Team Mitt Channels Crazy Old Uncle Newt: Wingnutty Outrage - Polish Style

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Team Mitt Channels Crazy Old Uncle Newt: Wingnutty Outrage - Polish Style

Dante misses Crazy Old Uncle Newt, running around from news outlet to corner news stand, yelling out "I'm appalled! Appalled I tell you." over some pedestrian political issues, or some made-up, faux incident of liberal disrespect towards his Newteenian vision of America.

Now we have Team Willard (Mitt's true rat-faced name) feeling unloved because of the media spotlight on Mitt's Faux Pas World Tour:

CNN: "Governor Romney just a few questions sir, you haven't taken but three questions on this trip from the press!

Gorka: "Show some respect"

NYT: "We haven't had another chance to ask a question..."

Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

Moments later, Gorka told Jonathan Martin, a reporter for Politico, to "shove it."


Mitt Romney aide tells reporters to ‘kiss my ass’ and ‘shove it’
on Polish leg of the Republican’s overseas trip

Romney aide loses cool, curses at press
in Poland

warning: reader beware. one story is linked to CNN, sister suck site of FOX News (Breaking News: Obamacare Ruled unConstitutional!)


What is it with the Republican candidates these past few years? Has hanging around the Tea Party Terrorists turned all GOPers into babbling imbeciles?


Kiss My Ass and Shove It!

Romney Campaign Slogan: America Can Kiss My Ass and Shove It!
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We have this whiney bullshit from Team Willard (Mitt) and we had this...

Says a guy who voted for someone who never ran so much as a Girl Scout Troop before making him Leader of the Free World.


“At every level, this trip has shown more of how Mitt Romney is not ready for the Oval Office,” Emanuel said in an interview in his City Hall office, adding that he didn't "understand the political or intellectual basis" for the comment.

“Part of America’s role is to be seen as between the Israelis and the Palestinians as somebody that can be an honest broker. Mitt Romney just showed that under his administration he would never be able to assume that role for the United States.”

Romney's campaign had said the candidate's travels would be a chance to "learn and listen," not a vehicle for major foreign policy proposals. Emanuel's assessment nearly a week in: “I don’t know how he’ll handle the head of state job. He’s made a mess of being a tourist.”

Emanuel: Romney 'made a mess of being a tourist' -


and we have had members here @ USMB accuse Dante and others of lying when it was pointed out Mitt rarely takes questions from the press/media (outside of FOX News).

good gawd, wake up this man is unfit to serve.

Romney Campaign Slogan: America Can Kiss My Ass and Shove It!
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