Teaching Kids About Climate Change


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
Just plant trees-I did.
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
I agree with you, the simple points you listed would a great Grade school addition--it would provide a good base.
(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.
Before we teach this we need to show that it is infact actually a problem. Current empirical evidence says it is not and the hype is unwarranted.
How do you control farm animals and get them to go where you want them to go?.....scare them.....the young ones run first....
Global warming is a hoax. That's what they need to know
Tell that to Gretta. She will lay you out cold like she did to the so called world "leaders " at the UN

Greta Thunberg To World Leaders At UN Climate Summit: 'How Dare You!' | HuffPost

Teen activist Greta Thunberg delivered a powerful rebuke to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, accusing them of turning a blind eye to global climate problems in exchange for profits and temporary economic growth.

“I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old Swede said while appearing to fight back tears.
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
All horseshit! YOU can come up with all sorts of junk science in your feeble attempt to deny the facts.....but I'll bet that you can't answer this simple question. If the science that shows that climate change is real is so faulty, why the fuck is that Trump administration so afraid of it? Why is the EPA, at Trumps direction, silencing career scientists who have devoted their life work to fighting for clean air and water, and who are warning against rising sea levels. You would think that if the deniers were so damned sure of themselves, they would welcome an honest debate but they don't


Muzzling EPA scientists won’t do anything to address climate change,” he said. “While the Trump administration tries to suppress the facts, the American people are seeing and feeling the real world impacts. We need to work on a bipartisan basis to reduce pollution and emissions, and this type of hostility toward science inhibits rather than furthers discussion and action.”

About 30 people outside the meeting Monday to protest the EPA’s actions. They carried signs including “Ungag the EPA” and “Science not silence.”
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The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
The silenced: meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by Trump


Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science – and why they won’t stay quiet

by Oliver Milman
"Climate Change" has nothing to do with air pollution. Anyone claiming otherwise is a fraud.

Rising sea levels? Horse shit. The claims are basically, "Well, we haven't seen anything yet, but JUST YOU WAIT!!!" Any harms due to rising sea levels can be mitigated in real time. Does anybody really think that Venice will be allowed to sink into the sea? New York? Hong Kong? Ridiculous.

Silencing "scientists"? "Scientists" disagree. You don't let employees spout views that contradict the official company line. Do you think the Obamites allowed scientists who denigrated the alarmists to publish? No. They silenced them.
Global warming is a hoax. That's what they need to know
Tell that to Gretta. She will lay you out cold like she did to the so called world "leaders " at the UN

Greta Thunberg To World Leaders At UN Climate Summit: 'How Dare You!' | HuffPost

Teen activist Greta Thunberg delivered a powerful rebuke to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, accusing them of turning a blind eye to global climate problems in exchange for profits and temporary economic growth.

“I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old Swede said while appearing to fight back tears.
Like many teenagers Greta is stuffed with her own self importance. No one comes to her for hope. She is filled with teen age angst not hope. She needs to go home and get laid by her boyfriend. You have stolen my dreams. Ohhh the draaammmmaaa. It's hormones give her a hanky and a candy bar
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
The silenced: meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by Trump


Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science – and why they won’t stay quiet

by Oliver Milman
And every one is a far left climate fool.... Or is it Tool... You really need to look at their science before you believe any of these people.
Global warming is a hoax. That's what they need to know
Tell that to Gretta. She will lay you out cold like she did to the so called world "leaders " at the UN

Greta Thunberg To World Leaders At UN Climate Summit: 'How Dare You!' | HuffPost

Teen activist Greta Thunberg delivered a powerful rebuke to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, accusing them of turning a blind eye to global climate problems in exchange for profits and temporary economic growth.

“I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old Swede said while appearing to fight back tears.
Like many teenagers Greta is stuffed with her own self importance. No one comes to her for hope. She is filled with teen age angst not hope. She needs to go home and get laid by her boyfriend. You have stolen my dreams. Ohhh the draaammmmaaa. It's hormones give her a hanky and a candy bar

Tragically, she is drama on Asperger's, by her own admission. IOW she has herself a little perseveration which her own family does not have the good sense to tolerate in relative obscurity. As they should.
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
The silenced: meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by Trump


Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science – and why they won’t stay quiet

by Oliver Milman
And every one is a far left climate fool.... Or is it Tool... You really need to look at their science before you believe any of these people.
Far left? Really? How do you know that? You don't . You just decided that based on the fact that you don't like what they are saying. Admit it. They are career scientists and not driven by politics.

