Tennessee Reps Justin Pearson and Justin Jones are Garbage Human Beings Underserving of Respect

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
These fine young Afrikan-Colonial American lads were expelled from the Tenn House of Representatives last week for their part in a protest on the House floor that brought official business in that chamber to its knees. Was it an "insurrection" as some are claiming? I don't think so. However, if you conclude that J6 was an insurrection, then certainly the Tenn protest must also be considered an insurrection. But I digress.

It seems like all is not as it appears with these two swashbuckling warriors of demokrissy. First, take Justin Pearson. He is the afro dude. If you go back in history a little bit you see that Mr. Pearson has not always been a afro-wearing, Black Panther-esque, proud Afrikan-American man who fearlessly fights duh power and takes on Da Man. In reality, he is from a very well-to-do family. He used to have short hair and advocated more traditionally liberal form of politics. But that was not working out for him. He was not gettin' paid. Clearly looking to the likes of race hustler kings Da Reverend Big Daddy Al Sharpton, Keeper of the Scrolls of Tawana Brawley; the esteemed Reverend Jessie "Himey town" Jackson; and the new and young Pimp of Persuasion, Big Papa Benjamin Crump, to name just three, young Justin Pearson had an epiphany. He decided to become NEGRO MAN!!!! He grew out a fly new 'Fro and adopted a bunch of dumb-shit political nonsense based on fucked up Marxist ideas that every dead head since the 1960s have been using in an attempt to "fight duh man". Then he got himself a bullhorn so he could be a street preacher. Oh, and he manufactured a southern accent and took on a voice affect of a deep south southern preacher. This would become his grift.

But since the light has recently been shined on this shit head as a result of his stunt at the Capital, his fraud has been exposed. Justin Pearson, like so many fuck-ups on the left, is faker than Megan Rapinoe's dick. AOC did the same thing. She auditioned for a role offered by Justice Democrats, took her relatively white-bread, upper middle class upbringing and created a false narrative about it. But it only works for AOC because men want to fuck her. Men probably do not want to do the same for Justin Pearson. Hell, his name alone betrays who and what he really is. "Justin" is not a black militant name. He should have changed his name to "Black Rage" or "Spade Stabbin". But he fucked up, which is totally believable because heows nothing about black militants. Hell, I could make a better black militant than him with just a can of shoe polish.

The other Black Man of TN standing up for bros and hoes in a righteous way is Justin Jones. Like his compadre, he has a shitty name for a black militant. He also has a different look. While Pearson wears a very shiek 1970s Afro, suggesting his bona fides as a true Afrikanner, Justin goes with the slick-back look. In my opinion, the slick-back look is more imposing, as it stirs visions of hot wire coat hangers and drain cleaner cocktails than a stupid afro. If I see Pearson walking toward me I laugh and make a joke about 1970 wanting their hair doo back. But when Justin Jones walks toward me on the street, I cross the fucking street ahead of him while looking over my shoulder!!

As it turns out, my gut is correct on Jones. It turns out that before this punk was elected to the state house, he was once banned from the capital for assaulting the then GOP speaker. He also pioneered the now classic move where you accuse dark skinned people of being white supremacists ( He accused a first generation Indian-American of being the "brown face of white supremacy"). In other words, this fucker is a criminal. He is prone to violence in seeking to get his way. When democracy does not work for him, then DuHH-MockrissEy will! Thus, he falls within the ranks of all the other ignorant and stupid leftist tools trying to march us off a cliff and into an authoritarian shit hole.

These are not people to be putting up on a pedestal. These are garbage people. G-A-R-B-A-G-E people. These are sub-par human beings. I would not let either one of them walk my dogs out of fear that they would steal and/or rape them (even the boy dog). This is stupid bullshit. These guys are clowns. Fuck them and their stupid leftist politics. American prosperity and the freedom to enjoy our rights and liberties should ALWAYS be the guiding principle for legislators, NOT freedom usurping laws and regulations. Plugging everyone and every aspect of life into some sort of system subject to central control leads to authoritarianism and governmental reliance.

