Ted Cruz predicts anger and rage may lead to impeachment

Right, because i was being facetious in order to mock your stupid behavior. I really didn't think I needed to explain that. But I forgot for a moment the stupid company I am in.
You haven't explained how I was acting stupid and furthermore your facetious comment was a complete non sequitur
when applied to what my original point was.
White people were in the Nazi party. So what? How does that have a thing to do with the left's unwarranted belief in their own mental superiority? (unless you are comparing their belief in their intellectual superiority to the Nazi's belief in their
racial superiority...in which case I would agree: Yes, leftists are like Nazis)

In any event it's evident I am the one dealing with a dim bulb here. Not you.
You haven't explained how I was acting stupid
Of course I did, by illustration. Which went over your head. You could whine all day about bad positions smart people have taken, but it does nothing to refute the facts I mentioned that set you off.. And to think does shows an utter lack of grasp of basic logic.
Authoritarian Marxist movements are full of "educated" people who are sociopaths and morally deficient.
So? And Nazis were full of white people, whitey. What is with this 3rd grade level grasp of logic?

Black guys still figuring out how to make mud hutts?

What does your post even mean?
Squeeze your brain. Really hard. I know, my statement is very nuanced and mystifying in its dense, intellectual content. But try.

You crying?

Now I will make you really cry

You give Clinton a pass for getting blowjobs in the Oval Office
No I don't, i just made fun of your reflexive whataboutism. See what you did there? You deluded yourself into a position where you could be whiny and agitated. This seems to be a favorite hobby of yours.


you finally reached a point where you couldn't bullshit someone.

Do yourself a favor.

take a break, try your bullshit in another thread
Authoritarian Marxist movements are full of "educated" people who are sociopaths and morally deficient.
So? And Nazis were full of white people, whitey. What is with this 3rd grade level grasp of logic?

Black guys still figuring out how to make mud hutts?

What does your post even mean?
Squeeze your brain. Really hard. I know, my statement is very nuanced and mystifying in its dense, intellectual content. But try.

You crying?

Now I will make you really cry

Ha, i doubt that. Impotent little hissies like yours are a dime a dozen around here.
You give Clinton a pass for getting blowjobs in the Oval Office
No I don't, i just made fun of your reflexive whataboutism. See what you did there? You deluded yourself into a position where you could be whiny and agitated. This seems to be a favorite hobby of yours.


you finally reached a point where you couldn't bullshit someone.

Do yourself a favor.

take a break, try your bullshit in another thread
No, i made fun of you for, as you always do, having a bout of Clinton's Tourettes syndrome I response to crticism of trump. And, as all trump cultists do, you took the criticism of trump personally. I want you to think about that.
You give Clinton a pass for getting blowjobs in the Oval Office
No I don't, i just made fun of your reflexive whataboutism. See what you did there? You deluded yourself into a position where you could be whiny and agitated. This seems to be a favorite hobby of yours.


you finally reached a point where you couldn't bullshit someone.

Do yourself a favor.

take a break, try your bullshit in another thread

Exactly, he thinks he can out bullshit people.
You give Clinton a pass for getting blowjobs in the Oval Office
No I don't, i just made fun of your reflexive whataboutism. See what you did there? You deluded yourself into a position where you could be whiny and agitated. This seems to be a favorite hobby of yours.


you finally reached a point where you couldn't bullshit someone.

Do yourself a favor.

take a break, try your bullshit in another thread
No, i made fun of you for, as you always do, having a bout of Clinton's Tourettes syndrome I response to crticism of trump. And, as all trump cultists do, you took the criticism of trump personally. I want you to think about that.

We know your game .

We all have been watching you and I gave you a break.
You give Clinton a pass for getting blowjobs in the Oval Office
No I don't, i just made fun of your reflexive whataboutism. See what you did there? You deluded yourself into a position where you could be whiny and agitated. This seems to be a favorite hobby of yours.


you finally reached a point where you couldn't bullshit someone.

