Teen Sues Parents for Cash and College Tuition. Does She Have a Case?

You want the abuse to be true to justify some need in you, not justice. All the evidence points to her lying about her father. The red flag is she lies, constantly. None of your links are relevant to this case.

No one is slut shaming her, that's just ridiculous!

Her college fund was never in question. That was one more lie you continue to embrace

The parents set that money aside. They have every right to decide where it goes and if shes being suspended from school, refuses to live by their rules, etc. They have every right to keep that money or decide to spend it elsewhere, or even save it until they believe she is mature enough for college.

but the private Catholic school is raising her tuition to keep her there. Clearly THEY feel she is worthy of support.

The school did no such thing. It was her class mates in the "Peer Ministers Club" not the school. ( the same club she was kicked out of by school officials BTW)
1st post
CaféAuLait;8742616 said:
Going off of those meds could explain a lot.

Indeed, and the people she is living with condoning such should be considered 'abuse'.

The parents certainly have grounds now to start a civil suit for immense claims for familial interference, emotional stress and damage, and so forth.

I agree. I wonder though, if the lawyer she is living with won't try to sue them since they stated their daughter got drunk at his home.
CaféAuLait;8742675 said:
The parents set that money aside. They have every right to decide where it goes and if shes being suspended from school, refuses to live by their rules, etc. They have every right to keep that money or decide to spend it elsewhere, or even save it until they believe she is mature enough for college.

but the private Catholic school is raising her tuition to keep her there. Clearly THEY feel she is worthy of support.

The school did no such thing. It was her class mates in the "Peer Ministers Club" not the school. ( the same club she was kicked out of by school officials BTW)

You mean Barb was wrong again?
Might as well spend it since those days are coming to an end.

Jake you have my permission to post my words saying lied about you..c'mon Jakey Boy.... do it.

Right here above you posted them in your own words.

Anybody can check your and my sigs for further evidence.

Your a loser, and always have been on the Board. :lol:

LOL, the difference is that mine is true and you are riding a lie :)

It's ok Jake we both know you are simply lying...again....we both know you have nothing in your sig concerning me....and we both know my link leads right to your words as posted...you better run and complain to a Mod...you are being bitch slapped again...oh yes and Wake, I fired first you are negged.
but the private Catholic school is raising her tuition to keep her there. Clearly THEY feel she is worthy of support.

Barbara, they aren't her parents.

Wake, maybe her parents are pieces of shit.

You know, I have an uncanny ability to see deeply and incisively all points of view on any issue. I can always understand why people see they way they do, and always try to bring about some semblance of understanding.

I completely agree with you Barb, and everything you have posted. But, I really don't think you are being rational though. I think your love of children has blinded you to the reality of parental rights and what, in the end, is best for this child vis-à-vis society. And believe me, I am a child advocate, I know how selfish adults can be and how they always put themselves first. In this instance, I believe it is most likely that yes, her parents have often pressured her to preform and be the best, used her as a trophy, and ignored her when it wasn't convenient for them. They are probably typical narcissistic American parents.

Every person in this nation has a right, and will always have a right to bring up their own children anyway they see fit. And God forbid the government or the law should ever try to get in between us and our children. I shudder when that day comes.

As long as parents aren't physically abusing their kids they should be left alone.

Some may say, well, they may mentally inflict pain on them. But, where would we draw that line, and who would say where it would, could and should be drawn?

The elites of this nation, the eugenicists, would love for the government to be able to raise our children. They believe that the government, and the bureaucracy knows how to do a better job at raising children than the basic unit of political control, the family. The day this does become reality, will be the day the nation ceases to exist. For more information on that, see the warning tale, A Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.

It is your contention that her parents are pieces of shit? I believe that is her contention too, is it not? And from the scant evidence we have seen in the press, I believe most posters here might agree with you, they do seem like rather self-centered, materialistic, substance abusing, shallow, conceited dirt bags. Not really much different than the bullshit I am led to believe they featured on that show, Jersey shore? Seems to be the culture in those parts, eh?

Anyway, the point is, what's the old saying?


It's too late for her now. You're right. I agree with you, they might be pieces of shit. How do I know? Because she is a piece of shit. And you ought to know that too. What kind of child does these things to their parent? No court in the land should reward/punish (depending on how you look at it) bad parenting with bad adjudicating. If her situation was really bad, why doesn't she want to go into therapy with them?

Giving her money with out learning how to follow rules, live with a family, when she has no right to it? Absurd. She is a piece of shit. She needs to build character, learn to communicate and compromise, and not have things handed to her upon demand.
5th post
When you sue it goes to court, and becomes public for all the world to see and hear...and all that entails.

The only ones who'll benefit from all this will be the lawyers.

Avoid litigation like the plague.
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Barbara, they aren't her parents.

Wake, maybe her parents are pieces of shit.