These fine young Afrikan-Colonial American lads were expelled from the Tenn House of Representatives last week for their part in a protest on the House floor that brought official business in that chamber to its knees. Was it an "insurrection" as some are claiming? I don't think so. However, if you conclude that J6 was an insurrection, then certainly the Tenn protest must also be considered an insurrection.
But that is an incorrect comparison. The State Capitol was not closed to the public for one....... here:

"More than a 1,000 peaceful protestors rallied around Tennessee’s state Capitol on March 30 calling for more restrictive gun laws. Many made their way into the Capitol in a demonstration top Republican lawmakers have likened to “an insurrection.”

No demonstrators broke into the Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged.

But legislative business in the House was brought to a halt when three elected Democratic representatives stood at the podium with a bullhorn to lead protestors in the galleries in calls for gun reform. "

So, it wasn't the rioters, there were none, that causes the brief delay that day, it was the three lawmakers. Not a single lawmaker on Capitol Hill joined the Rioters on Jan 6th.
But that is an incorrect comparison. The State Capitol was not closed to the public for one....... here:

"More than a 1,000 peaceful protestors rallied around Tennessee’s state Capitol on March 30 calling for more restrictive gun laws. Many made their way into the Capitol in a demonstration top Republican lawmakers have likened to “an insurrection.”

No demonstrators broke into the Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged.

But legislative business in the House was brought to a halt when three elected Democratic representatives stood at the podium with a bullhorn to lead protestors in the galleries in calls for gun reform. "

So, it wasn't the rioters, there were none, that causes the brief delay that day, it was the three lawmakers. Not a single lawmaker on Capitol Hill joined the Rioters on Jan 6th.

Those three juvenile asswipes should have their butts spanked. With a Louisville Slugger.
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But that is an incorrect comparison. The State Capitol was not closed to the public for one....... here:

"More than a 1,000 peaceful protestors rallied around Tennessee’s state Capitol on March 30 calling for more restrictive gun laws. Many made their way into the Capitol in a demonstration top Republican lawmakers have likened to “an insurrection.”

No demonstrators broke into the Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged.

But legislative business in the House was brought to a halt when three elected Democratic representatives stood at the podium with a bullhorn to lead protestors in the galleries in calls for gun reform. "

So, it wasn't the rioters, there were none, that causes the brief delay that day, it was the three lawmakers. Not a single lawmaker on Capitol Hill joined the Rioters on Jan 6th.
Ok. But that was not the main point, hence my noting the digression in the post.
That one looks high AF.... probably much better suited for working at a car wash instead of "I finna lejislate"

Those three juvenile asswipes should have their butts spanked. With a Louisville Slugger.

Then I'm going to the sporting goods store
I'm gonna buy you the biggest damn Louisville slugger they got there on the rack
With a big red ribbon on it and deliver it to your door
And you know what to do with it, right?

Beat me till I'm black and blue
And and my body's bloody red
And I'll can get back up
And we'll do it all over again
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Then I'm going to the sporting goods store
I'm gonna buy you the biggest damn Louisville slugger they got there on the rack
With a big red ribbon on it and deliver it to your door
And you know what to do with it, right?

Beat me till I'm black and blue
And and my body's bloody red
And I'll can get back up
And we'll do it all over again

Blindy? Is this some sort of courtship thing? Because if it is, then I will stay out of the way.
These fine young Afrikan-Colonial American lads were expelled from the Tenn House of Representatives last week for their part in a protest on the House floor that brought official business in that chamber to its knees. Was it an "insurrection" as some are claiming? I don't think so. However, if you conclude that J6 was an insurrection, then certainly the Tenn protest must also be considered an insurrection. But I digress.

It seems like all is not as it appears with these two swashbuckling warriors of demokrissy. First, take Justin Pearson. He is the afro dude. If you go back in history a little bit you see that Mr. Pearson has not always been a afro-wearing, Black Panther-esque, proud Afrikan-American man who fearlessly fights duh power and takes on Da Man. In reality, he is from a very well-to-do family. He used to have short hair and advocated more traditionally liberal form of politics. But that was not working out for him. He was not gettin' paid. Clearly looking to the likes of race hustler kings Da Reverend Big Daddy Al Sharpton, Keeper of the Scrolls of Tawana Brawley; the esteemed Reverend Jessie "Himey town" Jackson; and the new and young Pimp of Persuasion, Big Papa Benjamin Crump, to name just three, young Justin Pearson had an epiphany. He decided to become NEGRO MAN!!!! He grew out a fly new 'Fro and adopted a bunch of dumb-shit political nonsense based on fucked up Marxist ideas that every dead head since the 1960s have been using in an attempt to "fight duh man". Then he got himself a bullhorn so he could be a street preacher. Oh, and he manufactured a southern accent and took on a voice affect of a deep south southern preacher. This would become his grift.