Do yourself a favor.

take a break, try your bullshit in another thread
No, i made fun of you for, as you always do, having a bout of Clinton's Tourettes syndrome I response to crticism of trump. And, as all trump cultists do, you took the criticism of trump personally. I want you to think about that.

Tourettes syndrome?

is that a new word for sexual predator?

and I note you still don't know the difference between an employer have sex with a subordinate, (which would get 90% or more of CEOs fired before it even went to trial), and a civilian having an affair with someone.

Odd someone with a brain as evolved as you claim yours is, can't grasp that.
Of course I did, by illustration. Which went over your head. You could whine all day about bad positions smart people have taken, but it does nothing to refute the facts I mentioned that set you off.. And to think does shows an utter lack of grasp of basic logic.
It went over my head? Nice cop out but really that's a chicken shit way of running away from your obtuse head scratching.

The fact you mentioned (white people filled the Nazi party) does nothing to save you as you were, and are, comparing apples and oranges (the left's belief in their own intellectual superiority vs. the racial make up of the Nazis). That's really stupid and an absolute non sequitur.

If you had said the left's self claimed intellectual superiority was like the Nazi's belief in their own racial superiority (as I've already pointed out) you might have had a point (albeit one that compares the left to Nazis) but you didn't and you haven't and even when I give you an out you are too dumb to take it.

The more you try to squirm away the more you are trapped by your own mistaken belief in your own supposed cleverness. When will you stop hitting yourself?
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For Trump to get out of this he is going to have to claim to be the dumbest motherfucker ever to be elected
The house is going to subpoena his tax returns, and Mueller is going to take him and his family down, but following the money. Trump is a mob boss and he has been money laundering forever and also is a huge tax evader. He also has been dangling pardons with is illegal, since he is under investigation. He is nervous as nervous can be.
Ted Cruz Predicts ‘Anger And Rage’ May Lead To Impeachment

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz told students Thursday that Democrats might move to impeach President Donald Trump now that “some of the angriest voices on the left” have been elected to the House of Representatives.

Infowars has been telling the world idiots that since Trump got in, they will stop at nothing, lie about anything just to get him impeached. They are willing to lie their asses off about him...
Test Cruz doesn't even believe the words coming out of his own mouth, here. He's just engaging in the typical "party before country" masturbation to keep himself in the news.
Ted Cruz Predicts ‘Anger And Rage’ May Lead To Impeachment

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz told students Thursday that Democrats might move to impeach President Donald Trump now that “some of the angriest voices on the left” have been elected to the House of Representatives.

Infowars has been telling the world idiots that since Trump got in, they will stop at nothing, lie about anything just to get him impeached. They are willing to lie their asses off about him...

Ted Cruz is no authority on anything, he's the smartest idiot in memory. It's claimed he has a high IQ, and maybe he does, but his Emotional Intelligence is on the level of retarded.

No one needs to make false claims about Trump, and Speaker to be again Pelosi will never put forward an Article of Impeachment; unless she believes the Senate can be convinced the President has committed a high crime which the vast majority of We the People believe he did, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Alex Jones only has credibility with conspiracy theorists, he like Limbaugh and Hannity is a worthless source for anyone interested in reality.
Not that one about Cruz. What are you? Trump's hand puppet?

Got it. You use the Christian method. Just go by the parts you like and ignore the rest. Very right wing of you.

And Louis Lerner's records are still sealed .


And Trump's tax returns are hidden.

IRS hasn't seen them?

Have they brought charges for irregularities?


Why not?

He's hiding lots of dealings with Russia that he claims doesn't exist.
Trump is going to have to convince prosecutors that he is the biggest freakin liar to ever walk the earth
Make up your mind. Is Trump credible or not.
My mind is not in doubt about this. With regard to what Trump said about Cruz he was just flinging mud and I've stated this already very clearly, your idiotic trolling notwithstanding.
Just flinging mud?

And that's OK with you? Someone smears someone else's father and it's "just flinging mud"?

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children. Rich!

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children.

Who knows?

Before he leaves office, he may teach them blowjobs are not considered sex.
Can you get pregnant from a blow job?

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