Teen Sues Parents for Cash and College Tuition. Does She Have a Case?

Re read the the thread - the mob screams burn the witch.

Dramatic much?

You're just wrong about that. Not much more to say about it.

So what? You being the perfect parent should maybe recuse your self ;)

as to that suggestion


Well, sweetie, when all your angst is based on distortions, irrelevant information, proven lies and lashing out at those who feel Rachel needs help for her real troubles what other conclusion is there?

Funny thing about parenting. 90% is all about showing up. Cheerleading helps, but listening, really listening with an interested and appreciative ear keeps them coming back.

You people on this thread want to talk about entitlement, but you fail to understand the GIFT a child is, the HONOR that is bestowed on the recipient OF that gift, or that the guardianship of that life is not about it's reflection on YOU, but on what YOU did or did not do to see that the potential of this precious person was reached - that you did or did not recognize that that potential WAS precious.

THAT is the pass/fail test of parenthood.

That most of you would, given the chance, EAT your young is all too evident.

Shame ON most of you.

Yes, children are a gift. But there comes a time when they have to leave the nest. For Rachel Channing, as with most children, that time came when she refused to abide by their rules.
Barbara, they aren't her parents.

Wake, maybe her parents are pieces of shit.

Maybe they aren't.

Let's work with what we know.

We HAVEN'T been working with "what we know" though, but what Rachel's parents have, with no more say so than Rachel's word, have presented the court. So what the fuck, DUDE, where is that same, "Let's work with what we know." towards those who paint RACHEL as the devil, huh?
Dramatic much?

You're just wrong about that. Not much more to say about it.

So what? You being the perfect parent should maybe recuse your self ;)

Well, sweetie, when all your angst is based on distortions, irrelevant information, proven lies and lashing out at those who feel Rachel needs help for her real troubles what other conclusion is there?

Funny thing about parenting. 90% is all about showing up. Cheerleading helps, but listening, really listening with an interested and appreciative ear keeps them coming back.

You people on this thread want to talk about entitlement, but you fail to understand the GIFT a child is, the HONOR that is bestowed on the recipient OF that gift, or that the guardianship of that life is not about it's reflection on YOU, but on what YOU did or did not do to see that the potential of this precious person was reached - that you did or did not recognize that that potential WAS precious.

THAT is the pass/fail test of parenthood.

That most of you would, given the chance, EAT your young is all too evident.

Shame ON most of you.

Yes, children are a gift. But there comes a time when they have to leave the nest. For Rachel Channing, as with most children, that time came when she refused to abide by their rules.

So THEY say - So YOU accept with little evidence in their favor.
Funny thing about parenting. 90% is all about showing up. Cheerleading helps, but listening, really listening with an interested and appreciative ear keeps them coming back.

You people on this thread want to talk about entitlement, but you fail to understand the GIFT a child is, the HONOR that is bestowed on the recipient OF that gift, or that the guardianship of that life is not about it's reflection on YOU, but on what YOU did or did not do to see that the potential of this precious person was reached - that you did or did not recognize that that potential WAS precious.

THAT is the pass/fail test of parenthood.

That most of you would, given the chance, EAT your young is all too evident.

Shame ON most of you.

Yes, children are a gift. But there comes a time when they have to leave the nest. For Rachel Channing, as with most children, that time came when she refused to abide by their rules.

So THEY say - So YOU accept with little evidence in their favor.

Did you read the emails? The one where she wanted to shit on her mother's face? The ones that were provided as evidence in court?
Poor lying Jake, go vote for Obama again.

The girl is an idiot, Swallow is an idiot, and you are a run of the mill liar.

People are paying more for less coverage today than they were last year....you just aren't bright enough to understand that.

Continue to lie, Antaresroo, even though you confessed you made up the lie about me. :lol: (Folks check the links in the sig)

Yes, the girl is an idiot, and you are the biggest one on the Board because you helped to get your industry to the edge of the cliff in time to be pushed off.

Wow Jake, this is a stretch even for a liar like you.

YOU said you voted for Obama....everyone here knows it.

Shall I prove it for you?

And you admitted in my sigs you lied.

Step along. :lol:
No amount of trolling can prevent the truth: the girl is a wretch who has no right to expect anything from her parents.
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Wake, maybe her parents are pieces of shit.

Maybe they aren't.

Let's work with what we know.

We HAVEN'T been working with "what we know" though, but what Rachel's parents have, with no more say so than Rachel's word, have presented the court. So what the fuck, DUDE, where is that same, "Let's work with what we know." towards those who paint RACHEL as the devil, huh?

