Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

I respectfully disagree. Republicans win when they run and act like FISCAL CONSERVATIVES. We already have a party for tax and spend, big gov't, nanny state liberals, and bed wetters...it starts with a D.

I'd rather lose in Delaware and send the message that needs to be sent to the RNC "no more RINO'S!!!!!"

Get it????


But they'll never get it.

Oh they're going to get it alright. Have you seen the look on some of these Republican rino's faces on Fox tonight--like Carl Rove. It's almost histerical.

Now that's what I call "shock and awe"-: l:lol:

This along with what has been going on in the Republican primaries across this nation is a major slap in the face---a wake up call to the RNC in this country.

So what LIBERAL on this board--still thinks the Tea Party in this country is just an extension--aka "astro-turf" of the Republican party? You have been proven WRONG.

Actually as far as the tea party I think it started that way. I believe in the beginning the republicans promoted and hoped that the tea party would prosper so they could use it to regain power but then as it is with most monstrous creations it turned on them and they have no conrtol over it.

They have only themselves to blame. LOL

But they'll never get it.

Oh they're going to get it alright. Have you seen the look on some of these Republican rino's faces on Fox tonight--like Carl Rove. It's almost histerical.

Now that's what I call "shock and awe"-: l:lol:

This along with what has been going on in the Republican primaries across this nation is a major slap in the face---a wake up call to the RNC in this country.

So what LIBERAL on this board--still thinks the Tea Party in this country is just an extension--aka "astro-turf" of the Republican party? You have been proven WRONG.

Actually as far as the tea party I think it started that way. I believe in the beginning the republicans promoted and hoped that the tea party would prosper so they could use it to regain power but then as it is with most monstrous creations it turned on them and they have no conrtol over it.

They have only themselves to blame. LOL

This is a pretty good analogy. I also recall Repubs initially wetting themselves over the possiblity that the two parties may become one. Some even went so far as to say that THEY would like to Join the Tea Party.

This concept has yet to find a home in reality, but it's clear that the Repubs had better either help, or STFU and get out of the way.
O'Donnell leading in Delaware......

Setting up another win for Democrats in a previously unwinnable seat

We memebrs of the republican party do not want anything that looks like a liberal democrat. you can have them.

That is exactly what is happening. The notion that, "I am right and you are wrong and if you don't agree with me you can leave" is a very dangerous. It could spell the eventural death of the Republican Party. Short term, they may see benefits, but long term it could be disasterous.

GOPUSA » Fresh Ink » O'Donnell wins Delaware, GOP freaks out
O'Donnell leading in Delaware......

Setting up another win for Democrats in a previously unwinnable seat

We memebrs of the republican party do not want anything that looks like a liberal democrat. you can have them.

That is exactly what is happening. The notion that, "I am right and you are wrong and if you don't agree with me you can leave" is a very dangerous. It could spell the eventural death of the Republican Party. Short term, they may see benefits, but long term it could be disasterous.

GOPUSA » Fresh Ink » O'Donnell wins Delaware, GOP freaks out


What then is the very definition of a Republican political party?

Does it go something like this for you:

"I am right and you are wrong, but we can pretend to agree until after the election: Then I'll vote for things you want that are wrong, and you can vote for things I want that are wrong, and then when nothing works we can blame Democrats?"
There is a Revolution going on in the Republican Party and personally i love it. The time has finally come to wave bye bye to the phony Neocon Check-Pant Republicans. Obviously they're not going quietly but they are going and that's all that counts. The Republicans are weeding their frauds out and they may suffer initially for doing this but they will win in the end. Most are completely sick of them being the Democratic Party-Light. I think many were getting a little too over-optimistic about these coming elections anyway. The Republicans will make some gains but i'm not sure how much they will gain. Whatever gains they do make will be made by real Conservatives though. I would much rather make some modest gains with real Conservatives than make massive gains with mostly Neocon frauds.

So Republicans will have to lower their expectations for November. This isn't so bad though. The Republicans are finally making desperately necessary changes and this will likely cause some initial pain. However these necessary changes will be a good thing for the party in the future. No more George Bush's,John McCain's,Arlen Specter's,Charlie Crist's,and all the other phonies that have practically destroyed the party. These phonies have already brought the party to its knees anyway. Can it really get any worse? Look at where the Republican Party has been these last four years. It will getter better in the future and it will get better with real Conservatives. I'm willing to suffer some losses initially to make real gains in the future. So on with the Revolution and damn the consequences! Make 2010 count people.
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apparently the tea party appeals to most rep. ( except the bozos in DC) cons and indys.....and thats the key.

If the indys decided to jump, then the tea party there fore perhaps the reps will be back in hot water.

