't a lie. Why should people support those who so readily lie and make excuses for those lies?
Because I'm sure you haven't considered in your excited fired up righteousness that a lie is an intentional misstatement of fact. Is it possible this one mistake was made out of ignorance and not a malicious lie?

I'm sure most people will stop and wonder how a baby's heart is still beating as it's being dismembered but will quickly return to the pertinent issue....that an unborn baby IS indeed having it's body dismembered!

You are quick and very willing to believe the worst when you don't know the reason for a misstatement of fact.
That makes you suspect, to say the least.

It was intentional. When you lie it makes people question everything you said.
Your point is moot.

"The nurse explained that she could not bear the thought of the baby dying alone in the soiled utility room. Stanek held the baby for the last 45 minutes of his life, saying he was too weak to move since any energy he had he was using to breathe.
Toward the end, he was so quiet I could not tell if he was still alive,” Stanek said. “I held him up to the light to see through his chest wall whether his heart was still beating. After he was pronounced dead, I folded his little arms across his chest, wrapped him in a tiny shroud and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our dead patients are taken.”

Stanek explained that Christ Hospital offered “comfort care” to babies who were born alive during these abortions, because these babies often survived for at least two hours after they were born.
Infanticide Hearing Witness Says Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ Where Aborted Babies Die

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