Tenn. murderer's religion is irrelevant


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.
Caring about motive is for defense attorneys. I'd rather be a prosecutor and limit myself to the facts. I'm seeking the death penalty every time, don't care if his dog beat him and his parents both thought they were the Queen of England.
Good thread. The far right can't deal with the facts or the truth.

He is a criminal first, then his religion can be worried about later.
Bush took the war to the enemy on his soil.

Obama has brought the war here and he's left us vulnerable.

Even today he has our military facilities on condition Bravo, which is simply checking I.D.s of everyone going into buildings........no weapons are allowed.

As if not having an I.D. is going to stop a terrorist.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.
There's no evidence that he was criminally insane. His motive as is always in these cases.was his religion.
The war has been on our soil since the early 1990s.

None of you guys are qualified to make a judgment about criminal insanity of the perp.

I challenge you to stay on OP.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.
There's no evidence that he was criminally insane. His motive as is always in these cases.was his religion.

Like I said, motive's of interest only to defense attorneys.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
There's a big difference between Muslim and Christian.

If there were a church, that I knew of, that was claiming Christianity, and preaching and teaching it's members to murder anyone in the name of God, I would burn that church to the ground, as would many other Christians.

Muslims do not condemn these attacks, if anything they condone them. And those who do speak out in condemnation, do nothing more than speak, they don't back up their words, not a single one of them, while a great number of Christians, would back up those words, and if that meant spending time in jail, then jail time would be spent.
Think of it this way: If religion is going to be allowed to be relevant in criminal cases, is any religion ever then an affirmitive defense? According to his interpretation of Islam, he may have been perfectly justified to attack and kill enemy soldiers. Certainly no case can be made for US Marines being 'innocent bystanders.' As a member of the religion and culture those US Marines have killed, and may have killed again can easily imagine religious arguements defending his actions.

We do the same thing. At Naval RTC way back they more or less mandated religious attendance. During which they justified killing people in the name of Christianity. So in effect, every US serviceperson is a Christian 'crusader.' As such an Islamic jihadi is completely justified killing any crusader. At least giving both faiths equal weight and credence. Still illegal, but religiously sanctioned. Unless we're going to allow religious motives to be respected in law.

Thus why it's irrelevant.
He murdered 4 people. He's a murderer. Unless we're going to make the religion of every criminal relevant, his isn't.

Wouldn't matter if he was draped in an IS flag screaming Allahu Akbar as he fired, was Timothy McVey a Christian terrorist blowing up the federal building in OKC? If not, then neither is this guy in Tennessee.

He's just a criminal. Dead criminal at that. Wanna make his religion relevant, bury him face down facing away from Mecca drenched in grain alcohol with his beard shaved.
More bullshit from the Board Perv.

Yes, D-4, his religion is relevant, very relevant.
McVey didn't kill in the name of Jesus. What nonsense Delta.

So what about a hypothetical Muslim who murders because he's clinically insane? Is his religion irrelevant then? What if he claimed some delusional Muslim group was givign him commands through his bridgework? And he obeyed and murdered people? Is he then a Muslim terrorist?

The facts here are 4 murdered people. Why he did it is irrelevant. Not gonna comfort his victims' family is he was a terrorist, or insane person, their family members are dead either way.

Only reason to make his religion relevant is for political gain.
Stick to deviancy, your "political" posts really suck.
Of course these murders can't be based on the perpetrators religion.

In all probability it was just "work place" related. You know, just like when Major Hasan killed a slew of fellow soldiers.

Religion never ever enters into violence. Unless it relates to the Christian faith if course. That eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Christian faith. Remember the Crusades?

We should know that by now.

Just because the State of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or the Muslim Brotherhood have religious titles in their names, we know because Obama told us so, that these violent radicals don't give a rats ass about religion.

They just like the "snappy" titles.

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Of course this murder can't be based on the perpetrators religion.

In all probability it was just "work place" related. You know, just like when Major Hasan killed a slew of fellow soldiers.

Religion never ever enters into violence. Unless it relates to the Christian faith. Remember the Crusades?

We should know that by now.

Just because the State of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham or the Muslim Brotherhood have religious titles in their names, we know because Obama told us so, that these violent radicals don't give a rats ass about religion.

They just like the "snappy" titles.

Many acronyms, one war, one enemy.

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