You know, I have an uncanny ability to see deeply and incisively all points of view on any issue. I can always understand why people see they way they do, and always try to bring about some semblance of understanding.

I completely agree with you Barb, and everything you have posted. But, I really don't think you are being rational though. I think your love of children has blinded you to the reality of parental rights and what, in the end, is best for this child vis-à-vis society. And believe me, I am a child advocate, I know how selfish adults can be and how they always put themselves first. In this instance, I believe it is most likely that yes, her parents have often pressured her to preform and be the best, used her as a trophy, and ignored her when it wasn't convenient for them. They are probably typical narcissistic American parents.

Every person in this nation has a right, and will always have a right to bring up their own children anyway they see fit. And God forbid the government or the law should ever try to get in between us and our children. I shudder when that day comes.

As long as parents aren't physically abusing their kids they should be left alone.

Some may say, well, they may mentally inflict pain on them. But, where would we draw that line, and who would say where it would, could and should be drawn?

The elites of this nation, the eugenicists, would love for the government to be able to raise our children. They believe that the government, and the bureaucracy knows how to do a better job at raising children than the basic unit of political control, the family. The day this does become reality, will be the day the nation ceases to exist. For more information on that, see the warning tale, A Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.

It is your contention that her parents are pieces of shit? I believe that is her contention too, is it not? And from the scant evidence we have seen in the press, I believe most posters here might agree with you, they do seem like rather self-centered, materialistic, substance abusing, shallow, conceited dirt bags. Not really much different than the bullshit I am led to believe they featured on that show, Jersey shore? Seems to be the culture in those parts, eh?

Anyway, the point is, what's the old saying?


It's too late for her now. You're right. I agree with you, they might be pieces of shit. How do I know? Because she is a piece of shit. And you ought to know that too. What kind of child does these things to their parent? No court in the land should reward/punish (depending on how you look at it) bad parenting with bad adjudicating. If her situation was really bad, why doesn't she want to go into therapy with them?

Giving her money with out learning how to follow rules, live with a family, when she has no right to it? Absurd. She is a piece of shit. She needs to build character, learn to communicate and compromise, and not have things handed to her upon demand.

Mr Beale, while I disagree with some of your conclusions, I do appreciate your willingness to see her parents as something, anything, other than the innocent victims of a bad seed.
CaféAuLait;8742675 said:
but the private Catholic school is raising her tuition to keep her there. Clearly THEY feel she is worthy of support.

The school did no such thing. It was her class mates in the "Peer Ministers Club" not the school. ( the same club she was kicked out of by school officials BTW)

You mean Barb was wrong again?

Here is the quote I linked to and referenced NJ teen suing parents for tuition in court today | NJ.com
At Morris Catholic, Kathleen Smith in the Office of Campus Ministry wrote an open letter in December calling Rachel Canning “a good person” and “one with a very bright future ahead.”

Smith said she was aware of problems between Rachel Canning and her parents and that they are no longer paying her tuition, but said she is now staying “with a wonderful family.”

Other students have been raising funds to pay her tuition, Smith said.

Rachel Canning “is still highly regarded and cared for here at Morris Catholic,” Smith wrote.

Are the other students part of the school? Are they alumna once they graduate? If you have to parse so excessively, does your argument really have merit?
10th post
CaféAuLait;8742568 said:
CaféAuLait;8742439 said:
IDK if she was committed. The court pleadings mention issue with bulimia because she was losing weight for a dance and her mother finding bags of vomit hidden in her room. Then mom and dad 'sought help' , IDK if this was in a hospital setting or not, and it also states that she is on medication for that condition...

The interesting part is her parents contend that the people she is living with are not making her take those medications as well. Something ordered by her physician sometime before this behavior started.

I care if she was committed. The wealthy and connected use the threat of that to keep free thinkers in line, and to keep those that have been abused silenced.

They used to do it to their wives, and now they do it to their children.

Jesus h CHRIST on a popsicle stick.

Are ANY of you TRULY " pro-life?

Where did you get I did not care if she had been committed?
"IDK if she was committed."

Humm? The threat to keep in her "in line" or HEALTHY and stop her towards a path of self destructive alcoholism and bulimia?

What are you going off about? I hate to say it, and I feel for your past, the issues you have stated you have gone though, I really do. But you are projecting in my opinion on this issue. Not to mention you are implying that those who are speaking against this girl are only 'right wing' with your 'pro life' comment.

Someone else said it earlier, this thread is one of the first in a very long time where left, right and middle all agree this girl is wrong.

Who is projecting? LOL. I don't care if everyone disagrees with me. I see what I see, and you can stop patting my arm about shit from the past. I'm not taking her part because of my past, although I'll admit I see what I see somewhat in relation to that, but because except for Boop, NO ONE here is even giving her a fair shot, and hasn't from the first "spoiled rich bitch" hurled in this thread.
Jake you have my permission to post my words saying lied about you..c'mon Jakey Boy.... do it.

