Ted Cruz you make me so sad. What were you thinking insulting an entire city of people?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.
I wish I could edit the caption. I mean that Ted Cruz insults an entire city of people.
Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL

Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL

Only a pig would draw such a disgusting cartoon, and only a pig like you would put it on an internet forum.
Ted Cruz figures he is not going to win New York if he get the Republican Nomination, but he need to remember the retired New Yorker that live in Florida that could cost him Florida in the general election...

So he need to apologize...
Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL

Only a pig would draw such a disgusting cartoon, and only a pig like you would put it on an internet forum.
Oh, come on, it's funny.

Cruz has alienated NY and he has alienated the retired NY vote in Florida.

Texans never realize that the cowboy image gets trodden in the NY dust.
Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL

Only a pig would draw such a disgusting cartoon, and only a pig like you would put it on an internet forum.

I love this cartoon because it's the truth. Rush Limbaugh hasn't taught his listeners anything, except how to LOSE elections.

The Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh and other ring wing talk show hosts along with FOX News and Donald Trump hounded Obama for 4 long years about a birth certificate. Obama finally produces one showing him born on US soil.

What does the Tea Party--supported by their leader Rush Limbaugh do next? They put up a candidate to run for POTUS that was born in CANADA--LOL. This story brought to you by the LOONEY TUNE section of politics.


Fully supported and defended by Mr. Talent on Loan from GAAAAAWWWddddd
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Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL

Only a pig would draw such a disgusting cartoon, and only a pig like you would put it on an internet forum.

Republican leaders let Rush Limbaugh dominate their party

Dear Blackrook and JakeStarkey
When I looked up the reference to this cartoon, and saw it dated back to incendiary comments
Rush Limbaugh made, referring to the law student advocating for birth control as a
"slut and prostitute who should provide videos of herself to the world"
it seems the use of oversexed references for shock value started with that exchange.

No, I don't think either the original context or the response is funny. I think it is sad that (1) people cannot resolve their issues diplomatically (2) they have to charge their language with sex for attention
Emily, it's what guys do, have always done, and will always do.

Be disappointed in us all you want.

We are used to it.

But you girls still come looking for boys.
who cares about the liberal/commies in New York having their fweeelings hurt. he apologized now get over it. they're the first ones to point and look down their noses at people in the south. so go take you FAUX outrage and slit your wrist if you're that upset. sheesh
Emily, it's what guys do, have always done, and will always do.

Be disappointed in us all you want.

We are used to it.

But you girls still come looking for boys.

So let's use our differences wisely, use them as strengths not weaknesses JakeStarkey
I just had a long unfinishing conversation with a fellow progressive Christian about how to
help all the sections of human groupings work together as an orchestra, not compete to
bully or blast each other off the stage and dominate the performance. How do we
get on the same score? We all have different roles, how can we help each other play
our respective parts correctly and in harmony, tune and balance? Not let it get out of hand and fall into chaos and discord.

We don't have to change our core beliefs or ways of expression.
But how do we coordinate between these and "manage diversity" inclusively
without conflicts escalating into bullying fights to dominate and control?

The conductor always has to tone down the brass so they don't overpower the
lighter woodwinds or flutes and clarinets. How can we better manage the human zoo?
Where we don't have foxes raiding the henhouses and monkeys falling into the lion pit.
How do we let people flourish naturally in their own habitats and serve their purpose in the greater ecosystem of life?
You have to get the group to agree to the ground rules.

Neither major political party will do anything of the sort.
You have to get the group to agree to the ground rules.

Neither major political party will do anything of the sort.

JakeStarkey I dunno, according to Boss
all citizens should be held responsible for what these mobs do in Congress.
why not with political parties?
If people ELECT these party reps and fund their campaigns,
why not hold the members responsible for what platforms these parties push
and what consequences result from bills passed through govt?

Instead of passing the buck, why not call people out for their part in it.
I wrote out a Bullring challenge for Boss
Bull Ring - Challenge to Boss on Congress, Corporations and Citizen Responsibility for Votes on federal laws
[if you review this could I please ask your help to summarize it more to something
Boss might answer to, instead of this long winding version of it]

Perhaps this approach of holding INDIVIDUALS responsible might actual get us somewhere
instead of masses of people crying victim, victim and nothing being done to stop the messes made.

Thanks JakeStarkey
Here are the minimum "ground rules" think citizens can enforce equally as corporations and govt in order to establish a uniform standard of democratic govt ethics:

If we stand around like lax parents, not bothering to police our kids because we assume
"they aren't going to listen or behave anyway" we are doing our kids and ourselves
a huge disservice. Better to stand and enforce consistent standards, and run into resistance,
than not try at all and get compliance with nothing.
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Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

I have to say, Ted Cruz has a knack for turning indifferent people into enemies. Maybe he's trying to kow-tow to values voters who see the New York media has the main source of immoral movies and TV shows, but the fact is, only a tiny minority of New Yorkers are involved in the movie and TV industry.

Most New Yorkers are just regular folks who work, pay taxes, get married, have children, grow old and die.

Ted Cruz needs to get his head out of his ass and apoligize to the people of New York.

Just my opinion, and I like Ted Cruz.

That's all the Republican party represents anymore. Divide and Separate. When they get steamed rolled and buried on Election eve--they'll wake up the next morning, turn on the right wing talk radios. Their right wing hosts will come up with some other another bullshit reason they lost, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020--LOL


Chose one or more of the reasons the GOP will use when they get embarrassed on election night 2016:

Voter Fraud
Damn Hispanics
Damn Women
Damn African Americans
Trump was a Democrat anyway
Illegals Voted
I give some credit to TheDonald for calling out the current brazen double standard held by the media and politicians.

1. It is absolutely forbidden for any Democrat to insult conservative areas.

2. It is quite acceptable and practically expected for Republicans to insult liberal areas.

This latest has some conservative heads exploding. Good conservatives are supposed to follow TheDonald as their new DearLeader, but good conservatives are also supposed to constantly scream their hatred at liberal areas. So what are they supposed to do now?
who cares about the liberal/commies in New York having their fweeelings hurt. he apologized now get over it. they're the first ones to point and look down their noses at people in the south. so go take you FAUX outrage and slit your wrist if you're that upset. sheesh
Did you believe that New Yorkers were commits on September 11, or did you merely use that tragedy for your political agenda? How many other American citizens can you afford to dismiss out of a fit of divisive ideological pique?
who cares about the liberal/commies in New York having their fweeelings hurt. he apologized now get over it. they're the first ones to point and look down their noses at people in the south. so go take you FAUX outrage and slit your wrist if you're that upset. sheesh
Did you believe that New Yorkers were commits on September 11, or did you merely use that tragedy for your political agenda? How many other American citizens can you afford to dismiss out of a fit of divisive ideological pique?

However many the radio tells her to.

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