And, so it goes......
Yea i'll take some modest gains for Republicans with real Conservatives over massive gains with more phony Neocons. I also don't think it's nearly the Gloom & Doom the Liberal MSM and the establishment Check-Pant Republicans are making it out to be. Sometimes you have to stand on principles. So you don't win as many elections a you thought? That really isn't the end of the world. The George Bush/Arlen Specter phonies have already brought the Republican Party to its knees. So can things really get any worse. Just look at these last four years for the Republican Party. Things will get better and they'll get better with real & honorable Conservatives. Ok so there wont be massive gains but there will be gains. It's a start. This Revolution is necessary for the overall future survival of the Republican Party. Being the Democrat-Light Party just ain't gonna cut it anymore. The People have spoken.
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GOP Rep. Mike Castle had been heavily favored to win but Christine O’Donnell from the ‘Tea-Party’ won handily.

“But with O'Donnell's come-from-nowhere win Tuesday night, top Republicans in Washington now see virtually no chance the GOP will be able to pick up the Delaware seat this fall. As a result, they admit their already slim chance of winning back Republican control of the Senate is likely dead.” END QUOTE

O’Donnell now must face Dem. Chris Coons and trails him by 16 points. A GOP official says that the party will put no money into this race.

There are eight ‘Tea Party’ endorsed candidates that have won in the primaries nationwide. This spells doom for the Republican Party’s hopes of recapturing the Senate in November because these candidates now must move toward the middle in order to win anything, and they never will. OTOH, the majority of American voters will never vote for any hard right radicals in an election. The 'Tea-Party' will go down in defeat in the bigger, more liberally financed campaigns.​

see: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot...ing-the-senate
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.

Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.

Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?

Sorry, DICK... Not true....

NRSC NRSC Chairman Cornyn?s Statement On Delaware Senate Race
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.

Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?

What does that make all the Democrats who voted for Rangel on Tuesday?
Less really is More in this case. The Republican Check-Pant establishment isn't going to fully support these new real Conservative candidates therefore less Republicans will likely win in November. This really isn't so bad though. You will have less Republicans winning overall but you will have more real Conservatives in your Congress. The Republicans who do win in November will be real Conservatives as opposed to the usual phony Check-Pants. Personally i can live with that. Just continue weeding the phonies out and the Democrat-Light days will be over forever. People may have to lower their expectations for this November but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Less really is More in this case.
Oh they're going to get it alright. Have you seen the look on some of these Republican rino's faces on Fox tonight--like Carl Rove. It's almost histerical.

Now that's what I call "shock and awe"-: l:lol:

This along with what has been going on in the Republican primaries across this nation is a major slap in the face---a wake up call to the RNC in this country.

So what LIBERAL on this board--still thinks the Tea Party in this country is just an extension--aka "astro-turf" of the Republican party? You have been proven WRONG.

Actually as far as the tea party I think it started that way. I believe in the beginning the republicans promoted and hoped that the tea party would prosper so they could use it to regain power but then as it is with most monstrous creations it turned on them and they have no conrtol over it.

They have only themselves to blame. LOL

This is a pretty good analogy. I also recall Repubs initially wetting themselves over the possiblity that the two parties may become one. Some even went so far as to say that THEY would like to Join the Tea Party.

This concept has yet to find a home in reality, but it's clear that the Repubs had better either help, or STFU and get out of the way.


When will they ever learn?


When you vote vote for your beliefs not your party

O'Donnell leading in Delaware......

Setting up another win for Democrats in a previously unwinnable seat

We memebrs of the republican party do not want anything that looks like a liberal democrat. you can have them.

That is exactly what is happening. The notion that, "I am right and you are wrong and if you don't agree with me you can leave" is a very dangerous. It could spell the eventural death of the Republican Party. Short term, they may see benefits, but long term it could be disasterous.

GOPUSA » Fresh Ink » O'Donnell wins Delaware, GOP freaks out

Hoprseshit. So you think what is in control of the government right now is correct?
Don't you get it this isn't just a wake up call for the Republican party it's a wake up call for the whole damn Government. Do you understand what the word RINO means? Those people who have lost that ran on the Repoublican ticket lost because they were more liberal then Conservative. We are getting rid of the RINO'S to get rid of the liberals in the Government Who cares about any party I am more fucking concerned with the country.
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I must say that i was ecstatic when i saw how much Karl Rove dislikes O'Donnell. I wanted to whip out my checkbook right away for her. If a phony Neocon Check Pant goon like Roves dislikes her,you know she's the right choice. Go get em O'Donnell! :)
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.

Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?

Sorry, DICK... Not true....

NRSC NRSC Chairman Cornyn?s Statement On Delaware Senate Race

I guess Byron York got bad info:

Just moments after winning a smashing victory over Delaware political powerhouse and former shoo-in Rep. Mike Castle, O'Donnell got word from the National Republican Senatorial Committee in Washington: the party doesn't consider her a competitive candidate and won't be sending any money to help her in the general election campaign against Democrat Chris Coons. If O'Donnell can pull within a few points of Coons, party bosses hinted, then maybe they'll reconsider.

Actually, O'Donnell didn't get the word directly; it came through reports in the press. When a reporter asked her whether she had gotten a call from Sen. John Cornyn, who runs the NRSC, O'Donnell diplomatically answered that she didn't have her cell phone with her.​

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Christine O'Donnell gives GOP establishment a thumpin' | Washington Examiner

I wonder what changed their minds about supporting this fruitcake?

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