I did look at the science, You need to look at their stories. Again I ask, if their science is so faulty, why try to silence them rather that having an honest and open debate on the issue. Why is the Trump administration afraid of them?
Trump Trolling Tuesday. “Much to my surprise, the little Swedish climate brat became even more tedious as Monday wore on. We’ve not been subjected to that kind of ubiquity on social media since the last time Hillary Clinton was caught fondling a mango at Whole Foods by one of her ‘neighbors’.”
Trump Trolling Tuesday. “Much to my surprise, the little Swedish climate brat became even more tedious as Monday wore on. We’ve not been subjected to that kind of ubiquity on social media since the last time Hillary Clinton was caught fondling a mango at Whole Foods by one of her ‘neighbors’.”
You should have more respect for your betters, both Gretta and Clinton. Now lets see if you can come up with something intelligent and appropriate.

Why do the American people get blamed for creating climate change when a bad storm wreaks havoc on an area but we don't get credit for good weather when bumper crops come in?...its always bad...why are climate changes always a bad thing and never a good thing? Why do we always over look great weather and only focus on the bad weather?...maybe it has nothing to do with climate or weather but it has to do with global governance and an end to capitalism....
Global warming is a hoax. That's what they need to know
Tell that to Gretta. She will lay you out cold like she did to the so called world "leaders " at the UN

Greta Thunberg To World Leaders At UN Climate Summit: 'How Dare You!' | HuffPost

Teen activist Greta Thunberg delivered a powerful rebuke to world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, accusing them of turning a blind eye to global climate problems in exchange for profits and temporary economic growth.

“I shouldn’t be standing here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to me for hope? How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old Swede said while appearing to fight back tears.
For heavens sake, we're now listening to 16 yr olds on scientific issues? Read the first paragraph they attribute to her.....

"“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"

"People are suffering. People are dying." From an increase of 120 ppm of CO2? Huh? Where? Go to Africa and tell me how many people are suffering and dying because they don't have electricity. I'm betting more than are dying from a small increase in a trace gas. A mass extinction, again, because of CO2? Huh?

To me this is the real travesty of the CO2 freakout, we're ignoring other real environmental issues because of it.
The recent student demonstrations about Climate Change brought predictable reactions from the political Left and Right. The Right attributed the demonstrations to children being brainwashed by Leftist teachers, and the Left commended the little darlings for speaking out about a vital crisis, potentially impacting all of humanity.


But shouldn't it be possible to develop a basic set of "things" that students ought to be taught on this subject, without muddying the water with hyperbole, exaggerations, unhealthy dismissiveness, political agendae, and so forth?

(1) The climate is gradually changing now, as it always does. It is slowly getting warmer, and human activity is accelerating the process. The human emissions that are most contributory to the "greenhouse effect" are well known, and controllable to some extent.

(2) The extent and impacts of the future climate changes over a given period of years is a matter of considerable debate. Projections of the past 50 years have been uniformly exaggerated, most conspicuously the melting of polar icecaps, rising of sea levels, and the incidence of severe weather events, none of which is actually borne out by the available data.

(3) Climate change will be long-lasting and very gradual. Most will be dealt with through engineering solutions (sea walls, desalination, irrigation, etc.), and in the worst cases, movement of populations away from vulnerable, sea-level habitations. No one's home will be swept away overnight due to rising seas. They will have moved long before that is even possible.

(4) Much of the activity that generates "greenhouse gases" can be reduced or eliminated with known measures, however, there are many greenhouse-gas-generating activities such as transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that would require major upheavals and changes to life activities to reduce significantly.

(5) Some geographical areas will benefit from a warming climate, some will see little difference, and some will be harmed significantly. It would be beneficial to examine all three for future planning.

(6) Don't believe everything you hear or read. Many, if not most, people spreading the story of Climate Change have a political agenda that affects the information they distribute. Do your own research, and look for actual data and not opinions.

(7) No Americans living today will die from the effects of Climate Change. Don't worry about it.
The silenced: meet the climate whistleblowers muzzled by Trump


Six whistleblowers and ex-government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury climate science – and why they won’t stay quiet

by Oliver Milman
Six unhappy bureaucrats is nothing compared to the vilification of any scientist that dares to speak their mind in opposition to the climate change industrial complex.
Trump Trolling Tuesday. “Much to my surprise, the little Swedish climate brat became even more tedious as Monday wore on. We’ve not been subjected to that kind of ubiquity on social media since the last time Hillary Clinton was caught fondling a mango at Whole Foods by one of her ‘neighbors’.”
You should have more respect for your betters, both Gretta and Clinton. Now lets see if you can come up with something intelligent and appropriate.

The Left's exploitation of her is child abuse.

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