But since the light has recently been shined on this shit head as a result of his stunt at the Capital, his fraud has been exposed. Justin Pearson, like so many fuck-ups on the left, is faker than Megan Rapinoe's dick. AOC did the same thing. She auditioned for a role offered by Justice Democrats, took her relatively white-bread, upper middle class upbringing and created a false narrative about it. But it only works for AOC because men want to fuck her. Men probably do not want to do the same for Justin Pearson. Hell, his name alone betrays who and what he really is. "Justin" is not a black militant name. He should have changed his name to "Black Rage" or "Spade Stabbin". But he fucked up, which is totally believable because heows nothing about black militants. Hell, I could make a better black militant than him with just a can of shoe polish.

The other Black Man of TN standing up for bros and hoes in a righteous way is Justin Jones. Like his compadre, he has a shitty name for a black militant. He also has a different look. While Pearson wears a very shiek 1970s Afro, suggesting his bona fides as a true Afrikanner, Justin goes with the slick-back look. In my opinion, the slick-back look is more imposing, as it stirs visions of hot wire coat hangers and drain cleaner cocktails than a stupid afro. If I see Pearson walking toward me I laugh and make a joke about 1970 wanting their hair doo back. But when Justin Jones walks toward me on the street, I cross the fucking street ahead of him while looking over my shoulder!!

As it turns out, my gut is correct on Jones. It turns out that before this punk was elected to the state house, he was once banned from the capital for assaulting the then GOP speaker. He also pioneered the now classic move where you accuse dark skinned people of being white supremacists ( He accused a first generation Indian-American of being the "brown face of white supremacy"). In other words, this fucker is a criminal. He is prone to violence in seeking to get his way. When democracy does not work for him, then DuHH-MockrissEy will! Thus, he falls within the ranks of all the other ignorant and stupid leftist tools trying to march us off a cliff and into an authoritarian shit hole.

These are not people to be putting up on a pedestal. These are garbage people. G-A-R-B-A-G-E people. These are sub-par human beings. I would not let either one of them walk my dogs out of fear that they would steal and/or rape them (even the boy dog). This is stupid bullshit. These guys are clowns. Fuck them and their stupid leftist politics. American prosperity and the freedom to enjoy our rights and liberties should ALWAYS be the guiding principle for legislators, NOT freedom usurping laws and regulations. Plugging everyone and every aspect of life into some sort of system subject to central control leads to authoritarianism and governmental reliance.

MAGAts and their racism. :rolleyes:
Blindy? Is this some sort of courtship thing? Because if it is, then I will stay out of the way.
Nope. It's a Louisville slugger thing mostly. However, like the protesters of the 60s' who were beaten with bats, perhaps Louisville sluggers, they got back up and did it all over again. I suspect if there is Louisville slugger violence in those two's future, they will get back up and do it again.
Nope. It's a Louisville slugger thing mostly. However, like the protesters of the 60s' who were beaten with bats, perhaps Louisville sluggers, they got back up and did it all over again. I suspect if there is Louisville slugger violence in those two's future, they will get back up and do it again.
I've been to their factory....very cool. Across the street from the Frazier Arms Museum....even cooler.
lI can tell by your salty years that Make America Great Again is causing you sleepless nights. Here's what MAGA really means.
America was never not great. Unless you are a White Nationalist. Then the election of Obama was a calamity, just like the break up of the old Soviet Union was to Puti-bear.
MAGAts and their racism. :rolleyes:
These men were on the Prog Socialist drama stage. There are so many safety nets protecting them it is not funny. MLK and others had no such luxury protesting and their Ives at times were at risk. Victory was won. It's the building of African American empire that is having more of a problem from within than without y Deplorables.
But that is an incorrect comparison. The State Capitol was not closed to the public for one....... here:

"More than a 1,000 peaceful protestors rallied around Tennessee’s state Capitol on March 30 calling for more restrictive gun laws. Many made their way into the Capitol in a demonstration top Republican lawmakers have likened to “an insurrection.”

No demonstrators broke into the Capitol, no one was arrested or injured, and no property was damaged.

