Ted Cruz predicts anger and rage may lead to impeachment

Make up your mind. Is Trump credible or not.
My mind is not in doubt about this. With regard to what Trump said about Cruz he was just flinging mud and I've stated this already very clearly, your idiotic trolling notwithstanding.
Just flinging mud?

And that's OK with you? Someone smears someone else's father and it's "just flinging mud"?

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children. Rich!

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children.

Who knows?

Before he leaves office, he may teach them blowjobs are not considered sex.
Can you get pregnant from a blow job?
Not that I've heard of...

you should be safe
If the Democrats drag the nation through a stupid impeachment that goes nowhere, the American people will punish them in 2020 with more Republican victories.

Who are the "American people"?? So you only consider the Cons American people?? Fox does that too. The right wingers are always saying WE and we know who they mean.

It’s pretty simple, Marxists are not “American” ideologically speaking.
Those who hit the ignore button are pussies
That's what trolls tell people to keep themselves entertained, it looks like.
I simply won't indulge idiots like your friend anymore after playing the same game post after post after post.

You call it what you like. I really couldn't care less.
Oh, woe! I fear I have fallen in your estimation.
Like I should waste my time dealing with an adolescent moron? You may fuck off also.
Those who hit the ignore button are pussies

Forget it. I wish I had a dollar for each RWNJ who claimed to put me on ignore, but still responded to my posts regularly. They lie about everything. What makes you think they are truthful about that?
Ted Cruz Predicts ‘Anger And Rage’ May Lead To Impeachment

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz told students Thursday that Democrats might move to impeach President Donald Trump now that “some of the angriest voices on the left” have been elected to the House of Representatives.

Infowars has been telling the world idiots that since Trump got in, they will stop at nothing, lie about anything just to get him impeached. They are willing to lie their asses off about him...

When has teddy ever told the truth about anything, conspiracy freak?
Make up your mind. Is Trump credible or not.
My mind is not in doubt about this. With regard to what Trump said about Cruz he was just flinging mud and I've stated this already very clearly, your idiotic trolling notwithstanding.
Just flinging mud?

And that's OK with you? Someone smears someone else's father and it's "just flinging mud"?

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children. Rich!

And now Trump is the moral and spiritual leader of the Republican Party. A role model for their children.

Who knows?

Before he leaves office, he may teach them blowjobs are not considered sex.
Can you get pregnant from a blow job?
If so you'd have an entire schoolhouse.

When has teddy ever told the truth about anything, conspiracy freak?

When has Grand Inquisitor Torquemada? He lied for years with the Anthrax case so that he could imprison an innocent man.

Now the fucker commits a dozen felonies a week with his constant leaks to the leftist press. And you gutter scum praise him for it. The putrid fuck leaked the Presidents answers within hours. Like he had the CNN traitors waiting in his office, which he probably did. Mewler-Torquemada is as corrupt as they come.

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