When I approach news for the first time, everyone is neutral.

Reading that a kid has the gall to sue her parents to force them to continue supporting her rebellious, 18-year-old un-dimpled hiney, does.

Let's work with actions and facts, instead of assumptions and unrelated experiences, when it comes to make assertions of fact here.
I voted for McCain and Obama.

Your industry is getting what it earned, Antares.

Tuff dat.]


Poor Jakey

And you admitted in my sigs you lied.

Step along.

Go ahead and post the proof Jake, I invite you to put it right out here for the board to see.

No reason to be vague and ambiguous, show us all.

Like you haven't, while my proof of your lies is in my sig.

You have never posted any such thing about me.

I know you are pissed that ACA is ending your life as you know it professionally, but you guys in health care insurance deserve what is coming.

That is so funny! And appropriate.
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CaféAuLait;8741872 said:
Yeah, where is that person? I didn't read about that person testifying. Is that just something else Rachel made up?

I read what her statement was about the phone call on a facebook page, I don't know if it is 100 percent true or even true at all, since it is not in the paper but this is supposedly what her certification said she heard after Rachel had to call her parents, because once again she was caught drinking and was being suspended from school:

Mom: Are you serious? What the hell? NOT this same shit AGAIN!!

Phone disconnects.

Dad: What the fuck is going on now, why are you getting kicked out of the dance, why do you keep this same old crap?

Mom: You PROMISED no more Rachel, why are you acting like a fucking spoiled brat why are you constantly lying to us!!! You said this shit was over and you keep doing exactly what you promised you would not do. I mean what the hell is going on in your head? When you do this shit and lie you hurt us you hurt your sisters...

Dad: I am putting you back in the hospital and this shit ends, now we have to come back early, we thought you were past this and had matured, that you had changed, and once again its the same fucking shit! GD!!

Since it didn't show up in court, we have to assume this is just another one of her lies. And what is this about being put "back in the hospital?" Has she been committed once already?

IDK if she was committed. The court pleadings mention issue with bulimia because she was losing weight for a dance and her mother finding bags of vomit hidden in her room. Then mom and dad 'sought help' , IDK if this was in a hospital setting or not, and it also states that she is on medication for that condition...

The interesting part is her parents contend that the people she is living with are not making her take those medications as well. Something ordered by her physician sometime before this behavior started.
Yes, children are a gift. But there comes a time when they have to leave the nest. For Rachel Channing, as with most children, that time came when she refused to abide by their rules.

So THEY say - So YOU accept with little evidence in their favor.

Did you read the emails? The one where she wanted to shit on her mother's face? The ones that were provided as evidence in court?

I did, and commented that that kind of rage does not spring from a vacuum. Did you read where her father plied her with alcohol, and on at least one of those occasions it resulted in her being black out drunk? If that was YOUR daughter, would you be comfortable with that? You're a woman? Have you ever been skeeved ut by a supposedly "innocent" sign of "affection" You're a fucking liar if you say it never happened.
And you admitted in my sigs you lied.

Step along.

Go ahead and post the proof Jake, I invite you to put it right out here for the board to see.

No reason to be vague and ambiguous, show us all.

Like you haven't, while my proof of your lies is in my sig.

You have never posted any such thing about me.

I know you are pissed that ACA is ending your life as you know it professionally, but you guys in health care insurance deserve what is coming.

That is so funny!

Post my words Jake, I posted yours.....I give you full permission to post my words saying I lied....c'mon Jakey.
Oh yes and I bought my Airline Tickets and paid for my Room at the El Cid Marina in Mazatlan today...all in cash ;)
Just keep opening Antares' links and see where they go. I give everyone permission to open my links and Antares.

CaféAuLait;8742439 said:
CaféAuLait;8741872 said:
I read what her statement was about the phone call on a facebook page, I don't know if it is 100 percent true or even true at all, since it is not in the paper but this is supposedly what her certification said she heard after Rachel had to call her parents, because once again she was caught drinking and was being suspended from school:

Since it didn't show up in court, we have to assume this is just another one of her lies. And what is this about being put "back in the hospital?" Has she been committed once already?

IDK if she was committed. The court pleadings mention issue with bulimia because she was losing weight for a dance and her mother finding bags of vomit hidden in her room. Then mom and dad 'sought help' , IDK if this was in a hospital setting or not, and it also states that she is on medication for that condition...

The interesting part is her parents contend that the people she is living with are not making her take those medications as well. Something ordered by her physician sometime before this behavior started.

Going off of those meds could explain a lot.

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