But legislative business in the House was brought to a halt when three elected Democratic representatives stood at the podium with a bullhorn to lead protestors in the galleries in calls for gun reform. "

So, it wasn't the rioters, there were none, that causes the brief delay that day, it was the three lawmakers. Not a single lawmaker on Capitol Hill joined the Rioters on Jan 6th.
Their team lost. Grow the fuck up.
These fine young Afrikan-Colonial American lads were expelled from the Tenn House of Representatives last week for their part in a protest on the House floor that brought official business in that chamber to its knees. Was it an "insurrection" as some are claiming? I don't think so. However, if you conclude that J6 was an insurrection, then certainly the Tenn protest must also be considered an insurrection. But I digress.

It seems like all is not as it appears with these two swashbuckling warriors of demokrissy. First, take Justin Pearson. He is the afro dude. If you go back in history a little bit you see that Mr. Pearson has not always been a afro-wearing, Black Panther-esque, proud Afrikan-American man who fearlessly fights duh power and takes on Da Man. In reality, he is from a very well-to-do family. He used to have short hair and advocated more traditionally liberal form of politics. But that was not working out for him. He was not gettin' paid. Clearly looking to the likes of race hustler kings Da Reverend Big Daddy Al Sharpton, Keeper of the Scrolls of Tawana Brawley; the esteemed Reverend Jessie "Himey town" Jackson; and the new and young Pimp of Persuasion, Big Papa Benjamin Crump, to name just three, young Justin Pearson had an epiphany. He decided to become NEGRO MAN!!!! He grew out a fly new 'Fro and adopted a bunch of dumb-shit political nonsense based on fucked up Marxist ideas that every dead head since the 1960s have been using in an attempt to "fight duh man". Then he got himself a bullhorn so he could be a street preacher. Oh, and he manufactured a southern accent and took on a voice affect of a deep south southern preacher. This would become his grift.

But since the light has recently been shined on this shit head as a result of his stunt at the Capital, his fraud has been exposed. Justin Pearson, like so many fuck-ups on the left, is faker than Megan Rapinoe's dick. AOC did the same thing. She auditioned for a role offered by Justice Democrats, took her relatively white-bread, upper middle class upbringing and created a false narrative about it. But it only works for AOC because men want to fuck her. Men probably do not want to do the same for Justin Pearson. Hell, his name alone betrays who and what he really is. "Justin" is not a black militant name. He should have changed his name to "Black Rage" or "Spade Stabbin". But he fucked up, which is totally believable because heows nothing about black militants. Hell, I could make a better black militant than him with just a can of shoe polish.

The other Black Man of TN standing up for bros and hoes in a righteous way is Justin Jones. Like his compadre, he has a shitty name for a black militant. He also has a different look. While Pearson wears a very shiek 1970s Afro, suggesting his bona fides as a true Afrikanner, Justin goes with the slick-back look. In my opinion, the slick-back look is more imposing, as it stirs visions of hot wire coat hangers and drain cleaner cocktails than a stupid afro. If I see Pearson walking toward me I laugh and make a joke about 1970 wanting their hair doo back. But when Justin Jones walks toward me on the street, I cross the fucking street ahead of him while looking over my shoulder!!

As it turns out, my gut is correct on Jones. It turns out that before this punk was elected to the state house, he was once banned from the capital for assaulting the then GOP speaker. He also pioneered the now classic move where you accuse dark skinned people of being white supremacists ( He accused a first generation Indian-American of being the "brown face of white supremacy"). In other words, this fucker is a criminal. He is prone to violence in seeking to get his way. When democracy does not work for him, then DuHH-MockrissEy will! Thus, he falls within the ranks of all the other ignorant and stupid leftist tools trying to march us off a cliff and into an authoritarian shit hole.

These are not people to be putting up on a pedestal. These are garbage people. G-A-R-B-A-G-E people. These are sub-par human beings. I would not let either one of them walk my dogs out of fear that they would steal and/or rape them (even the boy dog). This is stupid bullshit. These guys are clowns. Fuck them and their stupid leftist politics. American prosperity and the freedom to enjoy our rights and liberties should ALWAYS be the guiding principle for legislators, NOT freedom usurping laws and regulations. Plugging everyone and every aspect of life into some sort of system subject to central control leads to authoritarianism and governmental reliance.

Tell it to your klan rally you low end white piece of shit.

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