Right here above you posted them in your own words.

Anybody can check your and my sigs for further evidence.

Your a loser, and always have been on the Board. :lol:

LOL, the difference is that mine is true and you are riding a lie :)

It's ok Jake we both know you are simply lying...again....we both know you have nothing in your sig concerning me....and we both know my link leads right to your words as posted...you better run and complain to a Mod...you are being bitch slapped again...oh yes and Wake, I fired first you are negged.

:lol: You wrote the words and are saying they are mine.

Anybody can check them, and we will continue laughing at you as you keep on trolling.
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CaféAuLait;8742683 said:
CaféAuLait;8742616 said:
Indeed, and the people she is living with condoning such should be considered 'abuse'.

The parents certainly have grounds now to start a civil suit for immense claims for familial interference, emotional stress and damage, and so forth.

I agree. I wonder though, if the lawyer she is living with won't try to sue them since they stated their daughter got drunk at his home.

Possibly. I think a court-order psych evaluation for all parties should be part of the ongoing agenda.
I truly feel sorry for you Jake :(

If that's what happened you should report me to Admin, because if that's true I had to have hacked your account.....that should be very easy for them to figure out .

You have descended into bizarre world with this one.

You have been weighed, measured and found very wanting.
CaféAuLait;8742568 said:
I care if she was committed. The wealthy and connected use the threat of that to keep free thinkers in line, and to keep those that have been abused silenced.

They used to do it to their wives, and now they do it to their children.

Jesus h CHRIST on a popsicle stick.

Are ANY of you TRULY " pro-life?

Where did you get I did not care if she had been committed?
"IDK if she was committed."

Humm? The threat to keep in her "in line" or HEALTHY and stop her towards a path of self destructive alcoholism and bulimia?

What are you going off about? I hate to say it, and I feel for your past, the issues you have stated you have gone though, I really do. But you are projecting in my opinion on this issue. Not to mention you are implying that those who are speaking against this girl are only 'right wing' with your 'pro life' comment.

Someone else said it earlier, this thread is one of the first in a very long time where left, right and middle all agree this girl is wrong.

Who is projecting? LOL. I don't care if everyone disagrees with me. I see what I see, and you can stop patting my arm about shit from the past. I'm not taking her part because of my past, although I'll admit I see what I see somewhat in relation to that, but because except for Boop, NO ONE here is even giving her a fair shot, and hasn't from the first "spoiled rich bitch" hurled in this thread.

Look up your acronyms IDK = I Don't KNOW. . How you turned that into my not caring is beyond me. Or perhaps because you have become so vested in this issue, your emotions are skewing things. Your last several posts are telling people to "fuck you and anyone who looks like you" and a bevy of other insults. Because they think someone unrelated to you is wrong. Many have given her a fair shot, but have found that her lies are skewing her side, quite a bit. I am not trying to be condescending to you at all, if that is how it came off it was not intended in that manner.

However, I see it as more than your just "seeing what you see" you are verbally attacking and people for disagreeing, and that is why I thought you might be projecting. And people have considered her side, but she was caught in outright lies in her court pleadings, something which has not been proven of the parents at this time. People have condemned the parents as well, but not for the things you believe they should, IMO.
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15th post
And her NEW demands are just making things worse:

She is now arguing that because she is obligated to be supported by her parents they had NO RIGHT to put conditions on her such as having a curfew or any other house hold rules.

“This means that they can NOT put conditions on me being at home, which they did. They can’t get out of this,” the post continues.


Public School Rachel.... your parents paid for it through taxes ( which means they were paying twice for education) and you are more than welcome to enroll there.

A sad state of affairs for those encouraging this IMO.
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CaféAuLait;8747365 said:
And her NEW demands are just making things worse:

She is now arguing that because she is obligated to be supported by her parents they had NO RIGHT to put conditions on her such as having a curfew or any other house hold rules.

“This means that they can NOT put conditions on me being at home, which they did. They can’t get out of this,” the post continues.


Public School Rachel.... your parents paid for it through taxes ( which means they were paying twice for education) and you are more than welcome to enroll there.

A sad state of affairs for those encouraging this IMO.

The large majority of replies are trashing the kid. It's a shame she just doesn't get it.

You should actually be proud of yourself bc you did something that has never been done before and will probably never happen again, you got the entire World Wide Web to agree on something! Unfortunately it's that you're outlandishly wrong, but that is still impressive

Not everyone. Some still want her to have been molested ;)
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I truly feel sorry for you Jake :(

If that's what happened you should report me to Admin, because if that's true I had to have hacked your account.....that should be very easy for them to figure out .

You have descended into bizarre world with this one.

You have been weighed, measured and found very wanting.

The parents did a bad job raising this piece of shit now they are paying the price. If the girl is to be saved at all she needs a reality beat down which she will surely get. If there is one thing you can count on it's that this little turd in a dress will do to everyone what she did to her parents.

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